SCCBC Archives - Hilary Term 2001

Last updated: 12th May, 2001

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1st April
"Henley" Boat Races (held at Nottingham due to river conditions)
Osiris (incl. Floss Williams) beat Blondie, easily.
OUWLRC (incl. Helen Barnes m.96) lost to CUWLRC by 3 lengths.
Photos: Stands, OUWBC Boating, Emily W & Floss, Floss

24th March
The Boat Race
Cambridge won both the Boat Race and the Isis-Goldie race.
The OUBC stroke was Matt Smith, Hampton School & St Catherine's, reading Biological Sciences.
The race umpire was RS Vice-President, Rupert Obholzer, '91 OUBC Stroke, Hampton School & St Catherine's, read Biological Sciences.

20th March

17th March
Head of the River Race
Various Catz students and alumni in action (let me know if I missed anyone).

3rd March
Rowing Society Dinner
(The boat that was 'trashed' was How Cold My Toes, bought in 1978 but which, sadly, had been rotting away in the Car Park for the past couple of years. Speaking as someone who'd rowed in that boat, I'm glad it had this one final moment of glory - AD)
Ex-Women's Captains (photo from Caroline Trotter) From the left, Adrienne Gumm (Captain 95/96), Em Thomas (96/97), Caroline Trotter (97/98), Emily Woodeson (98/99), Sarah Boddy (99/00), Laura Goodsir (00/01).

3rd March
Women's Eights Head of the River Race
Various Catz students and alumnae in action.

28th February - 3rd March
Messages from Alumni

19th February
Matt Smith selected for OUBC
Florence Williams selected for Osiris

5th February

28th January
Helen Barnes (M.96) selected for OUWLRC.

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