SCCBC - Captains' Reports HT2007

Men's Boat Club

Malcolm Spencer, Men's Captain
[Malcolm Spencer]
Malcolm Spencer, Men's Captain

Another term, another frustrating state of affairs with the state of the river conditions in Oxford. It was with great disappointment we bore witness to the cancellation of each successive day of Torpids before our boats could reach the bung lines. Thus the headship for the girls will have to wait for one more year, while the mens rapid rise through division one also took a temporary reprieve.

Still the term was not completely without its racing with both the mens and womens crews entering Bedford Head for what was thought to be a build up to the terms bumps racing. The men entered two coxed fours in the novice and senior four divisions, posting some strong times. In the senior division they were just one second from the fastest time, with the novice division boat then posting a time two seconds quicker, which would have put them at the head of senior four. However both boats noted with satisfaction that with their times they had managed to outpace our namesakes in Cambridge University.

Off the water, this term as tradition dictates witnessed the formation of next years committee. With Tim Monger-Godfrey taking the Mens Captain position and James Dunbar Treasurer amongst the men the club looks to be in safe hands for another year. It was pleasing to note that even after the difficult conditions this year there has been such a strong commitment amongst the new intake with many running for committee positions. The club this year could not have run without the support and dedication of its members and this trend looks set to continue.

Eyes are now focused on the coming term and what is hoped will be a thrilling (and complete) Summer Eights program. For Easter vacation we have a weeks training camp planned before the term commences to offer the opportunity to recover some of the water time lost thus far this year. In addition we are hoping to return to Bedford Regatta looking to repeat some of the success enjoyed last year across the club. Finally Trinity term will also see the return of those members of St Catherines who have spent the past two terms with the University Squads. At this stage then a sense of optimism is once more possible; all eager to get back on the water after so many false starts, the coming months will hopefully provide a more positive report of proceedings.

Women's Boat Club

Bianca Rautenbach, Women's Captain
[Bianca Rautenbach]
Bianca Rautenbach, Women's Captain

This term has not been an easy one, but whenever the club was given the opportunity, it really shined. It all started with a week training camp before term started, during which we were unable to get on the water at all, we worked hard on our fitness and the girls really started to bond as a team. The term was a matter as doing the most we could when the weather was on our side, and when the rain came we did many many circuits and weights sessions.

We got the oppotunity to put our hard work into action with Bedford Head, where the girls did extremely well. We entered one eight and raced it twice, I think our performance put the fear in the other colleges that competed, our times equalling that of Queens College, placed 2nd on the river for Torpids. Our success was repeated when we took part in the Isis Winter league, and came 2nd, beating Oriel who are currently head of the river in Torpids. Our hopes where high in the weeks heading up to Eights as we knew there was a good chance we were going to move up from 3rd on the river, and might be taking home the headship blades.

Sadly we were unable to follow through as the red flag raised, and Torpids was cancelled. So although dissapointed, I am very proud of our success this term, and I think we have a firm grounding for a legendary summer eights.