Impact Factors

The table below shows the impact factor taken from Web of Science for journals in the EODG research topics.

Journal12/04/201320/02/2015 13/04/2017 21/04/2019
Nature 36.23542.351 ⇑38.138 ⇓ 41.577 ⇑
Science32.45231.477 ⇓34.661 ⇑ 41.058 ⇑
Nature Geoscience11.9211.668 ⇓12.508 ⇑ 14.391 ⇑
Carbon6.0086.160 ⇑6.198 ⇑ 7.082 ⇑
Remote Sensing Of Environment5.2764.769 ⇓5.881 ⇑ 6.457 ⇑
Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics5.6335.298 ⇓5.114 ⇓ 5.509 ⇑
Geophysical Research Letters3.7594.456 ⇑4.212 ⇓ 4.339 ⇑
Atmospheric Environment3.7423.062 ⇓3.459 ⇑ 3.708 ⇑
Journal Of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres3.4413.440 ⇓3.318 ⇓ 3.380 ⇑
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques3.7423.206 ⇓2.989 ⇓ 3.248 ⇑
Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society2.9115.131 ⇑3.669 ⇓ 2.978 ⇓
Journal Of Quantitative Spectroscopy And Radiative Transfer2.1782.288 ⇑2.259 ⇓ 2.600 ⇑
Aerosol Science And Technology2.9253.155 ⇑1.953 ⇓ 2.000 ⇑
Applied Optics1.7891.649 ⇓1.598 ⇓ 1.791 ⇑