MIPAS-related studies at Oxford
- Non-LTE model validation using MIPAS high altitude spectra
(Tech Note,
Jul 2008)
- Comparison of day/ngt differences in MIPAS MA mode spectra with
predicted differences using the same non-LTE model data that was also
used to create the error spectra used in the microwindow selection
- contact: Luis Millan Valle
- Altitude offsets in the sideways-viewing mode during
the 2008 Teresina campaign
(Tech Note, June 2008)
- Analysis of the L1B pointing offsets during sideways viewing observations
- contact: Joanne Walker.
- Measurement of Stratospheric CFCs
(MPhys Project, May 2008, Andrew Mining,
Queen's College)
- An analysis of the expected signatures of various CFCs,HCFCs,HFCs in MIPAS
spectra and an estimate of the random error from a retrieval
- UT/LS Retrievals from Satellite Limb Sounding (NERC D.Phil project,
2003, Mark Parrington)
- Comparison of the capabilities of
MIPAS in retrieving water vapour and ozone in the Upper Tropospher/Lower
Stratosphere region.
supervisors: Clive Rodgers,
John Remedios
(U.Leicester) and
Brian Kerridge (RAL).
- Measurements of Acetone
in the Upper Troposphere (NERC D.Phil project)
Investigating the detection and retrieval of acetone in the upper
troposphere using data from the MIPAS balloon instrument
and new laboratory measurements of acetone infrared absorption
- contact: Alison Waterfall,
supervisors: Clive Rodgers and
John Remedios
- Retrieval of Atmospheric Composition from the MIPAS
Satellite (NERC D.Phil project)
- Retrieval and Validation of CH4 and H2O from MIPAS using the Oxford
processing scheme.
- contact: Vivienne Payne,
supervisors: Anu Dudhia and
Don Grainger
- Retrieval of Atmospheric Composition from the MIPAS
Satellite (NERC D.Phil project)
- Retrieval and Validation of [tbd] minor species using the Oxford
processing scheme.
- contact: Alastair Burgess,
supervisors: Anu Dudhia and
Don Grainger
- ClO Retrieval using MIPAS
(Report, PDF file)
(Student project, April 2000)
- Investigation of the feasibility of retrieving ClO from MIPAS.
- author: Jim Robinson (St Catherine's College),
supervisor: Anu Dudhia
- The Impact of CFCs on MIPAS measurements
(Report, PDF file)
(Student project, April 2001)
- Analysis of the concentrations of 21
in the atmosphere and their expected signatures within the MIPAS
spectral range.
- author: Oliver O'Brien (Pembroke College),
supervisor: Anu Dudhia
- Cloud Detection in MIPAS Spectra
(Report, PDF file)
(Student project, April 2002)
- Investigation of the sensitivity of the Leicester `Cloud Index'
and its relation to equivalent cloud opacity in the field-of-view.
- author: Dominik Kasprzyk (Exeter College),
supervisor: Anu Dudhia
- Carbon Monoxide Retrievals from MIPAS
(Report, PDF file)
(Student project, August 2002)
- Investigation of the feasibility of retrieving profiles of
CO from MIPAS data
- author: Ben Fletcher (St John's College),
supervisor: Anu Dudhia
- Study of water and ozone concentrations from MIPAS
and SMR data
(Report, PDF file)
(Student project, July 2004)
- Comparison of H2O and O3 retrievals from MIPAS and ODIN/SMR
instruments for 22Nov03.
- author: Payel Das (St Edmund Hall),
supervisor: Chiara Piccolo.
- MIPAS Special Modes Study
(ESA Contract 16700/02/I-LG)
The main Oxford contribution was a Survey of Existing Algorithms
for the Selection of Auxiliary Data, which included an investigation
into microwindow selection for a number of minor species.
Report [PDF File].
- Optimisation of Microwindow Positioning for the Detection
of Cloud in MIPAS Spectra
(Report, PDF File)
(Nuffield Science Foundation project)
An investigation into whether the current A-band microwindows used for
MIPAS Cloud detection can be improved, on the basis of simulated cloudy
- author: Harry Desmond (Abingdon School)
Past Projects
- 2000-2003 MIPAS Retrievals (OPTIMO)
(EU Framework V project AMIL2DA)
- Oxford, as well as several other groups involved in this project,
developed independent
off-line retrieval schemes for MIPAS.
The Oxford scheme 'OPTIMO', used the RFM as the forward model and the
retrieval used a 'Kalman Smoother' to update a running estimate of the
atmospheric profile with spectra at their measurement locations, similar
to the ISAMS Temperature retrieval.
- OPTIMO was later recoded as 'MORSE'
- 1995- Microwindow Selection
(ESA Contract 11717/95/NL/CN/CCN-5)
- An algorithm was been developed for selecting the optimal spectral
regions ("microwindows") for the retrieval of different species in order to
maximise the information content allowing for both random and systematic
errors while minimising the processing time. For the MIPAS
operational processing, typically 5 microwindows each of width 1-3 cm-1
are used for each species. See [Error Analysis]
- Contact: Anu Dudhia
- Publications
- Microwindow
Selection for High-Spectral-Resolution Sounders
- App. Optics, 41, 3665, 2002
- Dudhia, A., V. L. Jay and C. D. Rodgers,
- MIPAS Spectra: Analysis and Retrievals
(Envisat Cal/Val project AO-323)
- Oxford has a role as an 'Expert Support Laboratory' in validating ESA's
operational processing of MIPAS data. For this, the Oxford processor OPTIMO
was adapted to simulate the operational retrieval and allow individual
sub-models and assumptions to be tested.
- 1996-2000 Reference Forward Model
(RFM) (ESA Contract 11886/96/NL/CN)
- The RFM was originally developed to simulate atmospheric spectra for
testing MIPAS retrieval software, but has subsequently been developed into a
general-purpose line-by-line radiative transfer model.
- contact: Anu Dudhia
- 1995-2002: Fast Monochromatic Radiative Transfer Techniques
(ESA Contract 11717/95/NL/CN/CCN-5)
- Processing satellite data in real time requires rapid models to
simulate atmospheric radiances at high spectral resolution.
Line-by-line models are generally too slow,
but techniques have been developed using pretabulated absorption coefficients
(compressed using SVD) and irregular spectral grids with negligible loss
of accuracy. These are now used in ESA's operational retrieval for MIPAS
and can also be applied to other IR instruments such as
- Contact: Anu Dudhia
- Publications
- Fast
monochromatic radiative transfer calculations for limb sounding
- J. Quant. Spect. & Radiative Trans., 74, 745-756, 2002
- Dudhia, A., P. E. Morris and R. J. Wells
- 1998: ACE-CHEM (ESA Contract 13048/98/NL/GD)
- As part of a study coordinated by RAL,
the microwindow
selection scheme MWMAKE developed for MIPAS was adapted to make
performance predictions for ACE-CHEM, a candidate for
a core instrument of ESA's Earth Explorer missons.
Last modified 04-APR-08 AD