Atmospheric profiles, eg from climatology or previous retrievals,
used to specify
both a priori for retrieved species and fixed values for
unretrieved species.
Multiple fields of single type, order is significant, and optional
(the same as used for the RFM) 1D profiles which
are not associated with any particular location and are assumed to apply
globally (eg a single CO2 profile).
Generic multidimensional
gridded input files, eg climatologies with latidude and seasonal
variability. This are interpolated to the required L1C locations
A sequence
of vertical profiles at locations matching the L1C input data. These
can either be created at the same time as the L1C data by the
L1C Preprocessor, or as the
output of a previous MORSE run.
The order of precedence when setting up profiles for each new location
(having taken into account any qualifiers) is
Any species profile in an
.orb file will supersede the
same species in a
.glo file,
which supersedes the same species in an
.atm file.
For similar file types, later files in the
*ATM section supersede earlier files
file must contain either an altitude grid *HGT
(limb-viewing) or a pressure grid *PRE (nadir-viewing), which is used
to interpolate the file contents to the MORSE internal grid.
These need not be the first profiles in the file.
To allow for CO2 increasing monotonically with time the user can ascribe a
date to any CO2 data contained in both
.glo and
.atm files (but not
.orb files which are assumed to be contemporary
with the L1C data). By default MORSE applies a fixed rate of increase of 0.5%/year
(set in subroutine atmco2_sub.f90) but the user can also overried this by
specifying another rate. A further option is to directly specify a factor by which
the CO2 profiles are increased (this overrides any date specification).