R-MORSE: Running MORSE v02MAR20 I-MSEINI: Default *CLD cloud detection criteria ... CIXCLD= 1.8; RADCLD= -1.0; TOPCLD= 30.0 I-MSEINI: Default *CNV convergence criteria ... MAXITR=10; CHILIM= 1.0; DELCHI= 0.1 I-MSEINI: Default *ACC accuracy criteria ... PCGACC= 0.01; TCGACC= 0.1; JCPACC= 0.01 I-OPNFIL: Opening file: morse.drv ! MORSE Driver Table generated by makdrv.pro *HDR ! #INS RETRIEVAL Orbit=#ORB Date=#YMD *FLG CTM CLD *L1C I-OPNFIL: Opening file: L1CFIL ! MORSE l1c file created by iasi_l1c.pro v09DEC19 I-L1CHDR: L1C Format 3.2 I-L1CHDR: L1C Type=3 (Nadir Emission Spectra) I-L1CHDR: Setting default fine-grid spacing to 1.00E-03 [cm-1] I-L1CHDR: No.pixels in L1C file=253 I-OPNFIL: Opening file: /home/dudhiaa/iasi/noise/iasi.noi ! IASI NESR spectrum [nW/(cm2.sr.cm-1)] I-L1CNOI: NESR specified for range 645. to 2.76E+03 *RTV I-RTVLST: SFCTEM Retrieval, default APr SD=10.0 [K] I-RTVLST: H2O Retrieval, default APr SD=100. [%] I-RTVLST: NH3 Retrieval, default APr SD=100. [%] I-DRVRTV: Setting default A Priori Correl Length=50.0 [km] I-DRVRTV: Setting default No.gases for Jacobian calcs NGJACC= 2 *LEV I-DRVLEV: retrieving on PRE grid I-OPNFIL: Opening file: /home/dudhiaa/morse_f90/morse_files/ral.pre ! RAL IASI rtvl pressure levels I-LEVATM: Setting Forward Model Pressures ... 1.10E+03 1.07E+03 1.04E+03 1.01E+03 986. 959. 932. 905. 879. 853. 827. 802. 778. 754. 730. 707. 684. 661. 639. 618. 596. 576. 555. 535. 516. 497. 478. 460. 442. 424. 407. 391. 375. 359. 344. 329. 314. 300. 286. 273. 260. 247. 235. 223. 212. 201. 190. 180. 170. 160. 151. 142. 134. 126. 118. 110. 103. 96.1 89.5 83.2 77.2 71.5 66.1 61.0 56.1 51.5 47.2 43.1 39.3 35.7 32.3 29.1 26.2 23.5 20.9 18.6 16.4 14.5 12.6 11.0 9.51 8.17 6.96 5.88 4.92 4.08 3.34 2.70 2.15 1.69 1.30 0.975 0.714 0.506 0.345 0.22 I-LEVRTV: defining retrievals on 1 levels: *MWL NH3_0001 920.0000 940.0000 I-DRVMWL: No. microwindows found=1 *ATM I-DRVATM: Loading atmospheric profiles... I-DRVATM: identified ATM file: /network/aopp/crun/eodg/rfm/rfm_files/atm/day.atm I-OPNFIL: Opening file: /network/aopp/crun/eodg/rfm/rfm_files/atm/day.atm ! MID-LATITUDE DAY PROFILES FOR MIPAS *HGT *TEM *CO2 *O3 *H2O *NH3 *F12 I-DRVATM: identified ORB file: /network/aopp/apres/MORSE/uk/l1c/RAL_M02_20034... _20100829.atm I-OPNFIL: Opening file: /network/aopp/apres/MORSE/uk/l1c/RAL_M02_20034_201008... 29.atm ! RAL IASI rtvl converted to .orb format by IDL ral_atm.pro v17JAN20 I-ATMORB: Saving orbital file, NLEV,NPIX=101 253 I-DRVATM: identified ORB file: /network/aopp/apres/MORSE/uk/l1c/RAL_M02_20034... _20100829.sfc I-OPNFIL: Opening file: /network/aopp/apres/MORSE/uk/l1c/RAL_M02_20034_201008... 29.sfc ! RAL IASI rtvl converted to .orb format by IDL ral_atm.pro v17JAN20 I-ATMORB: Saving orbital file, NLEV,NPIX=1 253 I-DRVATM: identified ORB file: /network/aopp/apres/MORSE/uk/l1c/RAL_M02_20034... _20100829.cld I-OPNFIL: Opening file: /network/aopp/apres/MORSE/uk/l1c/RAL_M02_20034_201008... 29.cld ! RAL IASI rtvl converted to .orb format by IDL ral_atm.pro v17JAN20 W-ATMORB: File ignored - contains no useful profiles *ILS I-OPNFIL: Opening file: /network/aopp/crun/eodg/rfm/rfm_files/ils/iasi.ils ! IASI ILS created for RFM on Fri Oct 16 12:28:42 2009 I-ILSFIL: Loading default ILS Fn for any Wno.range *HIT I-OPNHIT: Opening HITRAN File:/network/aopp/crun/eodg/rfm/rfm_files/bin/hitra... n_2012.bin I-OPNHIT: Opening file using RECL=22 I-OPNHIT: HITRAN File Label=HITRAN2012 from hitbin.f v15MAR16 *LUT I-LUTDEF: Checking default LUT files I-LUTDEF: looking for file:/home/dudhiaa/iasi/lut/tab_h2o.bin I-LUTFIL: Checking LUT file:/home/dudhiaa/iasi/lut/tab_h2o.bin ! h2o Tabulated Absorp.Coeff. created by RFM v.5.10_01JUL ! h2o Tabulated Absorp.Coeff. created by RFM v.5.10_01JUL I-LUTDEF: looking for file:/home/dudhiaa/iasi/lut/tab_nh3.bin I-LUTFIL: Checking LUT file:/home/dudhiaa/iasi/lut/tab_nh3.bin ! nh3 Tabulated Absorp.Coeff. created by RFM v.5.10_01JUL ! nh3 Tabulated Absorp.Coeff. created by RFM v.5.10_01JUL I-LUTDEF: looking for file:/home/dudhiaa/iasi/lut/tab_co2.bin I-LUTFIL: Checking LUT file:/home/dudhiaa/iasi/lut/tab_co2.bin ! co2 Tabulated Absorp.Coeff. created by RFM v.5.10_01JUL ! co2 Tabulated Absorp.Coeff. created by RFM v.5.10_01JUL I-LUTDEF: looking for file:/home/dudhiaa/iasi/lut/tab_o3.bin I-LUTFIL: Checking LUT file:/home/dudhiaa/iasi/lut/tab_o3.bin ! o3 Tabulated Absorp.Coeff. created by RFM v.5.10_01JUL ! o3 Tabulated Absorp.Coeff. created by RFM v.5.10_01JUL I-LUTDEF: looking for file:/home/dudhiaa/iasi/lut/tab_f12.bin I-LUTFIL: Checking LUT file:/home/dudhiaa/iasi/lut/tab_f12.bin ! f12 Tabulated Absorp.Coeff. created by RFM v.5.10_01JUL ! f12 Tabulated Absorp.Coeff. created by RFM v.5.10_01JUL *GRD I-GRDFIL: Opening .grd file: /home/dudhiaa/iasi/grd/iasi_0.25.grd *OUT I-DRVOUT: Writing output files to directory: /network/aopp/apres/MORSE/uk/rtv/ I-DRVOUT: Writing retrievals to file: morse_#INS_#YMD_#ORB.rtv I-DRVOUT: Writing Orbital profile data to file: morse_#INS_#YMD_#ORB.orb *END I-OPNRTV: Opening output .rtv file: /network/aopp/apres/MORSE/uk/rtv/morse_IA... SI-A_20100829_20034.rtv I-OPNORB: Opening output .orb file: /network/aopp/apres/MORSE/uk/rtv/morse_IA... SI-A_20100829_20034.orb I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 1 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 2.24E+02 Chi2= 2.24E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 7.78E-03 Chi2Y= 1.68E+00 Chi2= 1.69E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.46E-02 Chi2Y= 1.50E+00 Chi2= 1.52E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 2.15E-02 Chi2Y= 1.50E+00 Chi2= 1.53E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 2 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 840 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 2.98E+02 Chi2= 2.98E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.92E-03 Chi2Y= 2.07E+00 Chi2= 2.07E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 6.65E-03 Chi2Y= 1.75E+00 Chi2= 1.76E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 1.27E-02 Chi2Y= 1.75E+00 Chi2= 1.76E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 3 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 805 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 3.20E+02 Chi2= 3.20E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.30E-02 Chi2Y= 1.44E+00 Chi2= 1.45E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.32E-02 Chi2Y= 1.22E+00 Chi2= 1.24E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 2.98E-02 Chi2Y= 1.22E+00 Chi2= 1.25E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 4 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 230 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 2.13E+02 Chi2= 2.13E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.04E-03 Chi2Y= 1.53E+00 Chi2= 1.53E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 3.93E-03 Chi2Y= 1.36E+00 Chi2= 1.36E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 6.95E-03 Chi2Y= 1.36E+00 Chi2= 1.37E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 5 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 144 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.12E+01 Chi2= 1.12E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 4.43E-03 Chi2Y= 2.04E+00 Chi2= 2.04E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.59E-02 Chi2Y= 2.02E+00 Chi2= 2.04E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 6 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 805 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.68E+02 Chi2= 1.68E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.44E-03 Chi2Y= 1.19E+00 Chi2= 1.19E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.77E-03 Chi2Y= 1.08E+00 Chi2= 1.08E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 7 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 936 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.15E+02 Chi2= 1.15E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.22E-02 Chi2Y= 1.19E+00 Chi2= 1.21E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.86E-02 Chi2Y= 1.15E+00 Chi2= 1.17E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 8 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 454 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 9.23E+01 Chi2= 9.23E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 6.94E-03 Chi2Y= 1.62E+00 Chi2= 1.62E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.23E-02 Chi2Y= 1.56E+00 Chi2= 1.57E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 9 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 775 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.74E+02 Chi2= 1.74E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.87E-03 Chi2Y= 1.17E+00 Chi2= 1.17E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 4.73E-03 Chi2Y= 1.08E+00 Chi2= 1.09E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 10 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 909 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 2.15E+02 Chi2= 2.15E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.42E-03 Chi2Y= 1.24E+00 Chi2= 1.24E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.70E-03 Chi2Y= 1.10E+00 Chi2= 1.10E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 4.78E-03 Chi2Y= 1.10E+00 Chi2= 1.10E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 11 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 960 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.62E+02 Chi2= 1.62E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.03E-03 Chi2Y= 9.88E-01 Chi2= 9.90E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.71E-03 Chi2Y= 9.52E-01 Chi2= 9.55E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 12 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 336 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.41E+02 Chi2= 1.41E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 4.58E-03 Chi2Y= 1.54E+00 Chi2= 1.55E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 8.21E-03 Chi2Y= 1.46E+00 Chi2= 1.47E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 13 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 172 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.65E+02 Chi2= 1.65E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.23E-03 Chi2Y= 1.38E+00 Chi2= 1.39E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 4.68E-03 Chi2Y= 1.23E+00 Chi2= 1.24E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 8.61E-03 Chi2Y= 1.23E+00 Chi2= 1.24E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 14 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 236 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.01E+02 Chi2= 1.01E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 5.14E-03 Chi2Y= 9.60E-01 Chi2= 9.65E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 8.84E-03 Chi2Y= 9.18E-01 Chi2= 9.27E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 15 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 791 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 3.21E+02 Chi2= 3.21E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 4.38E-02 Chi2Y= 7.81E-01 Chi2= 8.25E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 7.92E-02 Chi2Y= 6.94E-01 Chi2= 7.73E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 16 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 842 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 3.26E+02 Chi2= 3.26E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 5.38E-02 Chi2Y= 1.84E+00 Chi2= 1.89E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 9.84E-02 Chi2Y= 1.69E+00 Chi2= 1.79E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 17 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 252 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.39E+02 Chi2= 1.39E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.42E-03 Chi2Y= 9.37E-01 Chi2= 9.39E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.26E-03 Chi2Y= 8.81E-01 Chi2= 8.83E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 18 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 326 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 6.25E+01 Chi2= 6.25E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.19E-02 Chi2Y= 7.10E-01 Chi2= 7.22E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.12E-02 Chi2Y= 7.03E-01 Chi2= 7.25E-01 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 19 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 30 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.85E+00 Chi2= 1.85E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 3.81E-03 Chi2Y= 7.14E-01 Chi2= 7.17E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 5.63E-03 Chi2Y= 7.14E-01 Chi2= 7.20E-01 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 20 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 873 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.26E+02 Chi2= 1.26E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.86E-03 Chi2Y= 1.77E+00 Chi2= 1.77E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 6.91E-03 Chi2Y= 1.66E+00 Chi2= 1.67E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 21 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 368 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 5.26E+00 Chi2= 5.26E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.72E-04 Chi2Y= 7.92E-01 Chi2= 7.92E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 3.20E-04 Chi2Y= 7.92E-01 Chi2= 7.92E-01 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 22 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 294 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.32E+02 Chi2= 1.32E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.39E-02 Chi2Y= 2.18E+00 Chi2= 2.19E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.35E-02 Chi2Y= 2.05E+00 Chi2= 2.07E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 23 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 771 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.41E+02 Chi2= 1.41E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 3.69E-03 Chi2Y= 1.21E+00 Chi2= 1.22E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 5.92E-03 Chi2Y= 1.15E+00 Chi2= 1.16E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 24 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 895 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.30E+02 Chi2= 1.30E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.52E-03 Chi2Y= 1.44E+00 Chi2= 1.44E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 4.31E-03 Chi2Y= 1.35E+00 Chi2= 1.36E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 25 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 833 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 9.78E+01 Chi2= 9.78E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.51E-03 Chi2Y= 1.10E+00 Chi2= 1.11E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 3.00E-03 Chi2Y= 1.05E+00 Chi2= 1.05E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 26 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 438 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 6.24E+01 Chi2= 6.24E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 3.05E-03 Chi2Y= 9.84E-01 Chi2= 9.87E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 4.70E-03 Chi2Y= 9.47E-01 Chi2= 9.51E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 27 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 796 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 2.18E+02 Chi2= 2.18E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.66E-03 Chi2Y= 1.00E+00 Chi2= 1.00E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.55E-03 Chi2Y= 8.71E-01 Chi2= 8.74E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 3.60E-03 Chi2Y= 8.70E-01 Chi2= 8.74E-01 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 28 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 863 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 2.72E+02 Chi2= 2.72E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 4.36E-03 Chi2Y= 1.79E+00 Chi2= 1.79E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 7.61E-03 Chi2Y= 1.59E+00 Chi2= 1.60E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 1.13E-02 Chi2Y= 1.59E+00 Chi2= 1.60E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 29 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 913 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 2.32E+02 Chi2= 2.32E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.66E-03 Chi2Y= 1.01E+00 Chi2= 1.02E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.42E-03 Chi2Y= 8.97E-01 Chi2= 8.99E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 3.26E-03 Chi2Y= 8.97E-01 Chi2= 9.00E-01 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 30 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 862 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.54E+02 Chi2= 1.54E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.83E-02 Chi2Y= 1.01E+00 Chi2= 1.04E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 4.43E-02 Chi2Y= 9.74E-01 Chi2= 1.02E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 31 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 278 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.46E+00 Chi2= 1.46E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.60E-04 Chi2Y= 1.03E+00 Chi2= 1.03E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.72E-04 Chi2Y= 1.03E+00 Chi2= 1.03E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 32 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 150 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 5.25E+01 Chi2= 5.25E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 5.08E-03 Chi2Y= 1.35E+00 Chi2= 1.36E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.18E-02 Chi2Y= 1.30E+00 Chi2= 1.31E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 33 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 170 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 5.58E+00 Chi2= 5.58E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 7.50E-03 Chi2Y= 1.42E+00 Chi2= 1.43E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.28E-02 Chi2Y= 1.42E+00 Chi2= 1.43E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 34 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 740 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 9.70E+01 Chi2= 9.70E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.13E-02 Chi2Y= 9.74E-01 Chi2= 9.86E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.11E-02 Chi2Y= 9.79E-01 Chi2= 1.00E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 35 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 855 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.69E+02 Chi2= 1.69E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 9.01E-03 Chi2Y= 1.24E+00 Chi2= 1.25E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.66E-02 Chi2Y= 1.26E+00 Chi2= 1.27E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 36 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 851 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 4.87E+02 Chi2= 4.87E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.54E-02 Chi2Y= 2.98E+00 Chi2= 2.99E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 3.58E-02 Chi2Y= 2.35E+00 Chi2= 2.38E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 6.54E-02 Chi2Y= 2.34E+00 Chi2= 2.41E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 37 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 794 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.00E+02 Chi2= 1.00E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.56E-03 Chi2Y= 7.82E-01 Chi2= 7.85E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 4.12E-03 Chi2Y= 7.67E-01 Chi2= 7.71E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 38 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 792 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 7.14E+01 Chi2= 7.14E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.30E-02 Chi2Y= 1.63E+00 Chi2= 1.64E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.00E-02 Chi2Y= 1.61E+00 Chi2= 1.63E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 39 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM W-PIXTAN: Ignoring CLD flag for pixel - no cloud information I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 797 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.11E+02 Chi2= 1.11E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.73E-03 Chi2Y= 1.39E+00 Chi2= 1.39E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 5.18E-03 Chi2Y= 1.29E+00 Chi2= 1.29E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 40 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 406 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.62E+01 Chi2= 1.62E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.62E-03 Chi2Y= 1.96E+00 Chi2= 1.96E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 6.93E-03 Chi2Y= 1.93E+00 Chi2= 1.94E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 41 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 875 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 5.13E+01 Chi2= 5.13E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.74E-02 Chi2Y= 1.26E+00 Chi2= 1.28E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.67E-02 Chi2Y= 1.25E+00 Chi2= 1.28E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 42 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 774 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.30E+02 Chi2= 1.30E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 3.42E-02 Chi2Y= 8.40E-01 Chi2= 8.74E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 5.08E-02 Chi2Y= 8.24E-01 Chi2= 8.74E-01 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 43 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 877 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.27E+02 Chi2= 1.27E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.29E-02 Chi2Y= 9.37E-01 Chi2= 9.50E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.92E-02 Chi2Y= 9.09E-01 Chi2= 9.28E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 44 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 930 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 8.73E+01 Chi2= 8.73E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 8.36E-03 Chi2Y= 9.66E-01 Chi2= 9.75E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.25E-02 Chi2Y= 9.47E-01 Chi2= 9.59E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 45 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 913 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 8.30E+01 Chi2= 8.30E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 7.09E-03 Chi2Y= 9.20E-01 Chi2= 9.27E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.04E-02 Chi2Y= 9.13E-01 Chi2= 9.24E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 46 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 198 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.73E+02 Chi2= 1.73E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.09E-02 Chi2Y= 1.71E+00 Chi2= 1.72E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.81E-02 Chi2Y= 1.52E+00 Chi2= 1.53E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 2.36E-02 Chi2Y= 1.51E+00 Chi2= 1.54E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 47 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 394 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.21E+02 Chi2= 1.21E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.88E-02 Chi2Y= 1.35E+00 Chi2= 1.37E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.99E-02 Chi2Y= 1.31E+00 Chi2= 1.34E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 48 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 869 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 3.78E+02 Chi2= 3.78E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.36E-03 Chi2Y= 1.93E+00 Chi2= 1.93E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 5.44E-03 Chi2Y= 1.54E+00 Chi2= 1.55E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 1.09E-02 Chi2Y= 1.54E+00 Chi2= 1.55E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 49 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 889 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.95E+02 Chi2= 1.95E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.68E-03 Chi2Y= 1.36E+00 Chi2= 1.36E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 4.73E-03 Chi2Y= 1.19E+00 Chi2= 1.20E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 1.00E-02 Chi2Y= 1.19E+00 Chi2= 1.20E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 50 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 190 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.97E+00 Chi2= 1.97E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 5.07E-03 Chi2Y= 1.32E+00 Chi2= 1.32E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.20E-02 Chi2Y= 1.32E+00 Chi2= 1.34E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 51 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1414, 290 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.24E+00 Chi2= 1.24E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.56E-03 Chi2Y= 1.04E+00 Chi2= 1.04E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 5.11E-03 Chi2Y= 1.04E+00 Chi2= 1.04E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 52 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 192 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 4.53E+01 Chi2= 4.53E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.79E-03 Chi2Y= 1.21E+00 Chi2= 1.21E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 3.51E-03 Chi2Y= 1.19E+00 Chi2= 1.19E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 53 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 326 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.74E+01 Chi2= 1.74E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 5.02E-03 Chi2Y= 1.22E+00 Chi2= 1.22E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.03E-02 Chi2Y= 1.19E+00 Chi2= 1.20E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 54 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 753 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.88E+02 Chi2= 1.88E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 3.49E-03 Chi2Y= 1.55E+00 Chi2= 1.56E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.42E-02 Chi2Y= 1.38E+00 Chi2= 1.39E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 3.33E-02 Chi2Y= 1.37E+00 Chi2= 1.41E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 55 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 935 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.36E+02 Chi2= 1.36E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 6.27E-03 Chi2Y= 6.60E-01 Chi2= 6.66E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.06E-02 Chi2Y= 6.43E-01 Chi2= 6.54E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 56 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM W-PIXTAN: Ignoring CLD flag for pixel - no cloud information I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 947 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.34E+02 Chi2= 1.34E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 9.01E-03 Chi2Y= 9.65E-01 Chi2= 9.74E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.52E-02 Chi2Y= 9.17E-01 Chi2= 9.32E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 57 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 759 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.61E+02 Chi2= 1.61E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.39E-03 Chi2Y= 2.31E+00 Chi2= 2.32E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 8.79E-03 Chi2Y= 2.14E+00 Chi2= 2.15E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 58 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 862 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.94E+02 Chi2= 1.94E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.00E-02 Chi2Y= 1.61E+00 Chi2= 1.62E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.72E-02 Chi2Y= 1.47E+00 Chi2= 1.49E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 59 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 879 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 5.99E+01 Chi2= 5.99E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.79E-03 Chi2Y= 8.92E-01 Chi2= 8.94E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 3.10E-03 Chi2Y= 8.72E-01 Chi2= 8.75E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 60 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 787 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 8.79E+01 Chi2= 8.79E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.69E-02 Chi2Y= 1.06E+00 Chi2= 1.08E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.56E-02 Chi2Y= 1.05E+00 Chi2= 1.07E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 61 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 849 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 8.76E+01 Chi2= 8.76E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 6.90E-03 Chi2Y= 1.14E+00 Chi2= 1.14E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.09E-02 Chi2Y= 1.07E+00 Chi2= 1.08E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 62 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 839 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 7.94E+01 Chi2= 7.94E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 4.74E-03 Chi2Y= 7.87E-01 Chi2= 7.92E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 7.06E-03 Chi2Y= 7.50E-01 Chi2= 7.57E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 63 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 798 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.92E+02 Chi2= 1.92E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 3.24E-03 Chi2Y= 1.40E+00 Chi2= 1.41E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 5.42E-03 Chi2Y= 1.30E+00 Chi2= 1.30E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 64 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 328 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 4.32E+01 Chi2= 4.32E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.01E-02 Chi2Y= 1.83E+00 Chi2= 1.84E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.94E-02 Chi2Y= 1.75E+00 Chi2= 1.76E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 65 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 330 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 7.53E+01 Chi2= 7.53E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.62E-03 Chi2Y= 7.70E-01 Chi2= 7.71E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.57E-03 Chi2Y= 7.46E-01 Chi2= 7.49E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 66 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 144 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.05E+02 Chi2= 1.05E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.97E-02 Chi2Y= 1.42E+00 Chi2= 1.44E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 3.32E-02 Chi2Y= 1.39E+00 Chi2= 1.43E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 67 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 154 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 6.52E+01 Chi2= 6.52E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 5.59E-03 Chi2Y= 8.14E-01 Chi2= 8.20E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 9.23E-03 Chi2Y= 7.76E-01 Chi2= 7.85E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 68 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 134 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.59E+01 Chi2= 1.59E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.13E-02 Chi2Y= 1.53E+00 Chi2= 1.54E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.94E-02 Chi2Y= 1.53E+00 Chi2= 1.55E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 69 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 226 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.98E+01 Chi2= 1.98E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 3.80E-02 Chi2Y= 1.04E+00 Chi2= 1.08E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 6.17E-02 Chi2Y= 1.04E+00 Chi2= 1.10E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 70 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 58 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 3.04E+02 Chi2= 3.04E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.27E-02 Chi2Y= 2.99E+00 Chi2= 3.01E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 3.23E-02 Chi2Y= 2.61E+00 Chi2= 2.64E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 5.94E-02 Chi2Y= 2.61E+00 Chi2= 2.67E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 71 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 240 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 2.55E+02 Chi2= 2.55E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.85E-02 Chi2Y= 1.42E+00 Chi2= 1.44E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 5.29E-02 Chi2Y= 1.38E+00 Chi2= 1.43E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 72 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 833 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.33E+02 Chi2= 1.33E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 5.32E-03 Chi2Y= 1.03E+00 Chi2= 1.03E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 9.37E-03 Chi2Y= 9.97E-01 Chi2= 1.01E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 73 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 861 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 6.92E+01 Chi2= 6.92E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 9.43E-03 Chi2Y= 1.28E+00 Chi2= 1.29E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.75E-02 Chi2Y= 1.29E+00 Chi2= 1.31E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 74 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 755 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 9.01E+01 Chi2= 9.01E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.09E-02 Chi2Y= 1.18E+00 Chi2= 1.20E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 3.05E-02 Chi2Y= 1.16E+00 Chi2= 1.19E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 75 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 908 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 8.70E+01 Chi2= 8.70E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 4.72E-03 Chi2Y= 1.09E+00 Chi2= 1.09E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 6.91E-03 Chi2Y= 1.07E+00 Chi2= 1.08E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 76 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 789 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 8.67E+01 Chi2= 8.67E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 5.20E-04 Chi2Y= 6.84E-01 Chi2= 6.85E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 9.66E-04 Chi2Y= 6.49E-01 Chi2= 6.50E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 77 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 936 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.10E+02 Chi2= 1.10E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.03E-03 Chi2Y= 1.30E+00 Chi2= 1.30E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.33E-03 Chi2Y= 1.24E+00 Chi2= 1.24E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 78 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 876 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 7.12E+01 Chi2= 7.12E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 9.16E-04 Chi2Y= 1.21E+00 Chi2= 1.21E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.57E-03 Chi2Y= 1.16E+00 Chi2= 1.17E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 79 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 828 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 6.65E+01 Chi2= 6.65E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 5.73E-03 Chi2Y= 9.68E-01 Chi2= 9.73E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 9.28E-03 Chi2Y= 9.46E-01 Chi2= 9.55E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 80 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 176 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 7.21E+00 Chi2= 7.21E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.39E-03 Chi2Y= 1.03E+00 Chi2= 1.03E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 3.96E-03 Chi2Y= 1.03E+00 Chi2= 1.04E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 81 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 132 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 7.54E+01 Chi2= 7.54E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.54E-03 Chi2Y= 9.14E-01 Chi2= 9.16E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.25E-03 Chi2Y= 9.03E-01 Chi2= 9.05E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 82 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 272 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.21E+02 Chi2= 1.21E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.44E-03 Chi2Y= 1.17E+00 Chi2= 1.17E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 5.29E-03 Chi2Y= 1.07E+00 Chi2= 1.08E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 83 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 784 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.67E+02 Chi2= 1.67E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.78E-03 Chi2Y= 1.24E+00 Chi2= 1.24E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 4.11E-03 Chi2Y= 1.13E+00 Chi2= 1.13E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 84 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 986 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 3.25E+02 Chi2= 3.25E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 5.33E-03 Chi2Y= 1.62E+00 Chi2= 1.62E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 8.92E-03 Chi2Y= 1.43E+00 Chi2= 1.43E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 1.15E-02 Chi2Y= 1.43E+00 Chi2= 1.44E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 85 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 238 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 3.48E+01 Chi2= 3.48E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.54E-02 Chi2Y= 1.31E+00 Chi2= 1.32E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.52E-02 Chi2Y= 1.31E+00 Chi2= 1.33E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 86 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 732 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 2.90E+02 Chi2= 2.90E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.70E-02 Chi2Y= 1.92E+00 Chi2= 1.94E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 3.35E-02 Chi2Y= 1.74E+00 Chi2= 1.77E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 87 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 222 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 3.38E+02 Chi2= 3.38E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.17E-02 Chi2Y= 1.18E+00 Chi2= 1.19E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.09E-02 Chi2Y= 1.02E+00 Chi2= 1.04E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 2.55E-02 Chi2Y= 1.02E+00 Chi2= 1.05E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 88 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 795 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.46E+02 Chi2= 1.46E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 9.25E-04 Chi2Y= 1.17E+00 Chi2= 1.17E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.41E-03 Chi2Y= 1.11E+00 Chi2= 1.11E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 89 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 817 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 9.99E+01 Chi2= 9.99E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.10E-02 Chi2Y= 7.92E-01 Chi2= 8.03E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.00E-02 Chi2Y= 7.67E-01 Chi2= 7.87E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 90 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 758 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 4.73E+01 Chi2= 4.73E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.43E-03 Chi2Y= 9.22E-01 Chi2= 9.23E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.49E-03 Chi2Y= 9.29E-01 Chi2= 9.31E-01 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 91 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 834 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 2.60E+01 Chi2= 2.60E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.79E-04 Chi2Y= 1.20E+00 Chi2= 1.20E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.43E-04 Chi2Y= 1.20E+00 Chi2= 1.20E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 92 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 789 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 8.80E+01 Chi2= 8.80E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.16E-03 Chi2Y= 7.82E-01 Chi2= 7.83E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.70E-03 Chi2Y= 7.55E-01 Chi2= 7.57E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 93 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 178 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.30E+02 Chi2= 1.30E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.48E-03 Chi2Y= 1.18E+00 Chi2= 1.18E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 4.09E-03 Chi2Y= 1.11E+00 Chi2= 1.11E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 94 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 414 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 5.23E+01 Chi2= 5.23E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 7.28E-03 Chi2Y= 9.93E-01 Chi2= 1.00E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.02E-02 Chi2Y= 9.88E-01 Chi2= 9.98E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 95 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 942 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 6.64E+01 Chi2= 6.64E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.20E-02 Chi2Y= 8.16E-01 Chi2= 8.28E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.77E-02 Chi2Y= 8.06E-01 Chi2= 8.24E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 96 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 154 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 6.26E+01 Chi2= 6.26E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.96E-02 Chi2Y= 8.97E-01 Chi2= 9.27E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 4.37E-02 Chi2Y= 8.91E-01 Chi2= 9.35E-01 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 97 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 190 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 5.83E+01 Chi2= 5.83E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 7.47E-03 Chi2Y= 1.08E+00 Chi2= 1.09E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.19E-02 Chi2Y= 1.06E+00 Chi2= 1.07E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 98 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 842 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 8.52E+01 Chi2= 8.52E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.11E-03 Chi2Y= 8.86E-01 Chi2= 8.87E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.51E-03 Chi2Y= 8.70E-01 Chi2= 8.72E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 99 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM W-PIXTAN: Ignoring CLD flag for pixel - no cloud information I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 775 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.83E+02 Chi2= 1.83E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 3.05E-03 Chi2Y= 8.95E-01 Chi2= 8.98E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 4.33E-03 Chi2Y= 8.49E-01 Chi2= 8.53E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 100 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 310 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 6.87E+01 Chi2= 6.87E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 8.52E-04 Chi2Y= 1.32E+00 Chi2= 1.33E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.45E-03 Chi2Y= 1.34E+00 Chi2= 1.34E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 101 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 372 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 7.29E+00 Chi2= 7.29E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.56E-03 Chi2Y= 7.79E-01 Chi2= 7.81E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.73E-03 Chi2Y= 7.80E-01 Chi2= 7.83E-01 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 102 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 252 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 8.85E+01 Chi2= 8.85E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.19E-02 Chi2Y= 1.01E+00 Chi2= 1.02E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.89E-02 Chi2Y= 1.00E+00 Chi2= 1.02E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 103 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 80 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 2.63E+02 Chi2= 2.63E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 6.49E-03 Chi2Y= 1.47E+00 Chi2= 1.48E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.33E-02 Chi2Y= 1.26E+00 Chi2= 1.27E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 2.20E-02 Chi2Y= 1.26E+00 Chi2= 1.28E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 104 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 72 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 8.57E+00 Chi2= 8.57E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.40E-02 Chi2Y= 9.78E-01 Chi2= 9.92E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.47E-02 Chi2Y= 9.74E-01 Chi2= 9.98E-01 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 105 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 780 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.91E+02 Chi2= 1.91E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.29E-02 Chi2Y= 1.12E+00 Chi2= 1.14E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 3.91E-02 Chi2Y= 1.09E+00 Chi2= 1.13E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 106 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 737 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 2.50E+01 Chi2= 2.50E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.34E-02 Chi2Y= 7.90E-01 Chi2= 8.04E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.96E-02 Chi2Y= 7.90E-01 Chi2= 8.10E-01 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 107 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM W-PIXTAN: Ignoring CLD flag for pixel - no cloud information I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 790 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 2.01E+02 Chi2= 2.01E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.20E-02 Chi2Y= 2.36E+00 Chi2= 2.37E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 3.04E-02 Chi2Y= 2.10E+00 Chi2= 2.13E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 6.29E-02 Chi2Y= 2.09E+00 Chi2= 2.16E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 108 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 328 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 5.28E+02 Chi2= 5.28E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 3.47E-03 Chi2Y= 1.66E+00 Chi2= 1.66E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 7.23E-03 Chi2Y= 1.13E+00 Chi2= 1.14E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 1.41E-02 Chi2Y= 1.13E+00 Chi2= 1.14E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 109 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM W-PIXTAN: Ignoring CLD flag for pixel - no cloud information I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 760 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.43E+02 Chi2= 1.43E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.00E-03 Chi2Y= 1.09E+00 Chi2= 1.09E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 3.33E-03 Chi2Y= 1.09E+00 Chi2= 1.10E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 110 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 830 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 4.72E+02 Chi2= 4.72E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.23E-02 Chi2Y= 3.23E+00 Chi2= 3.25E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 4.13E-02 Chi2Y= 2.63E+00 Chi2= 2.67E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 8.64E-02 Chi2Y= 2.63E+00 Chi2= 2.72E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 111 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 809 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.72E+02 Chi2= 1.72E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 7.14E-03 Chi2Y= 2.20E+00 Chi2= 2.21E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.53E-02 Chi2Y= 2.06E+00 Chi2= 2.08E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 112 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 838 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.39E+02 Chi2= 1.39E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 6.34E-03 Chi2Y= 1.06E+00 Chi2= 1.07E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 9.88E-03 Chi2Y= 1.04E+00 Chi2= 1.05E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 113 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 208 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 2.02E+02 Chi2= 2.02E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 4.28E-03 Chi2Y= 1.08E+00 Chi2= 1.09E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 6.82E-03 Chi2Y= 9.84E-01 Chi2= 9.91E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 114 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 164 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 3.12E+02 Chi2= 3.12E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 5.52E-03 Chi2Y= 1.81E+00 Chi2= 1.81E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.16E-02 Chi2Y= 1.45E+00 Chi2= 1.47E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 1.92E-02 Chi2Y= 1.45E+00 Chi2= 1.47E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 115 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 80 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 6.29E+01 Chi2= 6.29E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.26E-03 Chi2Y= 1.06E+00 Chi2= 1.06E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 3.88E-03 Chi2Y= 1.01E+00 Chi2= 1.01E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 116 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 142 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 6.44E+01 Chi2= 6.44E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.61E-03 Chi2Y= 9.33E-01 Chi2= 9.36E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 4.19E-03 Chi2Y= 9.12E-01 Chi2= 9.16E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 117 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM W-PIXTAN: Ignoring CLD flag for pixel - no cloud information I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 737 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.33E+02 Chi2= 1.33E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.42E-03 Chi2Y= 9.90E-01 Chi2= 9.91E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.75E-03 Chi2Y= 9.86E-01 Chi2= 9.89E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 118 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 232 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.00E+02 Chi2= 1.00E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 5.68E-03 Chi2Y= 1.43E+00 Chi2= 1.43E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.21E-02 Chi2Y= 1.32E+00 Chi2= 1.33E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 119 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 242 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 6.33E+01 Chi2= 6.33E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.25E-02 Chi2Y= 7.03E-01 Chi2= 7.16E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.74E-02 Chi2Y= 6.71E-01 Chi2= 6.89E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 120 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 822 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 4.04E+02 Chi2= 4.04E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 5.85E-03 Chi2Y= 1.77E+00 Chi2= 1.78E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.91E-02 Chi2Y= 1.32E+00 Chi2= 1.34E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 4.27E-02 Chi2Y= 1.32E+00 Chi2= 1.36E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 121 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 779 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 2.28E+02 Chi2= 2.28E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 4.87E-03 Chi2Y= 1.65E+00 Chi2= 1.66E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.13E-02 Chi2Y= 1.44E+00 Chi2= 1.46E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 5.02E-02 Chi2Y= 1.44E+00 Chi2= 1.49E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 122 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 805 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 2.29E+02 Chi2= 2.29E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 4.39E-03 Chi2Y= 1.35E+00 Chi2= 1.35E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 5.37E-03 Chi2Y= 1.24E+00 Chi2= 1.25E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 123 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 859 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.96E+02 Chi2= 1.96E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 6.14E-03 Chi2Y= 1.45E+00 Chi2= 1.45E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.50E-02 Chi2Y= 1.29E+00 Chi2= 1.32E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 124 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 834 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.33E+02 Chi2= 1.33E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 3.74E-03 Chi2Y= 8.00E-01 Chi2= 8.04E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 5.53E-03 Chi2Y= 7.51E-01 Chi2= 7.57E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 125 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 112 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 2.57E+02 Chi2= 2.57E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 3.06E-02 Chi2Y= 1.04E+00 Chi2= 1.07E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 5.40E-02 Chi2Y= 9.96E-01 Chi2= 1.05E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 126 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 250 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 4.69E+02 Chi2= 4.69E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 9.07E-03 Chi2Y= 1.64E+00 Chi2= 1.65E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.56E-02 Chi2Y= 1.29E+00 Chi2= 1.31E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 1.96E-02 Chi2Y= 1.29E+00 Chi2= 1.31E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 127 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 100 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 8.98E+01 Chi2= 8.98E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.62E-03 Chi2Y= 8.00E-01 Chi2= 8.03E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 4.44E-03 Chi2Y= 8.05E-01 Chi2= 8.10E-01 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 128 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 84 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 6.77E+01 Chi2= 6.77E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.11E-02 Chi2Y= 8.76E-01 Chi2= 8.87E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.88E-02 Chi2Y= 8.65E-01 Chi2= 8.83E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 129 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 723 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 7.91E+01 Chi2= 7.91E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.42E-02 Chi2Y= 1.37E+00 Chi2= 1.39E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 3.66E-02 Chi2Y= 1.36E+00 Chi2= 1.40E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 130 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 306 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 2.19E+01 Chi2= 2.19E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.56E-03 Chi2Y= 1.20E+00 Chi2= 1.20E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 4.59E-03 Chi2Y= 1.18E+00 Chi2= 1.18E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 131 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM W-PIXTAN: Ignoring CLD flag for pixel - no cloud information I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 791 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 3.12E+02 Chi2= 3.12E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 3.12E-03 Chi2Y= 1.63E+00 Chi2= 1.64E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 6.32E-03 Chi2Y= 1.36E+00 Chi2= 1.37E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 1.18E-02 Chi2Y= 1.36E+00 Chi2= 1.37E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 132 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 857 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 2.66E+02 Chi2= 2.66E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.12E-02 Chi2Y= 1.25E+00 Chi2= 1.26E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.04E-02 Chi2Y= 9.86E-01 Chi2= 1.01E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 3.77E-02 Chi2Y= 9.86E-01 Chi2= 1.02E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 133 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 306 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 4.33E+01 Chi2= 4.33E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 9.37E-03 Chi2Y= 9.39E-01 Chi2= 9.48E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.43E-02 Chi2Y= 9.27E-01 Chi2= 9.41E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 134 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 906 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 2.96E+02 Chi2= 2.96E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 4.15E-03 Chi2Y= 1.70E+00 Chi2= 1.70E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.65E-02 Chi2Y= 1.39E+00 Chi2= 1.41E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 3.87E-02 Chi2Y= 1.39E+00 Chi2= 1.43E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 135 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 824 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 4.82E+02 Chi2= 4.82E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 7.78E-03 Chi2Y= 2.16E+00 Chi2= 2.16E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.92E-02 Chi2Y= 1.55E+00 Chi2= 1.58E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 6.67E-02 Chi2Y= 1.55E+00 Chi2= 1.62E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 136 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 796 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 3.79E+02 Chi2= 3.79E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.18E-02 Chi2Y= 1.37E+00 Chi2= 1.39E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.13E-02 Chi2Y= 1.03E+00 Chi2= 1.06E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 3.61E-02 Chi2Y= 1.03E+00 Chi2= 1.07E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 137 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 829 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 9.83E+01 Chi2= 9.83E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 7.71E-03 Chi2Y= 9.15E-01 Chi2= 9.22E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.17E-02 Chi2Y= 8.82E-01 Chi2= 8.94E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 138 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 820 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 2.06E+02 Chi2= 2.06E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.99E-02 Chi2Y= 1.00E+00 Chi2= 1.02E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.66E-02 Chi2Y= 9.04E-01 Chi2= 9.30E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 139 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM W-PIXTAN: Ignoring CLD flag for pixel - no cloud information I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 783 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 3.56E+02 Chi2= 3.56E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.14E-02 Chi2Y= 9.22E-01 Chi2= 9.33E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.99E-02 Chi2Y= 6.41E-01 Chi2= 6.61E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 140 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 809 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 2.15E+02 Chi2= 2.15E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 9.90E-03 Chi2Y= 9.70E-01 Chi2= 9.80E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.80E-02 Chi2Y= 9.01E-01 Chi2= 9.19E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 141 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 815 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.49E+02 Chi2= 1.49E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.14E-02 Chi2Y= 9.25E-01 Chi2= 9.36E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.95E-02 Chi2Y= 9.21E-01 Chi2= 9.40E-01 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 142 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 240 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 6.21E+01 Chi2= 6.21E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.22E-02 Chi2Y= 1.03E+00 Chi2= 1.04E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.18E-02 Chi2Y= 1.03E+00 Chi2= 1.05E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 143 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM W-PIXTAN: Ignoring CLD flag for pixel - no cloud information I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 743 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.12E+02 Chi2= 1.12E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 6.96E-03 Chi2Y= 9.08E-01 Chi2= 9.15E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 9.94E-03 Chi2Y= 9.00E-01 Chi2= 9.09E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 144 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM W-PIXTAN: Ignoring CLD flag for pixel - no cloud information I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 816 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 3.44E+02 Chi2= 3.44E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 3.79E-03 Chi2Y= 1.93E+00 Chi2= 1.93E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 7.36E-03 Chi2Y= 1.63E+00 Chi2= 1.64E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 1.29E-02 Chi2Y= 1.63E+00 Chi2= 1.64E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 145 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 286 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 3.85E+01 Chi2= 3.85E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 6.80E-03 Chi2Y= 8.53E-01 Chi2= 8.60E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.12E-02 Chi2Y= 8.41E-01 Chi2= 8.53E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 146 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 860 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 6.76E+01 Chi2= 6.76E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.40E-02 Chi2Y= 1.07E+00 Chi2= 1.09E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.24E-02 Chi2Y= 1.05E+00 Chi2= 1.08E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 147 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 813 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.86E+02 Chi2= 1.86E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 3.12E-03 Chi2Y= 1.29E+00 Chi2= 1.30E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.34E-02 Chi2Y= 1.15E+00 Chi2= 1.16E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 3.19E-02 Chi2Y= 1.15E+00 Chi2= 1.18E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 148 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 930 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 3.03E+02 Chi2= 3.03E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 8.45E-03 Chi2Y= 2.60E+00 Chi2= 2.61E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 3.78E-02 Chi2Y= 2.27E+00 Chi2= 2.31E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 8.85E-02 Chi2Y= 2.27E+00 Chi2= 2.36E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 149 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM W-PIXTAN: Ignoring CLD flag for pixel - no cloud information I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 838 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 2.46E+02 Chi2= 2.46E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.27E-03 Chi2Y= 1.15E+00 Chi2= 1.15E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 6.54E-03 Chi2Y= 9.53E-01 Chi2= 9.60E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 1.41E-02 Chi2Y= 9.53E-01 Chi2= 9.67E-01 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 150 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 290 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 5.18E+01 Chi2= 5.18E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.98E-03 Chi2Y= 1.07E+00 Chi2= 1.07E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 5.29E-03 Chi2Y= 1.03E+00 Chi2= 1.04E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 151 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 752 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 2.10E+02 Chi2= 2.10E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 3.63E-03 Chi2Y= 1.15E+00 Chi2= 1.16E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.21E-02 Chi2Y= 9.98E-01 Chi2= 1.01E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 2.67E-02 Chi2Y= 9.98E-01 Chi2= 1.02E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 152 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 905 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 8.13E+01 Chi2= 8.13E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 6.83E-04 Chi2Y= 8.21E-01 Chi2= 8.22E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 9.57E-04 Chi2Y= 7.97E-01 Chi2= 7.98E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 153 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 976 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.31E+02 Chi2= 1.31E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 5.77E-03 Chi2Y= 1.23E+00 Chi2= 1.23E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.03E-02 Chi2Y= 1.12E+00 Chi2= 1.15E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 154 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM W-PIXTAN: Ignoring CLD flag for pixel - no cloud information I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 923 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 3.10E+02 Chi2= 3.10E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 8.11E-03 Chi2Y= 2.10E+00 Chi2= 2.10E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 4.05E-02 Chi2Y= 1.74E+00 Chi2= 1.78E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 9.81E-02 Chi2Y= 1.74E+00 Chi2= 1.84E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 155 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 781 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 4.80E+02 Chi2= 4.80E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 3.14E-03 Chi2Y= 1.37E+00 Chi2= 1.37E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 5.60E-03 Chi2Y= 9.36E-01 Chi2= 9.41E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 9.30E-03 Chi2Y= 9.35E-01 Chi2= 9.45E-01 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 156 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 913 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 5.73E+02 Chi2= 5.73E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.48E-02 Chi2Y= 1.47E+00 Chi2= 1.49E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.55E-02 Chi2Y= 1.07E+00 Chi2= 1.09E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 3.11E-02 Chi2Y= 1.07E+00 Chi2= 1.10E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 157 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 797 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.63E+02 Chi2= 1.63E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.05E-03 Chi2Y= 8.61E-01 Chi2= 8.62E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.68E-03 Chi2Y= 7.78E-01 Chi2= 7.80E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 158 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 773 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.55E+02 Chi2= 1.55E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.92E-03 Chi2Y= 8.62E-01 Chi2= 8.64E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.83E-03 Chi2Y= 8.27E-01 Chi2= 8.30E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 159 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 118 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 7.07E+01 Chi2= 7.07E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.83E-03 Chi2Y= 8.31E-01 Chi2= 8.34E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 3.94E-03 Chi2Y= 8.23E-01 Chi2= 8.27E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 160 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 290 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.43E+01 Chi2= 1.43E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 4.77E-04 Chi2Y= 8.20E-01 Chi2= 8.21E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.35E-03 Chi2Y= 8.14E-01 Chi2= 8.15E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 161 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 334 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 2.79E+00 Chi2= 2.79E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 7.87E-04 Chi2Y= 8.78E-01 Chi2= 8.78E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.31E-03 Chi2Y= 8.78E-01 Chi2= 8.79E-01 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 162 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 779 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 3.33E+02 Chi2= 3.33E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.95E-03 Chi2Y= 1.55E+00 Chi2= 1.56E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 9.13E-03 Chi2Y= 1.24E+00 Chi2= 1.25E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 2.04E-02 Chi2Y= 1.24E+00 Chi2= 1.26E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 163 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 814 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 2.16E+02 Chi2= 2.16E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.02E-02 Chi2Y= 1.06E+00 Chi2= 1.07E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.67E-02 Chi2Y= 9.24E-01 Chi2= 9.41E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 2.47E-02 Chi2Y= 9.24E-01 Chi2= 9.49E-01 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 164 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM W-PIXTAN: Ignoring CLD flag for pixel - no cloud information I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 869 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 4.01E+02 Chi2= 4.01E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 3.93E-03 Chi2Y= 1.85E+00 Chi2= 1.85E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.24E-02 Chi2Y= 1.39E+00 Chi2= 1.41E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 2.74E-02 Chi2Y= 1.39E+00 Chi2= 1.42E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 165 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 869 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 2.26E+02 Chi2= 2.26E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 9.43E-03 Chi2Y= 1.34E+00 Chi2= 1.35E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.88E-02 Chi2Y= 1.19E+00 Chi2= 1.20E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 3.35E-02 Chi2Y= 1.19E+00 Chi2= 1.22E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 166 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 835 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.71E+02 Chi2= 1.71E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 6.13E-03 Chi2Y= 1.19E+00 Chi2= 1.20E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.16E-02 Chi2Y= 1.11E+00 Chi2= 1.12E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 167 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 843 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 2.62E+02 Chi2= 2.62E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.49E-03 Chi2Y= 1.04E+00 Chi2= 1.04E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.31E-03 Chi2Y= 8.72E-01 Chi2= 8.74E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 3.59E-03 Chi2Y= 8.71E-01 Chi2= 8.75E-01 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 168 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 808 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 2.43E+02 Chi2= 2.43E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.27E-03 Chi2Y= 1.07E+00 Chi2= 1.07E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 6.55E-03 Chi2Y= 8.75E-01 Chi2= 8.82E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 1.43E-02 Chi2Y= 8.75E-01 Chi2= 8.89E-01 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 169 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 757 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.15E+02 Chi2= 1.15E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.47E-03 Chi2Y= 8.50E-01 Chi2= 8.51E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.76E-03 Chi2Y= 8.56E-01 Chi2= 8.59E-01 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 170 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 84 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 8.16E+00 Chi2= 8.16E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.31E-02 Chi2Y= 7.92E-01 Chi2= 8.06E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.93E-02 Chi2Y= 7.93E-01 Chi2= 8.13E-01 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 171 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 276 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.11E+02 Chi2= 1.11E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 3.66E-03 Chi2Y= 8.90E-01 Chi2= 8.93E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 5.12E-03 Chi2Y= 8.43E-01 Chi2= 8.49E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 172 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 794 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 6.94E+01 Chi2= 6.94E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.03E-02 Chi2Y= 8.28E-01 Chi2= 8.49E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.94E-02 Chi2Y= 8.25E-01 Chi2= 8.54E-01 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 173 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 900 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 7.72E+01 Chi2= 7.72E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 4.12E-03 Chi2Y= 1.01E+00 Chi2= 1.02E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 6.41E-03 Chi2Y= 9.63E-01 Chi2= 9.70E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 174 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 322 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 7.27E+00 Chi2= 7.27E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.74E-03 Chi2Y= 1.13E+00 Chi2= 1.14E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 5.08E-03 Chi2Y= 1.13E+00 Chi2= 1.13E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 175 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 286 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 2.25E+00 Chi2= 2.25E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 6.89E-03 Chi2Y= 1.49E+00 Chi2= 1.50E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.37E-02 Chi2Y= 1.50E+00 Chi2= 1.51E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 176 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 320 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 3.65E+01 Chi2= 3.65E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.24E-03 Chi2Y= 9.73E-01 Chi2= 9.75E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 4.12E-03 Chi2Y= 9.67E-01 Chi2= 9.71E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 177 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 120 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 4.14E+02 Chi2= 4.14E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 3.03E-03 Chi2Y= 1.08E+00 Chi2= 1.09E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 3.31E-03 Chi2Y= 7.61E-01 Chi2= 7.64E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 3.48E-03 Chi2Y= 7.60E-01 Chi2= 7.64E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 178 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 740 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.73E+02 Chi2= 1.73E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.10E-02 Chi2Y= 1.69E+00 Chi2= 1.70E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.16E-02 Chi2Y= 1.57E+00 Chi2= 1.59E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 179 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 831 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 2.19E+02 Chi2= 2.19E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 4.02E-03 Chi2Y= 1.46E+00 Chi2= 1.46E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.54E-02 Chi2Y= 1.24E+00 Chi2= 1.25E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 3.59E-02 Chi2Y= 1.24E+00 Chi2= 1.27E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 180 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 848 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.13E+02 Chi2= 1.13E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.12E-03 Chi2Y= 9.37E-01 Chi2= 9.39E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 3.97E-03 Chi2Y= 8.74E-01 Chi2= 8.78E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 181 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM W-PIXTAN: Ignoring CLD flag for pixel - no cloud information I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 817 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 7.82E+01 Chi2= 7.82E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 9.89E-04 Chi2Y= 7.58E-01 Chi2= 7.59E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.32E-03 Chi2Y= 7.32E-01 Chi2= 7.34E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 182 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 734 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 2.27E+02 Chi2= 2.27E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 3.29E-03 Chi2Y= 9.21E-01 Chi2= 9.25E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 5.18E-03 Chi2Y= 8.51E-01 Chi2= 8.57E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 183 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM W-PIXTAN: Ignoring CLD flag for pixel - no cloud information I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 795 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 3.03E+02 Chi2= 3.03E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.22E-02 Chi2Y= 3.25E+00 Chi2= 3.26E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 3.94E-02 Chi2Y= 2.74E+00 Chi2= 2.78E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 8.53E-02 Chi2Y= 2.74E+00 Chi2= 2.82E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 184 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 845 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 2.10E+02 Chi2= 2.10E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.18E-02 Chi2Y= 1.05E+00 Chi2= 1.06E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.81E-02 Chi2Y= 9.86E-01 Chi2= 1.00E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 185 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM W-PIXTAN: Ignoring CLD flag for pixel - no cloud information I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 887 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.66E+02 Chi2= 1.66E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.30E-03 Chi2Y= 9.82E-01 Chi2= 9.84E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.91E-03 Chi2Y= 9.13E-01 Chi2= 9.15E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 186 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 178 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 7.88E+01 Chi2= 7.88E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 4.76E-03 Chi2Y= 7.66E-01 Chi2= 7.71E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 6.81E-03 Chi2Y= 7.54E-01 Chi2= 7.61E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 187 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 280 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.61E+00 Chi2= 1.61E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 8.55E-04 Chi2Y= 1.55E+00 Chi2= 1.55E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 188 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 164 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 4.90E+01 Chi2= 4.90E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.83E-03 Chi2Y= 8.70E-01 Chi2= 8.71E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 3.70E-03 Chi2Y= 8.42E-01 Chi2= 8.45E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 189 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 30 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 9.75E+01 Chi2= 9.75E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 5.77E-04 Chi2Y= 1.43E+00 Chi2= 1.43E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 7.26E-04 Chi2Y= 1.40E+00 Chi2= 1.40E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 190 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 658 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 3.02E+00 Chi2= 3.02E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 9.53E-04 Chi2Y= 8.27E-01 Chi2= 8.28E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.84E-03 Chi2Y= 8.27E-01 Chi2= 8.29E-01 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 191 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 716 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 6.47E+02 Chi2= 6.47E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 3.24E-02 Chi2Y= 5.18E+00 Chi2= 5.22E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 8.46E-02 Chi2Y= 3.93E+00 Chi2= 4.02E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 1.71E-01 Chi2Y= 3.93E+00 Chi2= 4.10E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 192 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM W-PIXTAN: Ignoring CLD flag for pixel - no cloud information I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 856 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.01E+03 Chi2= 1.01E+03 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 7.87E-03 Chi2Y= 4.14E+00 Chi2= 4.14E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.60E-02 Chi2Y= 2.04E+00 Chi2= 2.07E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 6.06E-02 Chi2Y= 2.03E+00 Chi2= 2.10E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 193 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM W-PIXTAN: Ignoring CLD flag for pixel - no cloud information I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 813 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 3.05E+02 Chi2= 3.05E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 5.11E-03 Chi2Y= 1.37E+00 Chi2= 1.38E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 9.64E-03 Chi2Y= 1.11E+00 Chi2= 1.12E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 1.65E-02 Chi2Y= 1.11E+00 Chi2= 1.13E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 194 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 813 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 4.37E+02 Chi2= 4.37E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 6.60E-03 Chi2Y= 2.78E+00 Chi2= 2.79E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.74E-02 Chi2Y= 2.15E+00 Chi2= 2.18E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 6.50E-02 Chi2Y= 2.15E+00 Chi2= 2.21E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 195 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM W-PIXTAN: Ignoring CLD flag for pixel - no cloud information I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 743 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 2.92E+02 Chi2= 2.92E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 8.00E-03 Chi2Y= 2.43E+00 Chi2= 2.44E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 3.02E-02 Chi2Y= 2.07E+00 Chi2= 2.10E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 6.71E-02 Chi2Y= 2.07E+00 Chi2= 2.14E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 196 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 450 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.81E+02 Chi2= 1.81E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 9.74E-04 Chi2Y= 7.36E-01 Chi2= 7.36E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.14E-03 Chi2Y= 6.64E-01 Chi2= 6.65E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 197 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 773 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 7.66E+01 Chi2= 7.66E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.38E-02 Chi2Y= 8.09E-01 Chi2= 8.23E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.44E-02 Chi2Y= 8.16E-01 Chi2= 8.40E-01 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 198 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 869 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 8.76E+01 Chi2= 8.76E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 7.81E-04 Chi2Y= 1.15E+00 Chi2= 1.15E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.93E-03 Chi2Y= 1.16E+00 Chi2= 1.16E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 199 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 208 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.40E+00 Chi2= 1.40E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.78E-03 Chi2Y= 9.34E-01 Chi2= 9.37E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 4.26E-03 Chi2Y= 9.32E-01 Chi2= 9.36E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 200 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 288 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.27E+00 Chi2= 1.27E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 5.12E-04 Chi2Y= 1.23E+00 Chi2= 1.23E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 201 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 86 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 2.45E+01 Chi2= 2.45E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.84E-02 Chi2Y= 1.38E+00 Chi2= 1.40E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 4.45E-02 Chi2Y= 1.38E+00 Chi2= 1.42E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 202 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM W-PIXTAN: Ignoring CLD flag for pixel - no cloud information I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 767 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 9.94E+01 Chi2= 9.94E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 7.35E-04 Chi2Y= 8.51E-01 Chi2= 8.51E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.23E-03 Chi2Y= 8.07E-01 Chi2= 8.08E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 203 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 138 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 4.52E+01 Chi2= 4.52E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.56E-03 Chi2Y= 8.19E-01 Chi2= 8.21E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.35E-03 Chi2Y= 8.13E-01 Chi2= 8.15E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 204 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 418 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 2.22E+01 Chi2= 2.22E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 3.03E-03 Chi2Y= 6.61E-01 Chi2= 6.64E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 4.69E-03 Chi2Y= 6.59E-01 Chi2= 6.63E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 205 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 744 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 2.43E+02 Chi2= 2.43E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 3.65E-02 Chi2Y= 1.12E+00 Chi2= 1.16E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 6.39E-02 Chi2Y= 1.06E+00 Chi2= 1.12E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 206 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM W-PIXTAN: Ignoring CLD flag for pixel - no cloud information I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 835 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 3.25E+02 Chi2= 3.25E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.42E-03 Chi2Y= 1.43E+00 Chi2= 1.44E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 5.61E-03 Chi2Y= 1.15E+00 Chi2= 1.16E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 1.11E-02 Chi2Y= 1.15E+00 Chi2= 1.16E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 207 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 162 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 7.21E+01 Chi2= 7.21E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.31E-02 Chi2Y= 1.18E+00 Chi2= 1.20E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 4.03E-02 Chi2Y= 1.19E+00 Chi2= 1.23E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 208 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM W-PIXTAN: Ignoring CLD flag for pixel - no cloud information I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 811 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 5.40E+01 Chi2= 5.40E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 6.52E-03 Chi2Y= 7.67E-01 Chi2= 7.74E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.17E-02 Chi2Y= 7.74E-01 Chi2= 7.85E-01 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 209 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 104 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 4.18E+00 Chi2= 4.18E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 3.91E-04 Chi2Y= 1.07E+00 Chi2= 1.07E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 6.29E-04 Chi2Y= 1.07E+00 Chi2= 1.07E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 210 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 224 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.05E+00 Chi2= 1.05E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 3.55E-03 Chi2Y= 1.06E+00 Chi2= 1.06E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 211 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 464 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.71E+02 Chi2= 1.71E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.23E-03 Chi2Y= 9.08E-01 Chi2= 9.10E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.14E-03 Chi2Y= 7.92E-01 Chi2= 7.94E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 212 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 260 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.55E+02 Chi2= 1.55E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.81E-03 Chi2Y= 1.30E+00 Chi2= 1.30E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 4.46E-03 Chi2Y= 1.21E+00 Chi2= 1.21E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 213 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 120 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.13E+02 Chi2= 1.13E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.59E-02 Chi2Y= 8.90E-01 Chi2= 9.06E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.60E-02 Chi2Y= 8.91E-01 Chi2= 9.17E-01 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 214 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 544 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 3.02E+01 Chi2= 3.02E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.70E-03 Chi2Y= 7.65E-01 Chi2= 7.68E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 4.38E-03 Chi2Y= 7.59E-01 Chi2= 7.63E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 215 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 344 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 6.46E+01 Chi2= 6.46E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.17E-03 Chi2Y= 6.06E-01 Chi2= 6.07E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.83E-03 Chi2Y= 5.77E-01 Chi2= 5.79E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 216 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM W-PIXTAN: Ignoring CLD flag for pixel - no cloud information I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 737 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 6.09E+02 Chi2= 6.09E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.06E-02 Chi2Y= 4.79E+00 Chi2= 4.80E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 4.49E-02 Chi2Y= 3.58E+00 Chi2= 3.63E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 1.09E-01 Chi2Y= 3.58E+00 Chi2= 3.69E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 217 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 240 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 3.80E+02 Chi2= 3.80E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 9.54E-03 Chi2Y= 3.90E+00 Chi2= 3.91E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 4.50E-02 Chi2Y= 3.28E+00 Chi2= 3.33E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 1.09E-01 Chi2Y= 3.28E+00 Chi2= 3.39E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 218 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 793 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.26E+02 Chi2= 1.26E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.20E-03 Chi2Y= 8.98E-01 Chi2= 9.01E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 3.84E-03 Chi2Y= 9.05E-01 Chi2= 9.09E-01 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 219 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM W-PIXTAN: Ignoring CLD flag for pixel - no cloud information I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 1036 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.15E+02 Chi2= 1.15E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 4.53E-03 Chi2Y= 9.71E-01 Chi2= 9.75E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 7.33E-03 Chi2Y= 9.46E-01 Chi2= 9.53E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 220 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 84 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 4.22E+01 Chi2= 4.22E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.65E-02 Chi2Y= 1.29E+00 Chi2= 1.32E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 3.91E-02 Chi2Y= 1.29E+00 Chi2= 1.33E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 221 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 114 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 3.69E+01 Chi2= 3.69E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 3.90E-03 Chi2Y= 8.99E-01 Chi2= 9.03E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 6.56E-03 Chi2Y= 8.78E-01 Chi2= 8.84E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 222 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 162 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 7.17E+00 Chi2= 7.17E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 3.15E-03 Chi2Y= 8.15E-01 Chi2= 8.19E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 5.09E-03 Chi2Y= 8.06E-01 Chi2= 8.12E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 223 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 730 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.77E+02 Chi2= 1.77E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.69E-02 Chi2Y= 1.14E+00 Chi2= 1.16E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.80E-02 Chi2Y= 1.08E+00 Chi2= 1.11E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 224 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 992 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 2.03E+02 Chi2= 2.03E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.63E-03 Chi2Y= 1.02E+00 Chi2= 1.03E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.66E-03 Chi2Y= 9.07E-01 Chi2= 9.10E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 3.95E-03 Chi2Y= 9.07E-01 Chi2= 9.11E-01 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 225 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 460 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 9.01E+01 Chi2= 9.01E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.97E-02 Chi2Y= 1.24E+00 Chi2= 1.26E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 3.24E-02 Chi2Y= 1.23E+00 Chi2= 1.27E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 226 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 754 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 3.34E+02 Chi2= 3.34E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.80E-02 Chi2Y= 3.44E+00 Chi2= 3.46E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 5.28E-02 Chi2Y= 2.98E+00 Chi2= 3.03E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 1.07E-01 Chi2Y= 2.98E+00 Chi2= 3.09E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 227 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM W-PIXTAN: Ignoring CLD flag for pixel - no cloud information I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 825 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.42E+03 Chi2= 1.42E+03 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.70E-02 Chi2Y= 7.42E+00 Chi2= 7.45E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 7.13E-02 Chi2Y= 3.63E+00 Chi2= 3.70E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 1.46E-01 Chi2Y= 3.62E+00 Chi2= 3.77E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 228 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 138 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 5.01E+02 Chi2= 5.01E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.05E-02 Chi2Y= 1.46E+00 Chi2= 1.47E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.36E-02 Chi2Y= 9.38E-01 Chi2= 9.51E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 1.44E-02 Chi2Y= 9.37E-01 Chi2= 9.52E-01 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 229 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 524 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 5.22E+01 Chi2= 5.22E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 6.17E-03 Chi2Y= 9.68E-01 Chi2= 9.74E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 9.70E-03 Chi2Y= 9.70E-01 Chi2= 9.79E-01 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 230 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM W-PIXTAN: Ignoring CLD flag for pixel - no cloud information I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 728 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.97E+02 Chi2= 1.97E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 4.41E-03 Chi2Y= 1.48E+00 Chi2= 1.49E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 7.17E-03 Chi2Y= 1.31E+00 Chi2= 1.32E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 1.02E-02 Chi2Y= 1.31E+00 Chi2= 1.32E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 231 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 164 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.04E+00 Chi2= 1.04E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.73E-04 Chi2Y= 8.61E-01 Chi2= 8.61E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 4.70E-04 Chi2Y= 8.60E-01 Chi2= 8.61E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 232 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 745 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 3.77E+02 Chi2= 3.77E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 6.40E-03 Chi2Y= 2.38E+00 Chi2= 2.39E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.34E-02 Chi2Y= 1.82E+00 Chi2= 1.84E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 5.48E-02 Chi2Y= 1.82E+00 Chi2= 1.87E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 233 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 819 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 2.52E+03 Chi2= 2.52E+03 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 3.86E-02 Chi2Y= 2.70E+01 Chi2= 2.71E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 9.89E-02 Chi2Y= 1.45E+01 Chi2= 1.46E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 1.59E-01 Chi2Y= 1.44E+01 Chi2= 1.46E+01 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 234 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 312 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 5.81E+00 Chi2= 5.81E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 8.75E-04 Chi2Y= 1.10E+00 Chi2= 1.10E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.72E-03 Chi2Y= 1.10E+00 Chi2= 1.10E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 235 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 90 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.37E+00 Chi2= 1.37E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.04E-03 Chi2Y= 1.21E+00 Chi2= 1.21E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 4.47E-03 Chi2Y= 1.21E+00 Chi2= 1.21E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 236 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 358 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.18E+01 Chi2= 1.18E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.36E-02 Chi2Y= 1.09E+00 Chi2= 1.11E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.03E-02 Chi2Y= 1.09E+00 Chi2= 1.11E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 237 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 202 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=707 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 739 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 3.34E+02 Chi2= 3.34E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.92E-02 Chi2Y= 1.43E+00 Chi2= 1.45E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 3.12E-02 Chi2Y= 1.19E+00 Chi2= 1.22E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 3.89E-02 Chi2Y= 1.19E+00 Chi2= 1.23E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 238 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 142 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 9.09E+01 Chi2= 9.09E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 5.05E-03 Chi2Y= 1.49E+00 Chi2= 1.50E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 8.57E-03 Chi2Y= 1.44E+00 Chi2= 1.45E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 239 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 248 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.10E+02 Chi2= 1.10E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.11E-03 Chi2Y= 1.13E+00 Chi2= 1.13E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.73E-03 Chi2Y= 1.08E+00 Chi2= 1.08E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 240 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 266 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 3.43E+01 Chi2= 3.43E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.69E-02 Chi2Y= 1.44E+00 Chi2= 1.45E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.77E-02 Chi2Y= 1.37E+00 Chi2= 1.40E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 241 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 220 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 8.00E+00 Chi2= 8.00E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.25E-02 Chi2Y= 1.23E+00 Chi2= 1.26E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 3.41E-02 Chi2Y= 1.23E+00 Chi2= 1.27E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 242 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 56 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 3.51E+02 Chi2= 3.51E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 3.69E-03 Chi2Y= 1.09E+00 Chi2= 1.10E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 6.69E-03 Chi2Y= 7.75E-01 Chi2= 7.81E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 1.06E-02 Chi2Y= 7.75E-01 Chi2= 7.85E-01 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 243 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 126 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.57E+02 Chi2= 1.57E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.71E-02 Chi2Y= 1.11E+00 Chi2= 1.13E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 4.56E-02 Chi2Y= 1.09E+00 Chi2= 1.13E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 244 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 84 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 3.42E+00 Chi2= 3.42E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.70E-02 Chi2Y= 1.23E+00 Chi2= 1.25E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.82E-02 Chi2Y= 1.24E+00 Chi2= 1.27E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 245 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 132 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.56E+02 Chi2= 1.56E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.41E-03 Chi2Y= 9.08E-01 Chi2= 9.10E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.77E-03 Chi2Y= 8.56E-01 Chi2= 8.58E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 246 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 80 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 3.32E+01 Chi2= 3.32E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.91E-02 Chi2Y= 8.83E-01 Chi2= 9.02E-01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 3.23E-02 Chi2Y= 8.81E-01 Chi2= 9.13E-01 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 247 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 242 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.82E+02 Chi2= 1.82E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.61E-02 Chi2Y= 1.91E+00 Chi2= 1.93E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.90E-02 Chi2Y= 1.63E+00 Chi2= 1.66E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 3.98E-02 Chi2Y= 1.62E+00 Chi2= 1.66E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 248 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 114 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.55E+02 Chi2= 1.55E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.13E-03 Chi2Y= 9.98E-01 Chi2= 1.00E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 4.13E-03 Chi2Y= 9.00E-01 Chi2= 9.05E-01 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 249 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 282 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 3.12E+01 Chi2= 3.12E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.28E-03 Chi2Y= 1.69E+00 Chi2= 1.70E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 4.42E-03 Chi2Y= 1.66E+00 Chi2= 1.67E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 250 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 104 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 2.30E+01 Chi2= 2.30E+01 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 2.86E-04 Chi2Y= 1.22E+00 Chi2= 1.22E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 5.23E-04 Chi2Y= 1.21E+00 Chi2= 1.21E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 251 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 342 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.35E+00 Chi2= 1.35E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 5.14E-04 Chi2Y= 1.12E+00 Chi2= 1.12E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 1.15E-03 Chi2Y= 1.12E+00 Chi2= 1.12E+00 G=1 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 252 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 142 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 2.04E+02 Chi2= 2.04E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 1.45E-02 Chi2Y= 1.96E+00 Chi2= 1.98E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 2.55E-02 Chi2Y= 1.76E+00 Chi2= 1.78E+00 G=0 CONVERGED I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 253 of 253 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 1 *TEM *H2O *O3 I-PIXORB: Load L2 orbital data from file# 2 *SFCPRE *SFCTEM I-MSEPIX: Processing NH3_0001 920.000 940.000 I-SWPYVC: True/Total spectral points =81/81 I-SWPJAC: 404 extra C-G.paths reqd for Jac.Calcs. New total=1414 I-CLCPTH: Tot,reused calculated paths = 1416, 140 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 1 Chi2X= 0.00E+00 Chi2Y= 1.80E+02 Chi2= 1.80E+02 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 2 Chi2X= 3.32E-03 Chi2Y= 1.27E+00 Chi2= 1.27E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 3 Chi2X= 7.45E-03 Chi2Y= 1.10E+00 Chi2= 1.10E+00 G=0 I-SWPRTV: Iter# 4 Chi2X= 1.38E-02 Chi2Y= 1.10E+00 Chi2= 1.11E+00 G=1 CONVERGED R-MORSE: Successful completion