GEIXSC | ![]() | ![]() |
Latest: GEIXSC v2.01 (29JAN25) [Fortran] [Python] | 29JAN25 |
Although both represent tabulations of the same quantity (absorption cross-section) in the same units (cm2 molec-1), the main issue in the conversion is that
GEISA cross-section files are freely available from
I haven't tested this with all the GEISA cross-section data so if you find problems with converting any particular files, let me know ( The Python version has only been tested with regularly-gridded files.
This page contains the essentials on installing and
Download the source code:
[geixsc.f90] or
To compile the Fortran, use any generic compiler, eg
For example, in linux, if you've downloaded the GEISA
file N2O5_all_files.tar.gz
into the current directory, you can unpack it and create a list file
e.g. n2o5.lst using the following:
Then, to run the conversion program, type geixsc and provide the
name of the list file. Using the above example,
The above is the Fortran version, but running the Python version is
essentially the same.
In this case, the program runs almost instantaneously.
In most cases you will also get a number of information and/or warning
messages and the program takes a little longer, but no further user-input
is required.
This is an unusually simple case. Generally the GEISA data will be split
into separate files for individual bands, and some sort
regridding may be required. For example:
The HITRAN format only permits a regular spectral grid within each file,
so the Installing GEIXSC
This will create a local executable geixsc
Running GEIXSC
First, construct a file containing the names of all the GEISA data to be
merged (e.g. all the files for a single molecule, but could also be a mix
of different molecules, in no particular order). Even if you only have
one GEISA file, you'll need to create another file containing the filename.
The file n2o5.lst then contains 5 filenames, representing
tabulations of absorption
cross-section at 5 different (p,T) conditions.
(The 'Unknown' strings in the GEISA N2O5 filenames refer to the fact that the
spectral resolution and pressure of the data are indeterminate).
In this case, apart from splitting the original data into two spectral bands
(810–880 cm-1 and 1050–1120 cm-1)
the program has detected two 'missing' points on an otherwise
regular spectral axis and so inserted interpolated values.
Identifying Bands
The GEISA format allows discontinuities in the spectral axis so different
bands can be concatenated within the same file (although
still with monotonically increasing wavenumbers)
Given that all these cross-section measurements come from FTS instruments
you might naively have imagined that the spectral grid would always be regular,
and conversion to HITRAN is simply a matter of noting the lowest and highest
wavenumbers and the number of points in the grid. But looking more closely
at the GEISA data (at least in the previous version, I haven't checked
whether this still applies to any of the 2015 data) ...
While it tempting simply to re-interpolate the GEISA data to a regular grid
keeping the same end points and number of data points, that would lead to
spurious minor differences between the original HITRAN and converted GEISA data
which often come from the same source. Aiming to keep as many of the
original data points as possible in the output file,
the subroutine REGRID works as follows:
'W-REGRID: Adjusting ...'
'W-REGRID: Interpolating ...'
'W-REGRID: Re-interpolating ...'.
Version History