`Included' Database (sorted):
all microwindows are tested and the
one giving the greatest improvement selected first, the process is repeated
to select the next best microwindow, and so on while some improvement
continues to be obtained.
Searching for new microwindows, either from scratch or following on after
incorporating an existing microwindow database, is a two-stage process
- Survey: in which each measurement (wavenumber,altitude)
is tested individually for the
improvement it would introduce to the retrieval (effectively treated as
single-point microwindows). This creates a (wavenumber,altitude)
map of `usefulness' of individual points.
- Growth:
starting with a measurement in a region of high
density of individually useful points, microwindows are grown `outwards' by
adding adjacent measurements until no further improvement is obtained. This
is repeated for a number of trial microwindows
different starting points, and the best grown
microwindow is retained.
Although the new microwindow search procedure should produce a good
approximation to a set of microwindows ordered by merit, if such an ordering
is required it is recommended that MWMAKE
is rerun supplying the
list of microwindows as an
`included' database
which is then sorted
A related use of the program is to generate different
`occupation matrices',
subsets of microwindows selected for a particular
retrieval ranges and/or
situations when measurements are missing
in particular bands or tangent altitudes.
Back to Contents
2. Compiling MWMAKE
The source code consists of one program module mwmake.for
plus a
number of subroutines *.for and include modules
These should all be placed in a new directory.
Then the module namfil.for
should be edited so that the string constant
PTBDIR (initially set to
points to the top level directory that will contain the
input spectra for the various atmospheres.
The length of the character constant (C*30 initially) also has to
be adjusted according to the new directory name (max of C*54).
NB: The subroutine dattim.for calls a FORTRAN 90 function
DATE_AND_TIME in order to return the current date and time,
written to some output files. This is not implemented for Sun systems, so
a replacement subroutine date_and_time.for is supplied (
see Additional Software) and should be included in the
directory before compilation.
The code can then simply be compiled as an executable mwmake
f77 *.for -o mwmake
Back to Contents
3. Input Spectra
MWMAKE operates by analysing sets of precomputed spectra representing
for each retrieved species (including continuum) and various
Error Sources represented as 1-sigma perturbation spectra.
These are stored as binary files, one file containing the Jacobian or Error
spectrum for one MIPAS band for one tangent altitude for
one atmosphere.
Jacobian spectra have names including "jac", e.g.
where d is the band, 06000
is the tangent height
(6km), day is the atmosphere,
h2o is the retrieved species.
Error spectra have names excluding "jac", e.g
where var_h2o is the error source
(variability of H2O, in this case),
Spectra exist for all 17 altitudes 6-68km represented in the
nominal MIPAS scan pattern,
but not all bands (eg there are no CH4
Jacobian or error spectra for the A band since there
are no CH4 spectral features in the A band).
The full list of spectra is given in the Appendix.
All these spectra should be placed in a subdirectories of the
top level directory (as defined by PTBDIR,
see section on Compiling MWMAKE).
day atmosphere, Jacobian spectra (anything with "jac" in the
day atmosphere, error spectra (anything without "jac" in the
similarly for the other atmospheres ngt,
sum, win and equ
The spectra are generated as ASCII files (using the
RFM), but, in order to save space and
increase access speeds, stored as binary files (see
binasc.f conversion program).
If it is necessary to access the spectra as
ASCII files, just edit the filenames in
The subroutine which actually opens the files (getspc.for)
already checks for a
string ".bin" in the filename and treats the file
as binary/ASCII appropriately.
Back to Contents
4. Terminal Inputs
On execution, MWMAKE
will prompt the user for information defining the task
to be performed, most of which have reasonable defaults (ie the user can type
a carriage return, indicated as <CR>).
Input can either be via a terminal, or using a driver file.
The driver file option can be invoked either by specifying the file name
in response to the first prompt, or directly using the Unix construction,
mwmake < mwmake.drv
The terminal dialogue/prompts are described in sequence below, together
with possible user responses and defaults.
- R-MWMAKE: Running MWMAKE v.01MAR02 (or later version)
Info only: identifies the version of the code being executed. This version
ID is also written to all output files.
- Driver file [<CR>=terminal input]:
- Either the name of a
driver file which contains
all subsequent responses, or <CR>
signifying inputs via terminal.
- Example Responses
- mwmake_ch4.drv
- Name of a driver file containing subsequent
- <CR> (Default - set in mwmake.for)
- No driver file - all subsequent inputs via terminal
- Target species:
- Parameter(s)
to be retrieved, eg:
- ch4, h2o, hno3,
n2o, no2, o3 and/or
pt (upper/lower case not significant, at least one space
or comma between species to be retrieved simultaneously).
- pt
retrieves both pressure and temperature profiles jointly, assuming
assuming a priori pointing knowledge (random 1.5% pressure between
adjacent sweeps). ctm (continuum)
can also be entered as a target parameter: a continuum profile is always
retrieved for each microwindow but if specified as a target species then this
is also incorporated in the Figure of Merit calculation.
- Example Responses
- CH4 N2O
- Methane and nitrous oxide joint-retrieval microwindows
- NB: There is no default option
- [prompt only if joint retrieval specified in previous response, or
retrieved molecule > 4 characters in length]
- Retrieval code (up to C*4):
- Microwindows have labels of the form RRRRnnnn
where nnnn is a number (padded with leading zeros).
For single
target species with molecule names 4 characters or less (including 'PT'),
RRRR is set automatically to be the
the retrieved species padded with trailing underscores. For other cases
the user has to supply the 4-character code (case sensitive).
- Example Responses
- pTwv
- Pressure, temperature and Water Vapour joint retrieval (ie
generate MWs with labels like pTwv0001)
- NB: There is no default option
- Atmosphere: [day<CR>,ngt,sum,win,equ,glo,glw]:
- The three-letter code selecting atmosphere(s) to be
used for evaluating the Figure of Merit. First five are as in
input spectra, additional options are
- glo Global average of 5 atmospheres
- glw Global average plus extra weight for polar winter
- Example Responses
- glw
- Use Polar winter-weighted global set
- <CR> (Default - set in mwmreq.for)
- Use mid-latitude day-time only
- VMR Accuracy requirement? [<CR>=25.0%]:
(if molecule selected as the (first) target species),
Temp Accuracy requirement? [<CR>=3.0K]:
(if pT selected as the (first) target species.)
This sets up a constant value for the 'target accuracy profile', although
how it is used is defined by other parameters. In the case of joint
retrievals, it is defined for the first species specified in the
Target species section.
- Example Responses
- 15
- Target profile set to 15% (assuming VMR) or 15K (assuming pT)
- <CR> (Default - set in mwmreq.for)
- Target profile set to
25% for VMR retrievals, 3K for temperature retrievals.
- Waveno.range or bands [<CR>=all]:
The lower, upper wavenumber limits [cm-1]
to be used for microwindow selection, or,
alternatively, a list of MIPAS bands:
- A 685-970 cm-1
- AB 1020-1170 cm-1
- B 1215-1500 cm-1
- C 1570-1750 cm-1
- D 1820-2410 cm-1
(v14MAY02 onwards) if a wavenumber range is specified, it is assumed
that this only applies to the search range for new microwindows.
However, if bands are specified it is assumed that this applies to
new microwindows and to included microwindows
(in earlier versions a specified wavenumber range also applied to both)
- Note: No points are selected within 0.2 cm-1 of the MIPAS band edges
(to allow for AILS convolution)
- Example Responses
- 1200 1300
- Search range 1200-1300 cm-1, although this will actually only
only cover 1215-1300cm-1 since 1200 lies between the AB and B bands,
and the B band nominally covers 1215-1500cm-1.
- a d b (case-insensitive)
- Search MIPAS bands A, B and D only and, if existing microwindows are
to be included, include only MWs within these bands.
- <CR> (Default - set in reqbnd.for)
- Search entire MIPAS range (685-2410 cm-1, excluding gaps between
filters, which are not covered by the input spectra)
- I-REQBND: Searching Wavenumber range 685.200 2409.800
(for example)
- Info only: verification of the lower and upper wavenumber limits to be
- Note: the above response would also be obtained if the user
had typed a d b in response to the previous prompt -
this message only lists the extreme
lower and upper wavenumbers and not the details of bands to be skipped in
between these limits.
- Merit(0:7), CPU Cost(0:9) and Mask(0:4) Fns? [<CR>= 0 0 0]:
Integer parameters defining Merit function,
CPU Cost function and MW growth
algorithm to be used.
- These 3 digits are concatenated to form the
`identifier' (ijk)
for this particular run of MWMAKE
(although this will be overridden
if missing bands/altitudes are selected)
- Example Responses
- 4 1 2
- Use Merit Fn#4, CPU Cost Fn#1 and MW Growth Algorithm#2
Output filenames will contain the string
- <CR> (Default - set in mwmreq.for)
- Use Merit Fn#0, CPU Cost Fn#0 and MW Growth Algorithm#0.
Output filenames will contain the string
- List of retrieval altitudes [km] [<CR>=6,9,..68]:
- Tangent altitudes for both measurements and retrieval (arbitrary order,
but separated by at least 0.5km)
- Example Responses
- 5 6.5 8 9.5 11 12.5 14 15.5 17 18.5 20 25 30 40
- MIPAS Special Observation Mode "S2"
- <CR> (Default - set in
- Use nominal scan pattern (6-68 km in 17 steps)
- List of missing altitudes [km] [<CR>=none]
- Any tangent
altitudes missing from the measurements (but not the retrieval) - used for
constructing Occupation Matrices for missing-data scenarios.
These altitudes
have to be a subset of the altitude list supplied previously, or an
error message will result. This overrides the usual
identifier used in
output filenames.
- Example Responses:
- 9 11
- missing measurements at 9 and 12 km
- <CR> (Default - set in
- retrieve at 8, 11, ... 53km (16 tangent heights), with spectra
available at all altitudes.
- [prompt only if missing altitude(s) have been specified in previous response]
- Missing Band (A,AB,B,C or D)? [<CR>=all]:
For the missing altitude(s), the spectra may either be missing for all
bands or for just one band.
- Example Responses
- ab (case insensitive)
- At previously specified missing altitudes, only AB band missing
(A, B, C and D band spectra all available).
- <CR> (Default set in reqalt.for)
- All bands missing at missing altitude(s).
- Termination criteria Npt,NMW,DMrt,ReqF?
[<CR>=5000 10 0.0 0.0]:
The microwindow selection will finish when any of these criteria are met.
- See section on
Termination Criteria for explanations.
- Example Responses
- 99999 10 0.1 1.0
- Terminate when either 10 microwindows have been found, or
FOM no longer increases by at least 0.1,
or when the requirement profile has been met at all altitudes
- <CR> (Default - set in
- Terminate when either 5000 points or 10 microwindows have been used,
or when FOM no longer increases, and ignore requirement
profile as a termination criterion.
- Minimum ctm info/level [<CR>=0 bits]:
- The minimum continuum information content required for each altitude in
each microwindow. 1 `bit' corresponds to a factor 2 reduction from the
a priori uncertainty (set at +/- 0.1/km extinction).
- Example Responses
- 5
- 5 bits, as currently used for MIPAS microwindows,
equivalent to extinction retrieval to accuracy of +/-0.003/km
- <CR> (Default - set in
- No continuum requirement (allows opaque tangent paths)
- I-MWMREQ: Min Ctm = A Pr.Cov* 9.7656250E-04 (for example)
- Info only: verification of the fraction of the a priori covariance
that will be used as a threshold value for the continuum retrieval.
Since covariance is the square of the uncertainty, this reduces by a factor
4 for every `bit' selected, so for 5 bits, 9.8E-04 = 1/1024.
- Min,Max Trials for each new MW? [<CR>= 30 99]:
The minimum and maximum number of trial MWs that will be grown before a
new MW selected (see Growth).
After the minimum number of trials, the best of any acceptable microwindow
found so far will be selected. If no acceptable MWs have been found,
selection continues until one is found, or the maximum number
of trials is reached at which point the selection ceases with a message
I-MWMAKE: No more MWs found
Increasing the minimum number of trials increases the
likelihood of a better MW being found at each stage, but also increases the
program time. 99 is the maximum that fits the 2-digit representation of
trial# in the diagnostics file.
- Example Responses
- 10 10
- Fix 10 trials for each new microwindow.
- <CR> (Default - set in
- min 30 max 99 trials for each new microwindow
- Exclude database
- Name of a microwindow database file (IMK-format)
containing a list of microwindows whose spectral ranges will be excluded
to prevent new microwindows having spectral overlaps.
- Example Responses
- MW_CH4_103.DAT
- Exclude spectral grid points covered by any microwindow within database MW_CH4_103.DAT
- <CR> (Default - set in
- No excluded spectral points
- Include database
- Name of an microwindow database file (IMK-format)
containing a list of microwindows to be included in the retrieval prior to
the addition of new microwindows.
Microwindows from this file will be skipped if any of the following
- MW not completely within selected wavenumber range; or
- Any wavenumber grid pt within the MW already flagged to be `excluded'
(eg if already included in another MW); or
- MW altitude range does not overlap the required range; or
- MW altitude range only overlaps at 'missing'
altitudes; or
- No 'T' masks in any included MW altitudes
- Example Responses
- MW_CH4_103.DAT
- Include microwindows within database MW_CH4_103.DAT
- <CR> (Default - set in
- No previous microwindows used.
[Prompt only if an `included database' is specified in the previous response.
There may a slight pause at this
point as the entire file is scanned to determine the highest microwindow#
currently used]
- Sort database (Y/N)? [<CR>=N]:
An 'included' database may be 'sorted', in which case microwindows from that
database will be selected in sequence according to improvement in the figure
of merit. If the database is not sorted, the microwindows are included in
the sequence in which they occur in the file.
- Note:
The previously specified termination criteria generally apply during the
inclusion of predefined MWs as well as when creating new MWs. However,
if predefined MWs are to be included without sorting, the
'DMrt' criterion
is temporarily suspended since the MWs in the file are assume to occur in a
random sequence (and therefore some may temporarily decrease the figure of
merit depending on the order in which they are incorporated).
- Example Responses
- y (case insensitive)
- Sort microwindows in `included database'
- <CR> (Default - set in
- Use microwindows in `included database' in the order in which they
- New MW#i from i=? (0=none) [<CR>=0001]:
['0001' in the prompt message will be replaced by
N+1 if an `included database' containing
microwindows up to number #N has been specified]
Microwindows are identified by labels such as
'CH4_0015' and the user can
specify the starting number for the sequence of new microwindows to be
- Note: new microwindows will not be created if the termination criteria
are met while the `include database' is being read.
- Example Responses
- 0
- Create no new microwindows (i.e. simply evaluate and/or sort
microwindows supplied via an `include database')
- 21
- Create new microwindows starting from #0021
- <CR> (Default -
set in mwmprv.for)
- Create new microwindows starting from number given in prompt message
After this record, no further user input is required.
Back to Contents
5. Example Driver File
Below is an example of a driver file for MWMAKE.
Record starting with '!' signify a comment.
The first record *must* be a comment, but after that they are optional
and may be inserted anywhere (here, they are used
to clarify the sequence of prompts requiring each response).
Note that responses given to `List of missing altitudes' and
`Include Database' determine what the next prompt will be.
! MWMAKE Driver File
! Target species:
! Atmosphere: [day,ngt,sum,win,equ,glo,glw]:
! Temp Accuracy requirement? [=3.0K]:
! Waveno.range or bands [=all]:
ab c d
! Merit(0:7), CPU Cost(0:9) and Mask(0:3) Fns? [= 0 0 0]:
0 0 3
! List of retrieval altitudes [km] [=6,9,..68]:
! List of missing altitudes [km] [=none]:
! NB: If any missing altitude specified, next entry should be response to
! prompt for missing bands
! Termination criteria Npt,NMW,DMrt,ReqF? [= 5000 10 0.0 0.0]:
! Minimum ctm info/level [=0 bits]:
! Min,Max Trials for each new MW? [= 30 99]:
! Exclude database:
! Include database:
! sort (only applies if an Include Database has been specified previously)
! New MW#i from i=? (0=none) [=0001]:
! End
Back to Contents
6. Output Files
A run of MWMAKE will produce the following output files.
rtv is the retrieved species (lower case).
If no missing altitudes are selected, then ijk are
the selected Merit/CPU/Growth parameters.
If missing altitudes are selected, then
i indicates the missing band
(i=0 all bands, i=1 A band,
i=2 AB band etc) and
jk becomes the (highest) missing altitude [km]
(e.g. jk=42
if both 39 and 42 km specified as missing).
- rtv_ijk.dia
- Diagnostics file.
Opened at start of program. Regularly updated.
- rtv_ijk.err
- Error analysis. Opened at start of program.
Updated after each microwindow.
- rtv_ijk.lst
- Microwindow listing.
Simplified list of microwindows and absorbers for each.
Opened at start of program. Updated after each microwindow.
- rtv_ijk.tmp
- Temporary file for creating microwindow file.
Opened at start of program.
Rewritten prior to production of each microwindow file, and can be deleted
upon completion.
- RRRRnnnn.imk
- Microwindow file
(for new microwindows only), RRRR is the
upper-case version of rtv
padded to 4-characters with underscores
nnnn is the microwindow number. Created as each new microwindow
is found.
- Occupation matrix. Opened at start of program.
Data written at end of program.
Diagnostics File
Diagnostics of the MW selection/creation process.
Types of record:
- Diagnostics Header
- 2 records at start of each file
giving general info on this particular run, e.g.
! Microwindow diag. 1020.200:2409.800 MRT=1 CPU=0 MSK=3 glw MWMAKE v.01MAR02
! Sweep range= 6.0:68.0 Missing band=none Missing alt=none
- Description
- 1020.200:2409.800
- Lower and Upper Wavenumber limits (cm-1) of
search range (i.e., ab, b, c and d bands here)
- MRT=1 CPU=0 MSK=3
- Selected Merit Fn#1,
CPU Cost Fn#0, MW Growth Algorithm#3.
- glw
- atmosphere(s) used for selection
- MWMAKE v.01MAR02
- Version of MWMAKE used
- Sweep range= 6.0:68.0
- Spectra cover tangent altitudes from 6-68 km
- Missing band=none
- No missing bands
- Missing alt=none
- No missing altitudes
i.e., all 17 spectra from 6 to 68 km are available.
- Microwindow Diagnostics
- 6 records for each microwindow included or created, e.g.
CH4_0022 1607.750 1610.750 15 60 1573 918 2308 1225 19.802 4.405 12.036
34.4 38.2 41.0 35.5 32.3 32.0 36.0 42.7 41.9 40.6 45.1 49.6 48.3 59.8 86.7100.0
44.6 41.9 43.1 26.4 19.4 16.1 14.7 15.8 12.3 14.4 20.8 14.9 12.0 20.2 80.4 0.0
56.3 56.7 59.5 44.2 37.7 35.8 38.9 45.6 43.7 43.1 49.6 51.7 49.8 63.2118.2100.0
- Description
- CH4_0022
- Microwindow label (RRRRnnnn
- 1607.750 1610.750
- Lower, Upper wavenumber boundaries for microwindow (3cm-1 is the
maximum width, =121 spectral grid points @ 0.025cm-1 spacing)
- 15 60
- Lower, Upper altitude boundaries for microwindow (=13 altitudes)
- 1573 918
- 1573 points in this microwindow (=121 spectral grid * 13 altitude grid)
of which 918 points are masked `FALSE'
- 2308 1225
- Cumulative totals for number of points and number of F masks so far
for this and any preceding microwindows.
- 19.802
- Cumulative Shannon information content for the retrieval
(i.e. evaluated
using Merit Fn#4, irrespective of merit function
selected for this run.)
- 4.405
- Figure of Merit increment for this microwindow,
evaluated according to the selected Merit Fn
(#1 in this case)
- 12.036
- Cumulative Figure of Merit for the current
- 34.4 38.2 41.0 ...
- Random Error component of current retrieval for lowest 16 altitudes
(i.e. 34.4% uncertainty at 6km, 38.2% at 9km, etc)
- 44.6 41.9 43.1 ...
- Systematic Error component at same altitudes
- 56.3 56.7 59.5 ...
- Total Error component at same altitudes (= Sqrt (Random^2 + Systematic^2) )
- Trial Diagnostics
- One record generated for each trial microwindow, e.g.
Trial# 5 Wno=1305.500[1305.750]1306.150 Alt=52[60]68 Npt= 81 Mer= 2.544*
- Description
- Trial# 5
- 5th trial microwindow to be grown
- Wno=1305.500[1305.750]1306.150
- Lower boundary, [Starting point], Upper boundary in the
wavenumber domain.
- Alt=52[60]68
- Lower boundary, [Starting point], Upper boundary in the tangent
height domain
- Npt=81
- Number of points in the microwindow.
- Mer= 2.544
- Increment in the Figure of Merit if this microwindow
is used.
- An additional character may be present at the end of the record:
- * = best microwindow so far (as in example)
- - = MW excluded since it fails to meet the minimum
spectral width requirement of 2 grid points
- c = MW excluded since it fails to meet the minimum
continuum information requirement
- Mask Optimisation Diagnostics
- 2 Records summarising start and end of mask optimisation
(only if MW Growth Algoritms #2 or #3 selected), e.g.
I-OPTMSK: Iter# 0 Merit: 1.642324 NMask: 500
I-OPTMSK: Iter# 5 Merit: 1.655388 NMask: 495
- Description
- Iter# 0
- Iteration number, 0 being the state prior to any toggling.
The logical status of one mask is changed each
iteration, so in this case there were 5 mask changes.
It is possible for the
status of a mask is changed from F to T in one iteration and then back
to F in a subsequent iteration, although not the next iteration).
- Merit: 1.642324
- Value of the Figure of Merit increment upon
completion of iteration.
- NMask: 500
- Number of False masks in microwindow. In this example, the toggling
set 5 points from F to T. Since there were 5 iterations it follows
that no points were set from T to F.
- Termination Diagnostics
- Record indicating the reason why the selection terminated, e.g.
I-MWMWRT: Terminated due to No.MWs = limit ( 5)
Error Analysis File
The retrieval error and its components after each MW is incorporated.
Types of record:
- Error Analysis Header
- 2 records at start of file, containing same information as
Diagnostics Header, e.g.
! MWMAKE error analysis 1020.200:2409.800 MRT=1 CPU=0 MSK=3 glw MWMAKE v.01MAR02
! Sweep range= 6.0:68.0 Missing band=none Missing alt=none
- Array size information
- 1 record containing the number of retrieved target parameters and
number of profile levels, e.g.
3 17
- Description
- 3
- Number of target parameters (pT counts as two)
- 17
- Number of profile levels
- List of target parameters
- 1 record containing the list of retrieved species, e.g.
tem pre h2o
- List of retrieval altitudes
- 1 or more records containing list of retrieval
altitudes, 16 altitudes per record, e.g.
6.0 9.0 12.0 15.0 18.0 21.0 24.0 27.0 30.0 33.0 36.0 39.0 42.0 47.0 52.0 60.0
- Error Profiles
- 2 or more records per error profile.
The first 3 sets of records are the Random, Systematic and Total Error
profiles, as in the Microwindow Diagnostics but with the
first record giving the title of each and subsequent record(s) containing
error values for all retrieval altitudes (not just the lowest 16).
For joint retrievals the first row(s) are for the first listed retrieval
parameter, followed by the next parameters starting on a new row etc.
Then sets of records for each significant systematic error component, e.g.
6.5 13.4 5.7 4.7 3.2 4.6 3.4 1.8 1.2 1.2 1.4 1.2 1.2 2.2 2.5 0.0
- Description
- hitran
- Error source (see Spectra for full list).
- 6.5 13.4 5.7 ...
- HITRAN database uncertainties contribute 6.5% error at the lowest
profile level, 13.4% at the next
level etc. Errors in a temperature retrieval are written to
2 decimal places and expressed in K.
Microwindow Listing
List of microwindows in selection/creation sequence.
- Microwindow Listing Header
- 2 records at the start of file, containing same information as the
Diagnostics Header, e.g.
! Microwindow list 1020.200:2409.800 MRT=1 CPU=0 MSK=3 glw MWMAKE v.01MAR02
! Sweep range= 6.0:68.0 Missing band=none Missing alt=none
- Microwindow Information
- One record for each microwindow, fully
defining microwindow apart from mask information, e.g.
3 CH4_0022 1607.750 1610.750 15 60 6 1 3 4 10 8 11
- Description
- 3
- Number of this microwindow in selection/creation sequence
- CH4_0022
- Label, in RRRRnnnn format.
- 1607.750 1610.750
- Lower and upper wavenumber [cm-1] boundaries
- 15 60
- Lower and upper tangent altitude [km] boundaries
- 6 1 3 4 10 8 11
- List of HITRAN/RFM codes
for each absorber. Target species first (6=CH4,
with 2 = CO2 for
temperature microwindows), but order of remainder is not significant.
Occupation Matrix
This file contains a summary of the microwindows and altitudes
used for a particular selection.
The format of occupation matrices is defined in [2],
and the following Field# and Descriptions are taken from that document.
Note that '#' indicates an optional comment record, but those
generated by MWMAKE are listed below as they sometimes
contain additional information not specified in the file format.
A typical file is constructed as follows
- Field#0 Common File Header
- General header for all ESA files, containing the generation time
and a comment describing the version. For files generated by
MWMAKE the comment
contains the same information as the first record of the
Diagnostics Header), e.g.
27-MAR-2001 16:06:13.046000
# Oxf Occupation matrix 1020.200:2409.800 MRT=1 CPU=0 MSK=3 glw MWMAKE
- Field#1 Label of Occupation Matrix
- OM Labels are of the form OM_RRRRijk
(where OM_RRRRijk.DAT is the file name)
# OM label:
- Notes
- RRRR is the retrieved species, upper case, padded to 4 characters
with trailing underscores (`_').
- ijk will either be the selection criteria, or will
represent the specified missing bands and altitudes.
E.g, '023'
could either indicate Merit Fn#0, CPU
Fn#2 and Growth Algorithm#3, or that this OM was selected
for all bands missing ('0') at 23 km ('23') altitude.
- [Comment] Figure of Merit
- Figure of Merit
for this particular selection, used to compare different OMs. Note that this
is inserted here as a comment as it is not part of the defined file format, e.g.
# Figure of Merit= 56.00363
- Field#2 Number of Altitudes (Rows) in this Matrix
- Number of tangent altitudes for spectra, e.g,
# No of altitudes:
- Field#3 Altitude Bands within which this Occupation Matrix is Valid
- Lower and Upper altitudes for each spectrum, assuming 1.5 km tolerance.
For spectra nominally at 8 - 53km, this gives 16 records (in descending altitude)
# Altitude bands:
51.50 54.50
48.50 51.50
6.50 9.50
- Field#4 Number of Microwindows (columns) in this Occupation Matrix
- Number of MWs selected, e.g.,
# Number of MWs:
- Field#5 Labels of Microwindows
- List of MW Labels, 7 per record, sorted by increasing wavenumber e.g.,
CH4_0006 CH4_0004 CH4_0007 CH4_0001 CH4_0008 CH4_0009 CH4_0005
CH4_0002 CH4_0003 CH4_0010
- Field#6 Occupation Matrix
- The occupation matrix itself, one column per microwindow in sequence
shown by preceding list of labels,
one row per tangent altitude (descending order)
as listed in the altitude bands. A figure
'1' indicates MW/Altitude is used, '0'
indicates that it is not,
# Occupation matrix:
#B B B B B B B B B B
1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0
1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
- Notes
- The second comment line (#B B ...) indicates the MIPAS band
containing each microwindow (all B-band microwindows in this case).
- There should be at least one '1' in each column, indicating
that each microwindow uses data from at least one tangent height
- If any sweeps (and bands)
are designated as missing, there
will be '0' for all entries on the corresponding row (and band)
- If any rows of the OM are entirely zero, the retrieval level will be
set to zero for that level as well.
- Field#7 Logical Retrieval Vector
- Set of flags indicating whether a retrieval is attempted ('1')
or not ('0') at each sweep altitude, e.g., if the retrieval is
not attempted at the highest altitude,
# Retrieval vector:
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
- Notes
- If the retrieval does not meet the
requirement accuracy at a
particular altitude, the retrieval vector is set to 0
- If a retrieval vector is set to 0 at either end of the
profile, all corresponding tangent altitude row elements of the occupation
matrix also set to 0. For pT retrievals this also applies if an
internal retrieval vector element is set to 0.
- Field#8 Number of Sweeps for which Parameters will be Fitted
- No of 1's in the retrieval vector, e.g.,
# No. sweeps for which profile fitted
Other records of the Occupation Matrix depend only
on the species retrieved and not the microwindow selection.
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7. Figure of Merit
The Figure of Merit H, measured in `bits',
represents some form of the information content of a set of measurements.
It is defined as:
H = -0.5 log2
( (Mrtv/Mapr)
* (Crtv/Capr) )
where M is the
Merit Function and
and C the CPU Cost Function
evaluated before (apr) and after (rtv) the retrieval.
This value is determined within the function fmerit.for
MWMAKE uses a merit function with the general form
M =
D ( Ft*St + Fs*Ss
+ Fr*Sr )
where Ft,Fs,Fr
are weighting factors for the
total, systematic, requirement error covariances
and D is some type of determinant operator.
The weighting factors and determinant operator are set by the
user-selected value
of merit function# (0-7).
- Weighting Factors
- 0 or 4:
Ft=1 Fs=0 Fr=0
(select according to total error only)
- 1 or 5:
Ft=1/2 Fs=1 Fr=0
(bias towards low sys errors)
- 2 or 6:
Ft=1 Fs=0 Fr=1
(bias towards improvements at levels where requirement not met)
- 3 or 7:
Ft=1/3 Fs=2/3 Fr=1
(bias towards low sys errors & where req.not met)
- Determinant Operator
- 0-3
D based only on product of diagonals
- 4-7
D based on determinant of full covariance matrix
Note: for pt retrieval the single state vector element
corresponding to pressure is given an extra weight n corresponding to
the number of temperature elements in the profile (so that, overall,
pressure and temperature have equal weights).
CPU Cost Function
This represents a modification to the Figure of Merit expressing the penalty
associated with CPU cost, i.e., how much improvement in the retrieval can
be traded for faster processing time.
The CPU time T required to perform a retrieval is
(somewhat arbitrarily) represented by
T = 1000 + Npt +
where Npt is the total number of points (i.e.
measurements) and Nmw is the total number of
microwindows (representing some overhead associated with adding
each new microwindow as well as the additional points included).
The user-selected value of the CPU cost-function
j (an integer in the range 0:9) determines how this
time T is converted to CPU Cost C according to
C = Tnj/10
Where n is the number of profile levels to be retrieved.
Thus a value j=0 corresponds to
no CPU cost at all (C= 1 = constant), and a maximum value
j=9 corresponds to a weighting
close to the C = (Npt)n limit that can be
sustained only by the Merit function decreasing proportionally to
(Npt)n, which generally corresponds to the limit of random noise
reduction (M*C = constant),
which is too large a CPU cost for practical purposes (typically
M reduces with Npt raised to a smaller exponent
than n).
For existing microwindows which have associated
SVD-decomposed look-up tables (so that the total number of singular values,
Nsv, is written in the database) there are additional CPU-cost functions
which may be used to sort a database. These are used for values of
j = A, B, C ... F (i.e. 10-15 in hexadecimal notation).
In these cases, the CPU cost is modified so that Npt is now scaled
by Nsv/100:
T = 1000 + Npt*Nsv/100 +
C = Tn(j-9)/10
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8. Growth Algorithms
A microwindow size is defined by its dimensions w*a
(w = number of spectral
grid points, a = number of altitude grid points), with
w = a = 1 initially. It is also possible to have individual
measurements excluded from within the microwindow by setting a `False' mask
but the CPU cost estimates are based only on N = w*a
(this is because it is not practical to exclude masked points from the
forward model calculations, which is the time-consuming part, they are only
removed in the matrix operations associated with updating the retrieval
There are two methods for growing microwindows
- Edgewise: increase dimension w or a by one so as to include
all points along whichever boundary gives the most improvement. This scheme
also tests increments of 2 (i.e., adding two rows or two columns at a time)
to allow for more expansion possibilites.
- Pointwise: add single points around perimeter according to which gives the
most improvement, and once no further points are found increment w
and/or a to represent the new boundaries and repeat.
Apart from lack of improvement, growth can also be truncated by
specified altitude/wavenumber boundaries, or by a maximum width requirement
of 3cm-1 (w=121 spectral points @ 0.025cm-1 resolution).
Note that the Edgewise algorithm will only produce contiguous microwindows
(all points set `True', meaning `use all points withing boundaries'),
while the Pointwise algorithm will generally
produce perforated algorithms by choosing to omit certain points
(set `False').
For microwindows grown pointwise, there are two further steps which can
be applied to optimise the mask (applied to the finally selected microwindow
- Mask optimisation
- `Toggle' each point within the microwindow
(i.e. set `True' to `False' or vice-versa),
save the new status of whichever point gives the most improvement and continue
until toggling each point reduces the quality of the retrieval.
- Mask uniformity
- An additional penalty can be imposed to discourage
fragmented mask patterns,
i.e., encourage solitary `True' points surrounded by `False' points to
be set `False' and vice-versa. A larger penalty is applied for non-uniformity
in the altitude domain than in the spectral domain.
(v14MAY02 onwards)
Remask: for included microwindows, there is a further option which is
to reapply mask optimisation plus uniformity. This creates
new microwindows but constrained to have the
same altitude/wavenumber boundaries as the old microwindow.
Any subsequent microwindows which are grown are then generated pointwise,
also applying mask optimisation plus mask uniformity.
The particular growth algorithm used is determined by
a user-supplied Mask Function, a parameter in the range
- 0: Edgewise (i.e. contiguous microwindows only)
- 1: Pointwise
- 2: Pointwise plus mask optimisation
- 3: Pointwise plus mask optimisation plus mask uniformity
- 4: Remask included MWs,
then as #3 for any additional microwindows
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9. Termination Criteria
Microwindow selection, whether by growing new microwindows or using
an existing database, will terminate when any one of four criteria are met.
- Total Number of Points Npt
- The total number of points selected (ie including those which are "mask
ed") exceeds the specified number.
- Disabled by setting a large number, eg 999999.
- Total Number of Microwindows NMW
- The total number of microwindows found/used.
- Disabled by setting a large number, eg 9999.
- Minimum increments in FOM DMrt
No microwindow can be found that increases the FOM by at least this amount
- Note: this test is switched off while an existing set of microwindows
is `included' without being sorted
since there is no guarantee that the microwindows are stored in the
database in a sequence that will give a monotonically increasing
FOM, nor that the FOM used to create
the database is the same as currently being used.
- Disabled by setting a large negative number, eg -1.0E6
(although you will almost certainly want to retain a minimum value of 0.0)
- Requirement accuracy factor ReqF
- Factor * Requirement accuracy which has to
be met at all altitudes.
Eg, if the requirement profile is 25%, and a figure 0.6
is supplied for this parameter, the program will terminate when the total
retrieval error is 15% or less at all levels.
- Note that this factor allows different values of the requirement accuracy
to be specified for the Merit Function and to terminate
the selection.
- Disabled by setting a value 0 (since zero error cannot
be achieved).
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10. Microwindow Database File
The ESA format for a microwindow database is defined in
[1] and [2].
When MWMAKE creates new microwindows it writes each one as its
own database file with a name RRRRnnnn.imk where
RRRRnnnn is the Microwindow Label, eg
O3__0002. This is the only file in which mask information is
stored. For microwindows without masks (i.e. generated using
Mask Fn#0), the microwindow is fully specified,
and probably more conveniently read, from the
Microwindow Listing.
When sets of microwindows are to be `excluded' or
`included', these have to be contained in a single
database file (use imkmrg.for).
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11. Appendix: Full List of Input Spectra
This is the list of sample filenames of
spectra avaialable for use with MWMAKE.
Spectra exist for all 5 atmospheres, for all
5 bands except where otherwise stated, and for all
17 altitudes in the nominal scan pattern:
- 6km, 9km, ... 42 km @ 3km intervals, 47, 52, 60, and 68km.
None of the spectra is mandatory so, to exclude a particular error
source, simply remove the files from the
PTBDIR sub-directory.
However, warning messages are issued if Jacobian spectra are missing
for a required band, or any of the error spectra which normally
exist for all bands.
Jacobian spectra represent the difference between the nominal radiance and
the radiance if the target quantity is perturbed at the tangent level.
Perturbation sizes are 1K for temperature, 1% for VMR or pressure,
1e-4/km extinction for continuum.
- ptb_b06000.bin_jac_day_ch4 (AB, B, C, D)
- ptb_a06000.bin_jac_day_h2o
- ptb_a06000.bin_jac_day_hno3 (A, AB, B, C)
- ptb_a06000.bin_jac_day_n2o
- ptb_a06000.bin_jac_day_no2 (A, B, C)
- ptb_a06000.bin_jac_day_o3
- ptb_a06000.bin_jac_day_pre
- ptb_a06000.bin_jac_day_tem
- ptb_a06000.bin_jac_day_ctm
Composition Uncertainties
These represent the difference between spectra calculated for the nominal
atmosphere and an atmosphere where the constitutent profile is perturbed by
its estimated climatological variability (+1 sigma).
- ptb_a06000.bin_day_var_c2h2 (A)
- ptb_a06000.bin_day_var_c2h6 (A)
- ptb_a06000.bin_day_var_ccl4 (A)
- ptb_b06000.bin_day_var_ch4 (AB, B, C, D)
- ptb_a06000.bin_day_var_clo (A)
- ptb_a06000.bin_day_var_clono2 (A, B, C)
- ptb_a06000.bin_day_var_co (D)
- ptb_a06000.bin_day_var_co2 (A, AB, B, D)
- ptb_a06000.bin_day_var_cof2 (A, B, D)
- ptb_a06000.bin_day_var_f11 (A, AB)
- ptb_a06000.bin_day_var_f12 (A, AB)
- ptb_b06000.bin_day_var_f14 (B)
- ptb_a06000.bin_day_var_f22 (A, AB, B)
- ptb_a06000.bin_day_var_h2o
- ptb_a06000.bin_day_var_hcn (A, B)
- ptb_a06000.bin_day_var_hno3 (A, AB, B, C)
- ptb_a06000.bin_day_var_hno4 (A)
- ptb_b06000.bin_day_var_hocl (B)
- ptb_a06000.bin_day_var_n2o
- ptb_a06000.bin_day_var_n2o5 (A, B, C)
- ptb_a06000.bin_day_var_nh3 (A, AB, C, D)
- ptb_c06000.bin_day_var_no (C, D)
- ptb_a06000.bin_day_var_no2 (A, B, C)
- ptb_a06000.bin_day_var_o3
- ptb_a06000.bin_day_var_ocs (A, D)
- ptb_a06000.bin_day_var_sf6 (A)
- ptb_a06000.bin_day_var_so2 (AB, B)
MWMAKE also uses a Jacobian for the retrieval of the
radiometric offset, but this is simply a constant 1 [nW/(cm2.ster.cm-1)]
which is set internally.
Other Error Sources
- ptb_a06000.bin_day_co2mix (A, D)
Ignoring CO2 line-mixing
- ptb_a06000.bin_day_ctmerr Uncertainty in
CO2, H2O, O2, N2 continuum absorption (25%)
- ptb_a06000.bin_day_gain Uncertainty in radiometric
gain calibration (1%, i.e. these are 1% of the nominal radiance spectrum)
- ptb_a06000.bin_day_gra Ignoring horizontal gradients
(temperature gradient of 1K/100km)
- ptb_a06000.bin_day_hitran Uncertainties in
HITRAN database (not including uncertainties in absolute line strength)
- ptb_a06000.bin_day_ils Uncertainties in ILS
- ptb_a06000.bin_day_nonlte Ignoring non-LTE effects
- ptb_a06000.bin_day_shift Uncertainty in spectral calibration
In addition, MWMAKE uses the temperature and pressure Jacobian spectra
to parameterise the propagation of a 1K, 150 m (equivalent to 2% pressure)
temperature, pointing retrieval error into the constituent retrievals.
Errors due to Gain, ILS and HITRAN uncertainties are assumed uncorrelated
between microwindows. Errors due to temperature and pointing are assumed
uncorrelated between tangent altitudes.
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12. Additional Software
- rfmrd.pro
- IDL procedure to read binary/ASCII spectra
- binasc.f
- Fortran program to convert spectra binary-ASCII or ASCII-binary
- imkmrg.f
- Fortran program to merge RRRRnnnn.imk
IMK-format database files produced for each MW into a single database file
suitable for input as excluded or included.
- date_and_time.for
- Fortran subroutine for Sun systems replacing FORTRAN 90 function.
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13. References
The Revised Microwindow Database Format
Tech Note PO-TN-IMK-GS-0002 (April, 1999)
ASCII Input Data Interface Control Document (DD53)
PO-IF-DOG-GS-0002 (April, 1999)
Dudhia, A., V. L. Jay and C. D. Rodgers
Microwindow Selection for High-Spectral-Resolution Sounders
App. Optics, 41, 3665, 2002
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