QAD Flag

RFM Flags: Quadratic Model for Line Wings


Use simple quadratic interpolation to model line wings on fine grid.

Use inverse quadratic (ie matching Lorentzian-like lineshape) interpolation to model line wings on fine grid


  1. The main use of this flag is to investigate whether the form of polynomial used to interpolate wide-mesh calculations to the fine grid significantly affects the results. The order of polynomial is hard-wired by the dimension 3 in arrays ABSWID, CNTWID (set in spcini_sub.f90) and not something that is easily altered, so inverting it is about the only option.

  2. A second use is that the RFM may flip from inverse quadratic to quadratic for a small change in input parameters (the inverse quadratic being impossible to apply in certain situations, e.g., zero values), giving significantly different spectra. The clue is that the difference between two spectra has a sinusoidal shape in a 1 cm-1 interval with a zero-crossing at 0.5 cm-1. This flag forces quadratic throughout which, although not as accurate, at least enforces consistency.

[none reported]