People Involved with EODG

Anu Dudhia University Research Lecturer.
Primarily interested in infrared remote sounding of atmospheric temperature and composition using Fourier transfer instruments. Responsible for the RFM line-by-line radiative transfer model, and the MORSE retrieval code.

Don Grainger Reader in AOPP.
His main interest is in using satellite instruments to determine aerosol/cloud properties and trace gas concentrations in the Earth's atmosphere. This includes studies into natural and anthropogenic changes in atmospheric aerosols and clouds through process such as volcanic emission and anthopgenic pollution.

Antonín Knížek PostDoc at AOPP.
Antonín is mainly interested in volcanic remote sensing and simultaneous ash-SO2 retrievals. He works mostly with IASI data.

Rui Song PostDoc at AOPP.
His main research interest is remote sensing using lidar.

Basudev Swain PostDoc at AOPP.
Basudev primarily focuses on satellite retrievals and climate model simulations to study how aerosols influence precipitation and climate.

Isabelle Taylor PostDoc at AOPP.
Isabelle main interest is in how satellite remote sensing of volcanic SO2 and ash can be used to interpret volcanic behaviour. She is primarily working with IASI data.

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