Station Details
The weather station is a Met4Net station supplied by Instromet Weather Systems Ltd. Observations from 2001 to the present can be downloaded here. Technical details of the sensors and pictures of the station are summarised below:
- Professional Wind Sensor
Rotating cups using a Hall effect sensor and a wind vane using a precision pot.
Wind direction Specs:
Accuracy ±5° typical (10° worst case); threshold 0.5 m/s.
Speed sensor specs:
Typical accuracy ±5 % or 1.5 m/s; resolution better than 0.5 m/s; threshold 0.5 m/s.
- Sunshine Duration Sensor
Within glass dome; comparison between shade and sensor produces pulse every 36 sec when ratio exceeds a fixed value. Said to give excellent results to within a few minutes of dawn or dusk.
Sunshine sensor specs:
Accuracy better than 5 % when compared with Campbell Stokes typ. recorder.
- Rainfall Sensor
Mounted in an aerodynamically shaped moulding to reduce effects of wind. The rain is collected by an 80 mm diameter funnel which passes drips through an infrared beam and counts drops.
Rainfall sensor specs:
Accuracy better than ±5 % (typically ±2 %); resolution 0.01 mm.
Max counting rate 0.05 mm/sec.
- Air Temperature Sensor
Precision NTC thermistor within a radiation shield.
Temperature sensor specs:
Range -40 °C to +50 °C; accuracy ±0.5 °C at 20 °C. Radiation effects less than 1 °C at 1.5 m/s wind speed.
- Humidity Sensor
Electronic Sensor.
Humidity probe sensor specs:
Operating range 0-100 % humidity; accuracy ±3 % in 10-90 %
range; temperature dependence ±1 % in 5-60 °C range.
- Pressure Sensor
Electronic barometric pressure sensor, mounted within the data logger.
Pressure sensor specs:
Operating range 900-1100 ,mbar; accuracy ±2 mbar per 100 mbar.
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