Current Weather
25-03-2025 15:41:53 GMT
Temperature | 11.4 °C |
Pressure(MSL) | 1019 mbar |
Relative Humidity | 68.0 % |
Wind | 0.0 m/s (0.0 mph) at 38° |
Rainfall Rate | 0.00 mm/min |
Sun | Not shining |
UV Index | 0 |
Last Sunshine | 12:26:29 25-03-2025 GMT |
Last Rainfall | 19:55:49 23-03-2025 GMT |
Since 00:00:00 25-03-2025
Maximum Temperature | 13.6 °C at 12:28:19 |
Minimum Temperature | 2.5 °C at 03:01:44 |
Maximum Station pressure | 1019 mbar at 15:30:15 |
Minimum Station pressure | 1017 mbar at 02:26:08 |
Maximum Wind | 6.6 m/s (14.8 mph) at 13:42:19 |
Total Rainfall | 0.00 mm |
Total Sunshine | 0.53 hours |
Variation over the last few days:

Summary of the last 60 days:

Observations from 2001 to the present can be downloaded here. Please report any bugs or faults to (a value of -999 denotes missing data, which is only a fault if it persists for several minutes to hours). |