In 1822 a dispute arose between Brasenose and Jesus. It appears that the former caught a crab and were bumped, but rowing on came in first and claimed to remain 'head'. It must be remembered that the rules were so far only in process of formation, for, of course, now [1900] such a claim would be quite indefensible. This led to a 'confusion of opinion', the Jesus men hoisting their flag as head and the Brasenose men hauling it down again. The dispute was finally stopped by one of the Brasenose crew remarking: 'Quot homines tot sententiae, different men have different opinions, some like leeks and some like onions'; the point of the latter part of the remark being that the Jesus boat had leeks painted on their oars. It was finally agreed that the race should be rowed again, when Brasnose retained their place. This somewhat comic incident had however a tragic ending, for the rival crews celebrated their reconciliation by a picnic at Nuneham, when one of their number, T. Musgrave of University, was drowned.