Eights 1823
- No races this year
- From Sherwood
In consequence of the disaster just related [referring to the drowning
the previous year], and probably also because of disputes
about watermen rowing in the races, there were no 'Eights' in 1823...
After this year watermen ceased to row in the races, though men of other
colleges were allowed to row for two years more.
- In other news ... [1823]
- Monarch: George IV
- Prime Minister: Lord Liverpool (Tory)
- Feb 15 (approx.)
- The first officially recognised gold is found in Australia, by surveyor
James McBrien at Fish River, near Bathurst, New South Wales, predating
the Australian gold rushes.
- May 9
- Russian author Alexander Pushkin begins work on his verse novel Eugene Onegin.
- 4 July
- Transportation Act allows convicts transported to the colonies to be
employed on public works.
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