Eights 1826

Start Finish
Pos College Pts Pts College
1 Christ Church 4 4 Christ Church
2 Exeter 3 3 Brasenose
3 Balliol 2 2 Exeter
4 Brasenose 1 1 Balliol
College All Crews
[ ]=rank Crews Bps Avg
Brasenose 1[ 1] 2[ 1] 2.00[ 1]
Christ Church 1[ 1] 0[ 2] 0.00[ 2]
Exeter 1[ 1] -1[ 3] -1.00[ 3]
Balliol 1[ 1] -1[ 3] -1.00[ 3]
Notes The Christ Church crew list in Sherwood (citing Knollys as the source) is incomplete

Christ Church
B: W. L. Brown
J. Ley
Lord Clonbrock
Hon. F. C. Amherst
Hon. W. P. Amherst
H. Sanders
C: R. Eden

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