The Oxford Summer Races
These races commenced last evening. Trinity held the first position, but were compelled to lower their flag to New just above the Cherwell; while Lincoln, the third boat, were bumped by Oriel at Saunders-bridge. Worcester rowed in by themselves. Merton, their immediate successors, having been compelled to give in to Queen's at the Willows. Hertford ran into St. Catherine's (unattached students) at the Green Barge, and St. Edmund Hall and St. Mary Hall brought up the rear, the latter having gained considerably at one portion of the race, although unable to effect the required bump. The following was the order in which the first division started: [...]The racing will be continued every day until Tuesday next.
The races were continued on the Isis yesterday evening, the second division starting at 5 30 and the upper boats at 7. In the second division New College, Trinity, and Oriel, the three top boats, created some excitement; but Trinity were unable to turn the tables on New, who bumped them on Wednesday evening, and Oriel failed to catch Trinity. Lincoln, seeing they had no chance of bumping Oriel, and that Worcester had succumbed to Queen's, rowed in leisurely, and Hertford, having caught Merton and St. Edmund Hall given way to St. Mary Hall, St. Catherine brought up the rear.The first division started as under :— 1, University; 2, Brasenose; 3, Pembroke; 4, Magdalen; 5, Balliol; 6, Keble; 7, Christ Church;, 8, Exeter; 9, Corpus; 10, St. John's; 11, New College. University seemed well away from Brasenose until nearing the Cherwell, when the latter gained considerably, but were only enabled to get within half-a-length of the former, who will most likely now maintain their position as head of the river. Pembroke outdistanced Magdalen, but Keble justified the good opinions formed of them by bumping Balliol at the Willows, this being the only bump in the first division yesterday evening. Christ Church, Exeter, Corpus, St. John's, and New came in at respectable distances apart in the order named.
These races were continued in rain and flood last evening, the Second Division, or lower boats, starting at half-past 5 o'clock as follows, the brackets denoting the bumps, as they do in the First Division:— [...]New maintained their position a length in front of Trinity, who kept clear of Oriel, although the latter gained considerably towards the finish. Queen's made a further upward movement by dashing into Lincoln at the Willows, Hertford followed up their success by a victory over Worcester before the Gut, and St. Catherine's caught Merton early in the race, making three bumps in the Second Division.
The First Division started at 7 as follows:— [...]
From the above order it will be seen that Corpus last evening took precedence of Exeter, the bump of the former, which happened in the Gut, having escaped our observation the previous evening, owing to the floods on the towing-path, which effectually preclude the general public from accompanying the races.
Brasenose last night drew upon University, but eventually finished about the same distance behind as on Thursday, while Pembroke were a long way in the rear of B.N.C.. Keble justified the good opinions formed of them by dislodging Magdalen at the barge of the latter, and St. John's deposed Exeter in the Gut, making five bumps in all in the two divisions.
The racing will be continued to-day, Monday and Tuesday. A punt race for the Championship of England has been made betweem Beesley of Oxford and Andrews of Maidenhead.
Oxford, Monday evening.These races were resumed this evening, the second division starting at 5 30 and the first division, or upper boats, at 7. Although there had been a continuance of showery weather since Saturday, the floods had abated considerably this evening, and spectators were enabled for the first time to accompany the boats from Iffley without much inconvenience. The following was the order of starting of the second division. The brackets denote the bumps:— [...]
An unusually exciting race between the first three boats, Trinity being close on Exeter when Queen's gave Trinity the coup de grâce. Hertford were again to the front, deposing Oriel at the Gut on this occasion. St. Catherine's again got up to Worcester, but whether from the good steering of the latter or the bad judgment of the former, the bump was saved. The extra pressure put upon Worcester caused the latter to get unpleasantly close to Lincoln. Merton were the length of a street behind the unattached [St Catherine's], while St. Mary Hall and St. Edmund Hall were equally well apart.
The first division started as follows:— [...]
Exeter, by virtue of heading the second division of boats, took their position to-night as last in the first division, being what is commonly termed "sandwich boat." University again held their own from Brasenose, although the latter did their best to obtain the premier position. Corpus at length secured Christ Church at the Cherwell, which was the only bump in the first division this evening. The races will be brought to a close on Tuesday evening.
Oxford, Tuesday evening
These annual races were brought to a conclusion this evening in fine, but dull weather. The attendance was small at the second divisional racing, but at the last race, at 7 o'clock, when the upper boats contended, there was a numerous company on the barges, in Christ Church, and on the towing-path, the latter having become nearly free from water. The following was the order of starting, the brackets denoting the bumps :— [...]
Queen's added another to their long list of victories by bumping Exeter at the First Willow, and Hertford also made their sixth consecutive bump by running into Trinity in the Gut. Worcester surprised their friends by dashing into Lincoln at the Hertford Barge, Lincoln having previously got close up to Oriel. The remaining four boats kept their full distance apart.
[First Division starting order ]
University again held their own to the finish, although Brasenose, as before, gained upon them. Pembroke were a long way in the rear of Brasenose, and Keble kept a respectable distance from the former. Magdalen and Balliol fought their battle over again, the former, who were caught napping by Balliol yesterday [Saturday?], getting up at Saunders'-bridge, from whence a splitting race ensued up to the winning post. The bump seemed inevitable, but Balliol brought their boat home about a length in advance of Magdalen. Corpus and Christ Church followed without change, but New College deposed St John's opposite Claspers.
University | ||
B: | C. C. Mills | 10st 7lb |
2: | L. H. Jenkins | 9st 10lb |
3: | S. Sandbach | 11st 7lb |
4: | M. Power | 12st 4½lb |
5: | F. H. Capron | 11st 11lb |
6: | G. D. Rowe | 11st 10½lb |
7: | W. H. Cross | 12st 10lb |
S: | W. A. Ellison | 11st 2lb |
C: | P. S. Smith | 7st 2lb |