The University eight-oar races began at Oxford yesterday. There was a very large attendance. In the second division the boats started in the following order :— Keble, Hertford, University, Wadham, Lincoln, Corpus, Worcester, St. Catherine's, Merton, Oriel, St. Edmund Hall, and Jesus. A fine struggle was witnessed between the three leading boats, and after Hertford had drawn right on to Keble they fell away in the last bend, and University, coming with a rush, secured them at the Exeter barge, Keble being half a length ahead. A hard race went on between Worcester and Corpus; the former was overlapping at the University barge and some thought the bump had taken place. St. Catherine's proved no match for Merton, and St. Edmund Hall succumbed to Jesus.The first division rowed in the following order :— Magdalen, Brasenose, New College, Balliol, Christ Church, St. John's, Queen's, Trinity, Pembroke, Exeter, and Keble. Magdalen never really had to exert themselves. Brasenose gave way to New College after a hard struggle. St. John's had a hard race in the first part of the course owing to a bad start which landed them on the bank, and Queen's managed to get within a yard or two, when Trinity came to the rescue of the Johnians by bumping Queen's. Pembroke could make no race of it with Exeter and were bumped after about 300 yards had been rowed.
Worcester have claimed a bump over Corpus, which will be decided this morning.
A great deal of interest was shown in yesterday's racing, owing to the rivalry between New College and Magdalen for the headship, but although New College proved themselves faster than Magdalen, they were not quite able to rub off the latter's starting advantage.The second division rowed at half-past 4, the order being as follows :— Keble, University, Hertford, Wadham, Lincoln, Worcester, Corpus, Merton, St. Catherine's, Oriel, Jesus, St. Edmund Hall. Keble had a hard time of it right from the start, and putting in a brilliant spurt at the Cherwell, University came up in the last 200 yards and made their bump at the Brasenose barge, thus establishing themselves in the first division. Worcester, who had been awarded the bump claimed over Corpus on Thursday night, could make no impression on Lincoln. Corpus were again unfortunate, as, after a hard struggle, they had to strike their colours to Merton at the Exeter barge, and St. Catherine's, owing to their No. 2 breaking his row-lock, were caught by Oriel soon after the start.
The first division started at 6 in the following order :— Magdalen, New College, Brasenose, Balliol, Christ Church, St. John's, Trinity, Queen's, Exeter, Pembroke, University. A most interesting race resulted between New College and Magdalen for the headship along Iffley Reach. New College gained considerably and coming out of the Gut were within a length, an advantage they further reduced along the Willows. Cotton spurted at the crossing and regained some ground, but the effort was not sustained, and New College, keeping better together, gradually drew up, and were only a quarter of a length to the bad at the winning post. St. John's succumbed to Trinity, and University made their second bump during the day by catching Pembroke.
On Saturday the second division races were rowed at half-past 4 o'clock, the order being as follows :— Pembroke, Keble, Hertford, Wadham, Lincoln, Worcester, Merton, Corpus, Oriel, St. Catherine's, Jesus, and St. Edmund Hall. A fine race ensued between the first three boats, and although Pembroke were rather harassed by Keble through the latter being driven on by Hertford, they managed to hold their own. Hertford, opposite their own barge, effected the displacement of Keble. Corpus again descended, Oriel overtaking them near the Weir's-bridge.The first division races were rowed at 6 o'clock, the boats being in the following order :— Magdalen, New College, Brasenose, Balliol, Christ Church, Trinity, St. John's, Exeter, Queen's, University, and Pembroke. The probability of the leading boat being caught caused great excitement, as, owing to one of the Magdalen crew catching a "crab" in Iffley-reach, New College overlapped them, but Magdalen succeeded in getting away, and finished nearly half a length to the good. An exciting struggle ensued between Christ Church and Trinity, the latter being close up at the Cherwell, though their coxswain did not effect the bump until within some half-a-dozen yards of the winning post. St. John's on coming throught the Gut were displaced by Exeter, and Queen's lowered their flag to University at the Long Bridges.
A largely increased attendance yesterday bore evidence to the interest evinced in the struggle for the headship of the river at Oxford.The second division rowed at half-past 4. The order of start was Pembroke, Hertford, Keble, Wadham, Lincoln, Worcester, Merton, Oriel, Corpus, St. Catherine's, Jesus, St. Edmund Hall. Hertford caught Pembroke, thus establishing themselves in the first division. Lincoln were bumped by Worcester; Merton were unable to escape Oriel; and Corpus went down still farther, being bumped by St. Catherine's.
In the first division the order of starting was Magdalen, New College, Brasenose, Balliol, Trinity, Christ Church, Exeter, St. John's, University, Queen's, Hertford. New College gained at first on Magdalen, but the latter finished about three parts of a length to the good. Christ Church failed to escape Exeter; University bumped St. John's; and Hertford gained another place by running into Queen's.
In cold and threatening weather the summer eights were continued at Oxford last evening, the attendance again being very large.The second division rowed at half-past 4 in the following order :— Queen's, Pembroke, Keble, Wadham, Worcester, Lincoln, Oriel, Merton, St. Catherine's, Corpus, Jesus, St. Edmund Hall. Queen's rowed up well away from Pembroke, who could get no nearer than a length, double which distance separated the latter from Keble. Wadham followed a length in the rear of Keble, and quite outdistanced Worcester, who came in fully seven lengths behind. Oriel gradually drew on to Lincoln, and although the latter spurted again and again Oriel gradually rowed them down, and made their bump at the boathouse. St. Catherine's gained tremendously on Merton, and at the boathouse were within a few yards. Merton, however, stuck to it very pluckily, and coming away again in the last stretch reached home a third of a length to the good. Corpus lost another place, being secured by Jesus at the Freewater Stone.
In the first division the order of starting was :— Magdalen, New College, Brasenose, Balliol, Trinity, Exeter, Christ Church, University, St. John's, Hertford, Queen's. New College made a determined effort in Iffley Reach and gained considerably, but after leaving the Gut Magdalen recovered lost ground, and thence to the finish they held their own without difficulty, being fully their distance ahead at the post. Brasenose were three lengths behind New College, but Balliol failed to maintain their form of the previous night, and fell victim to Trinity at the Talboys' Raft. University caught Christ Church a little lower down, and Hertford got within three-quarters of a length of St. John's.
The summer eights were brought to a successful termination yesterday, the attendances during the six days having been by far the largest on record. Magdalen had no difficulty in maintaining their position, and it is not improbable that they may meet New College on even terms at Henley. University were the most successful boat, with six bumps to their credit.In the second division the order was — Queen's, Pembroke, Keble, Wadham, Worcester, Oriel, Lincoln, Merton, St. Catharine's, Jesus, Corpus, St. Edmund Hall. St. Catharine's lost the place they had previously gained by succumbing to Jesus. This was the only bump made in the division.
The first division started in the following order :— Magdalen, New College, Brasenose, Trinity, Balliol, Exeter, University, Christ Church, St. John's, Hertford, and Queen's. Magdalen never gave their supporters the slightest cause for anxiety. Brasenose were four lengths behind New College, Trinity following two lengths in their rear. Exeter drew steadily on to Balliol, whom they secured at the Cherwell, but no other bump took place.
Magdalen | ||
B: | P. M. Bowman | 10st 12lb |
2: | G. H. Foster | 12st 0lb |
3: | E. C. Sherwood | 12st 4lb |
4: | L. L. Dobson | 11st 7lb |
5: | E. G. Tew | 13st 10½lb |
6: | W. M. Poole | 10st 5lb |
7: | M. C. Pilkington | 12st 4½lb |
S: | H. B. Cotton | 9st 11lb |
C: | H. C. Middleton | 8st 7lb |