The summer eight-oar races began at Oxford yesterday evening in favourable weather, and were very largely attended by visitors from all parts of the country. As usual, they were rowed in two divisions.In the second, which was rowed first, the order of starting was as follows :— Lincoln, Christ Church, Corpus, Exeter, Oriel, Queen's, Hertford, Jesus, Wadham, St. John's, St. Catherine's, and St. Edmund Hall. Lincoln had no difficulty in avoiding Christ Church, and finished more than their distance ahead. Exeter rapidly overtook Corpus, and made their bump before the ferry was reached. Queen's overtook Oriel at the Weirs bridge. A capital race was witnessed between Wadham and St. John's, but no bump took place, although the former passed the post only about 3ft. to the good.
The first division boats started in the following order :— Magdalen, New College, University, Brasenose, Balliol, Worcester, Pembroke, Merton, Keble, Trinity, and Lincoln. Great interest was taken in the contest for the head of the river, it being well known that New College possessed an exceptionally good crew and were likely to deprive Magdalen of the coveted position. Both crews went off at a fast stroke, and near the Long Bridges, amid the most intense excitement, New College were successful in overhauling the leading boat. Balliol bumped Brasenose opposite the Free Water Stone, and Worcester experienced considerable difficulty in avoiding Pembroke. An exciting struggle was witnessed between Merton, Keble, and Trinity; the first-named met with a slight accident at the start and were overlapped by Keble, but cleverly got away. After a severe struggle Trinity secured Keble near the Corpus barge.
Beautiful weather favoured the commencement of these races at Oxford yesterday, and a large gathering of spectators witnessed some interesting struggles. Three bumps were recorded in the first division, in which the boats started in the following order [...]. The race for the head of the river resulted in the downfall of Magdalen, who had to admit defeat by New College, at the Willows. Balliol caught Brasenose early in the course, but a keen struggle took place between Keble and Trinity, the latter crew effecting their bump at the Corpus Barge.The second division started as follows: [...]. Only two bumps were made, Exeter defeating Corpus at the Weir's Bridge, whilst Queen's caught Oriel soon after the start. A good race was witnessed between Wadham and St. John's, the last-mentioned just failing to effect their bump, although only a few feet away at the finish.
The eight-oar races at Oxford were continued yesterday afternoon, when some interesting contests were witnessed. There was again a very large attendance.The second division started in the following order :— Lincoln, Christ Church, Exeter, Corpus, Queen's, Oriel, Hertford, Jesus, Wadham, St. John's, St. Catherine's, and St. Edmund Hall. Three bumps took place. Exeter overtook Christ Church at the Willows, Queen's displaced Corpus opposite the Free Water Stone, and Hertford caught Oriel before reaching the Long Bridges. Wadham escaped with difficulty from St. John's.
In the first division the order of start was :— New College, Magdalen, University, Balliol, Brasenose, Worcester, Pembroke, Merton, Trinity, Keble, and Lincoln. New College had no difficulty in maintaining the position at the head of the river, which they secured on the previous evening. A splendid race took place between Magdalen and University. The latter gained considerably in Iffley reach, and after a severe struggle succeeded in making their bump amidst great excitement only a few yards from the post. Worcester lowered the colours of Brasenose early in the race, and Trinity overtook Merton near the Weirs Bridge. Keble were hardly pressed by Lincoln and only saved themselves by a few yards at the finish.
The conditions yesterday were not as favourable for the continuation of these races, the weather being dull and cold, and the attendance suffered in consequence. In each division three bumps were recorded. In the first division New College easily maintained their position at the head of the river, which they wrested from Magdalen the previous night. The latter were defeated by University four yards from the winning-post. Brasenose descended another place, Worcester catching them at the Freewater Stone, whilst Trinity made their second bump, defeating Merton at the Ferry. In the second division, Exeter bumped Christ Church at the Willows, Queen's defeated Corpus at the Gut, and Hertford caught Oriel at the Freewater Stone.
With a continuance of bright sunshine the races on Saturday were, if anything, more largely attended than on either of the preceding evenings.In the second division an exciting incident occurred, through Queen's, after bumping Christ Church, failing to draw out of the course. The results was that four of the boats became mixed together, and one of them, St. John's, was so damaged that it sank and the crew had to swim to the banks. The order was as follows :— Lincoln, Exeter, Christ Church, Queen's, Corpus, Hertford, Oriel, Jesus, Wadham, St. John's, St. Catherine's, and St. Edmund Hall. Exeter, after a very determined struggle as far as the Cherwell, succeeded in displacing Lincoln, Queen's ran into Christ Church at the Weirs-bridge, and Hertford secured Corpus at the Red Post. Meanwhile, the Queen's boat was impeding the course, and, although Oriel managed to pass by rowing round, Jesus were unable to do so, and were caught by Wadham, who were immediately run into by St. John's with such force that the bows of the boat were smashed in, and the craft sank, but not before they were in turn overtaken by St. Catherine's.
The order in the first division was :— New College, University, Magdalen, Balliol, Worcester, Brasenose, Pembroke, Trinity, Merton, Keble, and Exeter. University got within three-fourths of a length of New College, who, however, took matters very easily, and at the finish about a length separated Magdalen and Balliol. Brasenose were again on the downward path, being secured at the new ferry by Pembroke. A capital race ensued between Keble, and Exeter; the latter, which became the sandwich boat through displacing Lincoln, gradually gained on Keble, and putting on a spurt at the Cherwell succeeded in making their second bump when within a few feet only of the winning post.
Fine weather favoured the continuation of these races on Saturday, and the attendance, if anything, exceeded that of the opening day. In the second division an unfortunate contretemps completely spoilt the race. Lincoln, who started at the head of the division, had to give way to Exeter at the Cherwell, whilst Christ Church were caught by Queen's at the Weirs Bridge. The latter crew, after making their bump, by some means got their boat across the river, blocking the course. Jesus, St. John's, Wadham, and St. Catharine's all came into collision, the St. John's boat being sunk as a result. Wadham and St. Catharine's both claimed bumps, and the matter will be decided by the Committee. Prior to this unfortunate circumstance, Hertford defeated Corpus at the Willows. In the first division New maintained their position at the head, although University, by hard rowing, got within three-quarters of a length at the finish. Pembroke caught Brasenose at the New Ferry, and after a fine race, Exeter defeated Keble just before reaching the finish.
With a continuance of the fine summerlike weather, yesterday, there was again a very large attendance of spectators at the summer eight-oar races. A captains meeting decided with regard to the incident on Saturday, in which several of the boats of the second division were concerned, that the Jesus boat was in fault. A fine was accordingly inflicted, and Wadham and St. Catherine's each went up a place through running into Jesus and St. John's respectively.The starting order in the second division was as follows :— Keble, Lincoln, Queen's, Christ Church, Hertford, Corpus, Oriel, Wadham, Jesus, St. Catherine's, St. John's, and St. Edmund Hall. After making an ineffectual shot at Keble along the green bank, Lincoln secured them at the boathouse, Queen's being close up. Hertford overtook Christ Church at the Willows, and Wadham displaced Oriel at the Long Bridges. Jesus again got into difficulties through the boat in front of them blocking the way. St. Catherine's were ignorant of what had taken place, and, being pressed by St. John's, rowed past Jesus. This is reckoned as a bump, but St. Catherine's went on and had a sharp struggle with St. John's and reached the post only a couple of yards to the good.
In the first division boats the order was :— New College, University, Magdalen, Balliol, Worcester, Pembroke, Brasenose, Trinity, Merton, Exeter, and Lincoln. University got to within half a length of the leading boat, and the next four boats were about their starting distance apart at the finish. Brasenose had to give way to Trinity in the Gut, and this was the only alteration in this division.
These races were continued yesterday in glorious weather, in the presence of a huge gathering of spectators. Prior to the racing a boat club meeting was held, when the disputed bump between Exeter and Keble was decided in the former's favour. The Jesus boat, which was mainly responsible for the collisions on Saturday, was fined £5. Last night only one bump was recorded in the first division, Trinity defeating Brasenose in the Gut, but in the second division four bumps were registered, Lincoln ascended another place, catching Keble; Christchurch succumbed to Hertford; Oriel fell to Wadham, and, preventing Jesus going by, St. Catherine's caught the latter. After a splendid struggle between St. Catherine's and St. John's, the last-mentioned got within a couple of feet at the finish.
There was again a large attendance of spectators at the summer eight-oar races yesterday.The second division boats started in the following order :— Lincoln, Keble, Queen's, Hertford, Christ Church, Corpus, Wadham, Oriel, St. Catherine's, Jesus, St. John's, and St. Edmund Hall. The first six boats kept their respective starting distances apart throughout, and but one alteration was made, Oriel having to give way to St. Catherine's, who were at the time being hard pressed by St. John's, at the ferry.
In the first division the order of starting was as follows :— New College, University, Magdalen, Balliol, Worcester, Pembroke, Trinity, Brasenose, Merton, Exeter, and Lincoln. The leading boat, in spite of a determined effort on the part of University, was able comfortably to hold its position, and Balliol got to within a length of Magdalen at the finish. Brasenose for the fifth time experienced disaster, being overtaken at the crossing by Merton.
The summer eights at Oxford, yesterday, were favoured by delightful weather, although the wind was somewhat keen. The rowing was witnessed by a very large crowd, but it was not of a particularly exciting nature. There was only one bump in either division, Brasenose going down for the fifth time. In the second division St. Catherine's went up, the order at the start being [...] In a fairly close race St. Catherine's overtook Jesus [? presumably Oriel] at the Free Ferry. In the first division New finished a length ahead of University. Brasenose were bumped by Merton.
The summer eight-oar races concluded this evening, and as the weather was again favourable they were witnessed by larger crowds than ever. The order of starting in the second division was as follows :— Lincoln, Keble, Queen's, Hertford, Christ Church, Corpus, Wadham, St. Catherine's, Oriel, Jesus, St. John's, and St. Edmund Hall. St. Catherine's pressed Wadham in getting through the gut, but just failed to effect the bump. The only bump was that Jesus overtook Oriel at the Willows.In the first division the order was, New College, University, Magdalen, Balliol, Worcester, Pembroke, Trinity, Merton, Brasenose, Exeter, and Lincoln. Trinity had a narrow escape of losing a place as they caught a couple of crabs soon after the start and Merton got unpleasantly close to them. An exciting struggle between Brasenose and Exeter ended in the former making their sixth downward step through being caught at the University barge.
In the six nights's racing the most successful boat has been Exeter, with five bumps. Trinity, Queen's, Hertford, and St Catherine's each gained three places, and Wadham two, and New College, University, Balliol, and Worcester one each. Brasenose have gone down six places, Oriel five, Christ Church and Corpus three, Magdalen two, and Jesus and St. John's one. [start and finish order, and list of members of the Head crew]
These races terminated yesterday in splendid weather, and, taken altogether, the week's sport had been of a most successful character. There was another big crowd present to witness what proved to be some interesting racing. New College, who went head of the river on the first night, easily maintained their position with University occupying second place. In the second division the only bump registered was made by Jesus, who caught Oriel at the willows. In the first division, Exeter succeeded in making their fifth bump defeating Brasenose after a good race at the University Barge, Brasenose thus losing a place every night, and Oriel descended five places.
New College | ||
B: | Lord Tiverton | |
2: | Mr. H. Henniker Heaton | |
3: | Mr. Philips | |
4: | Mr. V. Gadban | |
5: | Mr. J. Younger | |
6: | Mr. A. De L. Long | |
7: | Mr. W. R. G. Bond | |
S: | Mr. R. Culme-Seymour | |
C: | Mr. L. P. Penny |