Oxford Summmer Eights — The pleasant scene on the river at Oxford on Saturday when the Oxford University Summer Eights were continued. In the picutre St. John's II are seen leading Christ Church II.
The Oxford University Summer Eights will be begun to-day and will be rowed in seven divisions, starting at 1.30, 2.15, 3.0, 3.45, 4.30, 5.30, and 6.30.The extra divisions are due to the record number of 87 entries, compared with 73 last year. Trinity, who created a new record last year by finishing Head of the River for the fifth successive time, will again have a strong crew, including two Blues, but not last year's O.U.B.C. president, A. D. Rowe, who takes his finals shortly [subsequent reports show he did actually row]. They will be stroked by Davidge, who stroked the Oxford crew at Putney.
"Rugger" crews and crews made up of men in Schools are being allowed to compete, and this accounts for the extra 14 entries. Last year these crews rowed eliminating races and were weeded out.
The order of starting is :— [...]
The Oxford University Summer Eights were begun yesterday in fine weather and before a large crowd. There were in all 24 bumps and two over-bumps, making a total for the day of 28. Eighty-seven crews entered. [Bumps Chart].
There were 24 bumps and two over-bumps, making a total of 28, on the first day of the Oxford University Summer Eights yesterday. There were 87 entries. Bumps were made by:[...]
On the second day of the Oxford University Summer Eights there were 27 bumps.In Division IV there was a re-row in the morning when Worcester II bumped Balliol III. In Division V St. John's [III] have protested about the bump by Christ Church III on the ground that they were impeded. The protest will be adjudicated upon this morning. In Division VI the Trinity [IV] boat sank through one of the crew putting his foot through the craft. [Bumps Chart]
Trinity IV sank in the Oxford Summer Eights yesterday when one of the oarsmen put his foot through the boat.There were 27 bumps, including a re-row in the morning when Worcester II bumped Brasenose III. In Friday's racing there is a protest by St. John's III against Christ Church III on the ground that they were impeded. The protest will be heard this morning. Bumps yesterday were made by:[...]
For the third day's racing of the Oxford University Summer Eights on Saturday there were 26 bumps, making a total for the three days of 81.The objection made on Friday by St. John's III that they were impeded when Christ Church III bumped them, was over-ruled. There were again very few bumps in Division I, and so far the first six crews have rowed over every night. Trinity, assisted by the three Blues, A. D. Rowe, T. D. Raikes, and C. G. V. Davidge, give every indication that they will remain head of the river for the sixth successive year. [Bumps Chart]
So far in the three days's racing of the Oxford University Summer Eights there have been 81 bumps, 26 on Saturday. St. John's III claim that they were impeded when Christ Church III bumped them on Friday was overruled. Bumps on Saturday were recorded by: [...]
Trinity maintained their position at the Head of the River when the Summer Eights were continued at Oxford yesterday, finishing two lengths in front of Magdalen.In a re-row yesterday morning in Division 6 between the fourth boats of Exeter and Jesus and Corpus II the last-named caught Jesus IV. In Division 7 Balliol V lodged an objection against Queen's IV for obstruction. On Saturday Trinity rowed the course in the fastest recorded time of 4min. 50sec. In all, there were 30 bumps yesterday, making a total of 111. [Bumps Chart]
Thirty bumps on the fourth day of the Oxford Summer Eights yesterday were made by: [...]
If Trinity finish head of Division I, and there is really nothing to stop them, they will have set up a new record of having held the leadership for six years, excluding the war years. Once again they shook off the challenge of Magdalen and, rowing comfortably, finished two lengths ahead.A mix-up in Division IV necessitates a re-row to-day. New College II and St. Peter's Hall II became locked after New College had made their bump and the following crews piled up behind them. The race was declared void and will be rowed again at 12.15 to-day. All crews will take part with the exception of Keble II, who, as the sandwich boat, made a bump in the following division. [Bumps Chart]
When New College III bumped St. Peter's Hall II in Division IV of the Oxford Summer Eights yesterday the two boats became locked and no others could pass. The whole of the division will rerow to-day. Bumps were made by: [...]
The final night of the Oxford Summer Eights was watched by thousands of people and there were the usual wild scenes at the close with coxswains of crews being thrown into the river. As was anticipated, Trinity were never really troubled and went past the finishing post three lengths ahead of Magdalen.Altogether for the six days' racing 164 bumps have been made. The Head of the River crew was: [as below]. [Bumps Chart]
Trinity finished Head of the River for the sixth successive year when the Oxford University Summer Eights ended yesterday. Altogether there were 164 bumps. Yesterday's bumps were made by:[...]
Trinity | |||
B: | J. B. C. Robin (Adelaide University) | ||
2: | D. H. St. C. Biggs (Kelly College) | ||
3: | A. D. Rowe (Eton) | ||
4: | R. O. Bowlby (Eton) | ||
5: | R. M. Collins (Radley) | ||
6: | T. D. Raikes (Radley) | ||
7: | D. N. Callender (Eton) | ||
S: | C. G. V. Davidge (Eton) | ||
C: | J. E. C. Hinchcliffe (King's, Canterbury) |