Mansfield Eights 2024

At the end of racing

Men's Boats
Crew Start Results Current Change
Pos Pts Wed Thu Fri Sat Pos Pts Pos Pts
W1 22 21.5 = +1 +1 = 20 24.1 +2 +2.7
M1 26 22.7 = = = = 26 22.7 +0 +0.0
M2 66 2.7 -1 -1 -1 +1 68 2.5 -2 -0.3
W2 56 2.9 -3 +1 = -1 59 2.4 -3 -0.5

Net: 49.7 51.7 -3 +1.9
All Men Women Statistic
This week ...
51.7 25.1 26.6 [?] Current points total
+1.9 -0.3 +2.2 [?] Net Change in Points
-3 -2 -1 [?] Net places gained
4 2 2 [?] Number of boats
Last 5 years ...
4.0 2.0 2.0 [?] Average number of boats
-35 -23 -12 [?] Net places gained (in racing)
-25.1 -16.6 -8.5 [?] Net points gained (in racing)
Historical stats ...
5 3 2 [?] Max no. boats in any year
(4x 1998-2016) (7x 1967-2016) (18x 1994-2024)
+14 +8 +7 [?] Max places gained in any year
(2015) (2015) (2016)
-13 -7 -8 [?] Max places lost in any year
(2018) (2018 & 2023) (2022)
Women's Boats