Fine and mild weather prevailed at the opening of the torpids at Oxford yesterday afternoon. Exactly the same number of crews competed as last year, Merton putting on a second crew and Trinity withdrawing their second eight. There was a large attendance.The third division started in the following order :— Oriel, Worcester, Queen's, St. John's Keble II, Christ Church II, Wadham, Jesus, St. Catherine's, and Merton II. A very close struggle ensued between Worcester and Queen's, and the former were lucky in keeping their place, as only two or three yards separated the boats at the finish. Only one bump took place in this division, St. Catherine's overtaking Jesus early in the race.
In the second division the order of starting was :— Corpus, Keble, New College II, Merton, Christ Church, Exeter, Magdalen II, Brasenose II, Lincoln, and Oriel. Keble gained rapidly, and at one time overlapped, but Corpus persevered and escaped defeat, having about a yard to the good at the finish. Exeter pressed Christ Church, but the latter got out of the difficulty by securing Merton at the Red Post, Exeter being only half a length behind at the time.
In the first division the order of starting was :— New College, University, Brasenose, Magdalen, Balliol, Pembroke, Balliol II, Trinity, Hertford, and Corpus. Much interest was taken in the struggle for the headship. New College maintained their position as far as the Long Bridges. From this point University materially lessened the distance between the boats, but were unable to accomplish their purpose, and New College finished a quarter of a length in front. After a good race Trinity overtook Balliol II opposite the Hertford barge.
The torpids at Oxford were continued yesterday in delightful weather.The third division started in the following order :— Oriel, Worcester, Queen's, St. John's Keble II, Christ Church II, Wadham, St. Catherine's, Jesus, and Merton II. After the difficulty Worcester experienced on the opening day in maintaining their position, it was not surprising that they had to give way to Queen's under the Willows. There was an excellent race between St. Catherine's and Jesus. The latter at one point overlapped, but they failed to bump.
In the second division the order of starting was Corpus, Keble, New College II, Christ Church, Merton, Exeter, Magdalen II, Brasenose II, Lincoln, and Oriel. Keble pressed Corpus the greater part of the distance, the latter at the finish only having about two yards to the good. Christ Church were again successful, overtaking New College II soon after passing the Long Bridge [sic]. Merton were no match for Exeter, who, going off at a fast stroke, had hard work to keep away from Brasenose II, only about two yards separating the boats at the finish.
In the first division the order of starting was New College, University, Brasenose, Magdalen, Balliol, Pembroke, Trinity, Balliol II, Hertford, and Corpus. The leading eight displayed much better form than on the previous day, and had no difficulty in keeping clear of University; Brasenose got within half a length of the latter; this was the closest race in the first division. An accident happened to the [Oxford] University eight in the course of the afternoon. After the third division of the torpid races, the crew left the raft and were proceeding towards Iffley when they ran into a punt and damaged the bows of their boat. An attempt was made to reach the boathouse, but the boat quickly filled, and five of the oarsmen were immersed. In consequence the practice was restricted to tubbing exercise.
Although the weather was fine on Saturday afternoon a high wind prevailed, and considerably interfered with the crews. The racing in the three divisions proved most interesting, and there was a large attendance.The Third Division started in the following order :— Oriel, Queen's, Worcester, St. John's Keble II, Christ Church II, Wadham, St. Catherine's, Jesus, and Merton II. Over the first part of the course there was a good race between Oriel and Queen's. The latter looked dangerous at the Willows but were unable to sustain the effort, and Oriel drawing away were nearly their starting distance ahead at the finish. Worcester, who lost their position on Friday, were overtaken by St. John's under the Willows.
In the Second Division the order of starting was :— Corpus, Keble, Christ Church, New College II, Exeter, Merton, Magdalen II, Brasenose II, Lincoln, and Oriel. Keble went off at a fast stroke and overlapped [Corpus] before reaching the Gut, the bump taking place just after passing the Long Bridges. Exeter were again successful, securing New College II near the Freewater Stone. Magdalen II displayed capital form and overtook Merton just before the Long Bridges were reached.
In the First Division the order of starting was :— New College, University, Brasenose, Magdalen, Balliol, Pembroke, Trinity, Balliol II, Hertford, and Keble. An exciting struggle took place between the first three boats. Brasenose shortly after the start gained on University, but under the Willows the latter drew away and at the boathouse had succeeded in getting within half a length of New College, this being reduced to a quarter at the finish. Trinity pressed Pembroke, and, coming out of the Gut only just missed overtaking them. Hertford also had a narrow escape of having their colours lowered by Keble just before reaching the Long Bridges.
The weather was again fine for the Torpid races at Oxford yesterday.The third division started in the following order :— Oriel, Queen's, St. John's Worcester, Keble II, Christ Church II, Wadham, St. Catherine's, Jesus, and Merton II. Oriel had no difficulty in maintaining their position. Worcester were pressed by Keble II; only two yards separating the boats at the finish. Christ Church II succeeded in getting within three-quarters of a length of Keble II, but no bump took place.
In the second division the order of starting was :— Keble, Corpus, Christ Church, Exeter, New College II, Magdalen II, Merton, Brasenose II, Lincoln, and Oriel. Corpus proved no match for Christ Church, who overtook them early in the race. Exeter did their best to catch Keble and succeeded in getting within half a length. Merton were bumped by Brasenose in Iffley Reach.
The order of starting in the first divsion was :— New College, University, Brasenose, Magdalen, Balliol, Pembroke, Trinity, Balliol II, Hertford, and Keble. New College displayed capital form, and maintained their headship without being pressed. Hertford followed close on Balliol II for a considerable distance, but fell away at the finish.
Delightful weather prevailed at Oxford yesterday afternoon and there was a large attendance at the races.The third division boats started in the following order :— Oriel, Queen's, St. John's Worcester, Keble II, Christ Church II, Wadham, St. Catherine's, Jesus, and Merton II. There were no bumps in this division. St. John's gained considerably on Queen's, but the latter persevered and were a third of a length to the good at the finish. Worcester were hard pressed by Keble II but succeeded in passing the post a quarter of a length in front. Jesus were close on St. Catherine's in the Gut, the latter [former?], however, were unable to sustain their effort.
The second division order of starting was :— Keble, Christ Church, Corpus, Exeter, New College II, Magdalen II, Brasenose II, Merton, Lincoln, and Oriel. An exciting struggle took place between Keble and Christ Church, the latter making their bump soon after passing the boathouse. Exeter displaced Corpus at the Free Water Stone; and a capital race took place between New College II and Magdalen II. The former were hard pressed just before reaching the Long Bridges, but got away and finished a third of a length to the good. Lincoln overlapped Merton early in the race, but they failed to make their bump, although only a few inches separated the boats at the finish.
The boats in the first division started as follows :— New College, University, Brasenose, Magdalen, Balliol, Pembroke, Trinity, Balliol II, Hertford, and Christ Church. University finished within a third of a length of New College. There was a fine race between Balliol II, Hertford, and Christ Church. The latter overlapped Hertford at the boathouse, but failed to make their bump, and Hertford at the time were close up to Balliol II; Christ Church made another effort in front of the barges and overtook Hertford at the Cherwell.
The races will be brought to a conclusion today.
The Torpid races at Oxford were brought to a conclusion yesterday. The weather was delightfully fine, and there was a numerous attendance. There were only 19 bumps in the six days' racing. New College succeeded in maintaining their position at the head of the river; Christ Church accomplished a capital performance, finishing with six bumps to their credit.The Third Division started in the following order :— Oriel, Queen's, St. John's Worcester, Keble II, Christ Church II, Wadham, St. Catherine's, Jesus, and Merton II. For the third day in succession there were no bumps in this division. Queen's were pressed by St. John's, the former being only half a length to the good at the finish. There was a splendid race between Worcester and Keble II, the latter got close up at the boathouse, and only a short distance separated the boats for the remainder of the course. St. Catherine's were hard pressed by Jesus, who got within a third of a length.
The Second Division order of starting was :— Hertford, Keble, Exeter, Corpus, New College II, Magdalen II, Brasenose II, Merton, Lincoln, and Oriel. Keble had to give way to Exeter under the Willows, and Corpus were overtaken by New College II soon after passing the Long Bridges. Only half a length separated Brasenose II from Magdalen II, and Merton were overlapped by Lincoln in the Gut.
The First Division order of starting was :— New College, University, Brasenose, Magdalen, Balliol, Pembroke, Trinity, Balliol II, Christ Church, and Hertford. After passing the Gut, University gained on New College, there being about three-quarters of a length between the two boats at the finish. Christ Church overlapped Balliol II at the Long Bridges, and made their bump at the new cut.
[article concludes with the start and finish order for the week, and details of the New College crew, reproduced below]
New College | ||
B: | P. K. Glazebrook | 10st 8lb |
2: | A. E. Dale | 12st 3lb |
3: | A. H. Messiter | 11st 3lb |
4: | R. G. Shedden | 12st 6lb |
5: | P. T. Spencer Philips | 12st 13lb |
6: | J. Steer | 12st 4lb |
7: | H. E. Birt | 11st 9lb |
S: | G. M. A. Graham | 10st 6lb |
C: | S. J. Charleston | 8st 5lb |