The Oxford University Torpid races began yesterday afternoon in delightful weather, 36 crews entering as against 34 last year.The races were rowed in three divisions; in the third division the order of starting was as follows :— Trinity 2, Wadham, Jesus, Oriel 2, Brasenose 2, St. John's 2, Christ Church 3, St. Catherine's, Keble 2, New College 3, Queen's 2, Wadham 2, and Christ Church 4. There was an exciting race between the first two boats, and at one time Wadham overlapped, but Trinity 2 persevered gamely and finished three-quarters of a length to the good. St. John's 2 gained rapidly from the start on Brasenose 2, and made the bump at the Free Ferry. Keble 2 were overtaken by New College 3 near the new cut. A close struggle took place between Queen's 2 and Wadham 2 as far as the Cherwell, from which point Queen's improved their position, and passed the flag leading by half a length.
The order of starting in the second division was :— New College 2, Keble, Oriel, Pembroke, Corpus, Christ Church 2, Queen's Lincoln, Merton, Hertford, Worcester, University 2, and Trinity 2. Keble were compelled to give way to Oriel soon after passing the Long Bridges. Queen's were at one time pressed by Lincoln, but the latter were caught by Merton opposite the Hertford barge. Worcester were bumped by University 2 before the Long Bridges were reached.
The order of starting in the first division was :— Christ Church, Balliol, New College, Brasenose, Magdalen, University, Trinity, Magdalen 2, Balliol 2, St. John's, Exeter, and New College 2. Christ Church had no difficulty in maintaining their position at Head of the River. Magdalen showed their superiority over Brasenose, and made their bump soon after passing Rough's boathouse. St. John's overtook Balliol 2 just after passing the Long Bridges. No further bumps took place in this division. The races will be continued to-day.
Although there was a south-easterly wind the weather was most favourable for the Torpids at Oxford yesterday, and there was a considerable increase in the attendance at the riverside.The third division started in the following order :— Trinity II, Wadham, Jesus, Oriel II, St. John's II, Brasenose II, Christ Church III, St. Catherine's, New College III, Keble II, Queen's II, Wadham II, and Christ Church IV. There was an exciting race between the two leading boats. After passing the Weirs Bridge Wadham came up rapidly and overlapped their opponents. Unluckily, one of the Wadham crew caught a "crab," and Trinity II got away, passing the flag with a quarter of a length's advantage. St. John's II pressed Oriel II, and the latter were lucky to escape. Christ Church III finished within half a length of Brasenose II. The "No.3" in the New College III boat had the misfortune to break his oar early in the race, but in spite of this mishap they succeeded in avoiding defeat. Wadham II bumped Queen's II at the Red Post.
The order of starting in the second division was :— New College II, Oriel, Keble, Pembroke, Corpus, Christ Church II, Queen's Merton, Lincoln, Hertford, University II, Worcester, and Trinity II. Oriel went off at a fast stroke and bumped New College II under the willows. Lincoln were overtaken by Hertford at the Weirs Bridge.
The first division order of starting was :— Christ Church, Balliol, New College, Magdalen, Brasenose, University, Trinity, Magdalen II, St. John's, Balliol II, Exeter, and Oriel. Christ Church maintained their position at the head of the river without having to distress themselves, and at the finish had a good length in hand. A splendid race ensued between New College and Magdalen. The latter had gained considerably after passing the Long Bridges, New College doggedly persevered, but at the post they were barely two yards in front. A desperate struggle took place between Brasenose and University. After getting within a yard, University fell away again, but with a splendid spurt they overtook Brasenose opposite the Corpus Christi barge. St. John's lowered the colours of Magdalen II early in the race, and Oriel II [sic] made their second bump in the afternoon by displacing Exeter at the Freewater Stone. The races will be continued to-day.
Fine weather prevailed at Oxford on Saturday afternoon when the University Torpids were continued, and the large number of spectators on the river banks and college barges witnessed some exciting racing.In the Third Division the order of starting was :— Trinity II, Wadham, Jesus, Oriel II, St. John's II, Brasenose II, Christ Church III, St. Catherine's, New College III, Keble II, Wadham II, Queen's II, and Christ Church IV. A extraordinary incident occurred immediately after the firing of the starting gun. The stroke of the Wadham boat caught a "crab," and his oar, striking the starting punt, slipped through the rowlock into the water. Without any hesitation he jumped out of the boat, and the crew proceeded without him. Although hard pressed by Jesus at the Long Bridges, the seven men gallantly persevered, and gained on Trinity II., a length only separating the boats at the finish. Oriel II had some difficulty in escaping from St. John's II, while the last-named were in considerable danger of being caught by Brasenose II, who overlapped them. St. John's II, however, persevered in a very determined fashion, and passed the post two or three yards in front. Christ Church III gained on Brasenose II and were within a quarter of a length at the finish. New College III gained rapidly on St. Catherine's from the start, and effected their bump soon after passing the Freewater Stone. Wadham II overtook Keble II at the Long Bridges.
The Second Division started in the following order :— Exeter, New College II, Keble, Pembroke, Corpus, Christ Church II, Queen's, Merton, Hertford, Lincoln, University II, Worcester, and Trinity II. New College II proved faster than Exeter as far as the Red Post, but from this point Exeter drew away. Hertford overtook Merton under the Willows, and University II bumped Lincoln shortly before reaching the Long Bridges.
The order of starting in the First Division was :— Christ Church, Balliol, New College, Magdalen, University, Brasenose, Trinity, St. John's, Magdalen II, Balliol II, Oriel, and Exeter. Christ Church easily maintained their position, and finished a good length in front of Balliol. Brasenose experienced some difficulty in getting away from Trinity, who were themselves hard pressed by St. John's, the latter making their bump at the New Cut. Oriel were again successful, overtaking Balliol II at the Freewater Stone. The races will be continued to-day.
A serious incident happened to Mr. P. R. Filleul, an undergraduate of Wadham College and a member of the Leander Club, at the Torpid races on Saturday. While the Third Division racing was in progress, Mr. Filleul had been signalling to his college eight by firing blank cartridges. He was apparently under the impression that the cartridges were exhausted, and while exchanging the revolver for a megaphone his left hand was over the orifice of the barrel when a cartridge that he was unaware of exploded, blowing away part of his hand. He lost a considerable quantity of blood before medical assistance could be obtained. Mr. Filleul is reported to be going on favourably, although the wound is of such a character as to preclude at present a thorough examination.
The Torpid races were continued at Oxford yesterday in fine weather. There were eight bumps, a larger number than on any day so far in this year's races.The third division crews started in the following order :— Trinity II, Wadham, Jesus, Oriel II, St. John's II, Brasenose II, Christ Church III, New College III, St. Catherine's, Wadham II, Keble II, Queen's II, and Christ Church IV. Wadham gained on Trinity II after passing the Long Bridges and made their bump below the New Cut. Christ Church III were displaced by New College III at the Freewatewr Stone. Wadham II succeeded in overtaking St. Catherine's soon after passing the ferry, and Queen's II, after a determined struggle, bumped Keble II opposite the New College barge.
In the second division the order of starting was :— Exeter, New College II, Keble, Pembroke, Corpus, Christ Church II, Queen's, Hertford, Merton, University II, Lincoln, Worcester, and Wadham. A magnificent race took place between the two leading boats, only a few feet dividing them at Saunders Bridge. Exeter persevered in determined fashion and succeeded in passing the flag a few yards to the good. Queen's proved no match for Hertford, who overtook them soon after passing the Long Bridges. University II pressed Merton, only a short distance separating the boats at the New Cut. One of the crew of University II, however, caught a crab, and this enabled Merton to get home by three-quarters of a length. Worcester, going off at a fast stroke, bumped Lincoln early in the race.
The order of starting in the first division was :— Christ Church, Balliol, New College, Magdalen, University, Brasenose, St. John's, Trinity, Magdalen II, Oriel, Balliol II, and Exeter. Magdalen gained on New College and got within half a length of them at the Willows, but New College spurted and passed the flag three-quarters of a length in front. St. John's bumped Brasenose soon after passing the Freewater Stone. Oriel were once more successful, making their fifth bump by securing Magdalen II just after passing the ferry.
After a severe frost the weather was again delightfully fine for the Torpid races at Oxford yesterday afternoon.The third division started in the following order :— Wadham, Trinity II, Jesus, Oriel II, St. John's II, Brasenose II, New College III, Christ Church III, Wadham II, St. Catherine's, Queen's II, Keble II, and Christ Church IV. A fine race took place between St. John's and Oriel II, the latter being compelled to give way opposite the Wadham barge. New College III overtook Brasenose II under the Green Bank; Wadham II bumped Christ Church III almost at the same place; Queen's II lowered the colours of St. Catherine's soon after passing the Boathouse; and Christ Church IV caught Keble II just before reaching the Long Bridges.
The second division started as follows :— Exeter, New College II, Keble, Pembroke, Corpus Christi, Christ Church II, Hertford, Queen's, Merton, University II, Worcester, Lincoln, and Wadham. After a good race Exeter finished a third of a length in front of New College II. Pembroke gained on Keble from the start, and under the Willows one of the Keble crew caught a crab and the boat went into the bank. This enabled Pembroke to row past, Corpus Christi not being far off at the time. Hertford overtook Christ Church II opposite the Hertford barge. Queen's experienced some difficulty in avoiding defeat by Merton, a quarter of a length separating the boats when the flag was passed, while Merton were extremely lucky to get away from University II.. Under the Willows University II. overlapped, and this happened again further on, but their chance was spoiled owing to their getting into the shallow water on the Berkshire [towpath] side of the river, and Merton finished two or three feet in front. Wadham bumped Lincoln at the Freewater Stone.
The first division order of starting was :— Christ Church, Balliol, New College, Magdalen, University, St. John's, Brasenose, Trinity, Oriel, Magdalen II, Balliol II, and Exeter. There was a good race between New College and Magdalen, only a quarter of a length dividing the boats at the finish. University were pressed by St. John's, who were at one time withing half a length. A hard struggle between Trinity and Oriel resulted in the latter being successful opposite the Magdalen barge, although at one time it appeared that they would be deprived of victory by Trinity overtaking Brasenose. The races will be continued to-day.
The Torpid Races at Oxford were concluded yesterday afternoon in fine weather.The Third Division started in the following order :— Lincoln, Trinity II, Jesus, St. John's II, Oriel II, New College III, Brasenose II, Wadham II, Christ Church III, Queen's II, St. Catherine's, Christ Church IV, and Keble II. A very close struggle took place between Lincoln and Trinity II. The latter was very close up at the Boathouse, but Lincoln finished a third of a length in front. Oriel II were pressed by New College II, who got within a length; Wadham II overtook Brasenose II at the Freewater Stone; Queen's II got within half a length of Christ Church III; and Christ Church IV bumped St. Catherine's shortly before reaching the Long Bridges.
In the Second Division the order of starting was :— Exeter, New College II, Pembroke, Keble, Corpus Christi, Hertford, Christ Church II, Queen's, Merton, University II, Worcester, Wadham, and Lincoln. New College II got within three-quarters of a length of Exeter at the Boathouse, but from this point Exeter drew away. Keble were overtaken by Corpus Christi at the Willows; Merton were close to Queen's at the Boathouse, and in turn were pressed by University II, who had some difficulty in escaping Worcester. Only a third of a length separated Queen's and Merton at the finish. Wadham also gained on Worcester, but no bump took place.
The First Division order of starting was :— Christ Church, Balliol, New College, Magdalen, University, St. John's, Brasenose, Oriel, Trinity, Magdalen II, Balliol II, and Exeter. Christ Church had no difficulty in retaining the headship, passing the flag a good length and a half in front of Balliol. New College were hard driven by Magdalen, who got to within a quarter of a length. University were pressed by St. John's, only half a length separating the boats at the finish. Oriel made their seventh bump by overtaking Brasenose just before reaching the Long Bridges.
During the six days' racing 40 bumps were made, as against 57 last year. The crew of the top boat consisted of ... [as listed below].
Oxford has just finished up the Torpids with the usual burst of revelry, for which a few crews had sufficient justification, others not. The boats started with Christ Church at the head, followed by Balliol, New, Brasenose, Magdalen, University, Trinity, and the rest. The first three crews have not changed their order, for, after bumping Brasenose, Magdalen did nothing more. The unhappy Brasenose boat was caught by Oriel on the last night, and descended to eighth place, and Trinity went down to ninth. Oriel got seven bumps, and are higher on the river than they have been for many years. Hertford also did well in the second division.Wadham's Second Torpid, containing seven Freshmen, made five bumps, but their first, with only two successes to their credit, were very unlucky not to rise much higher. The way their stroke leaped overboard at the start, when an accident had rendered his oar useless, was most praiseworthy, and still finer was the conduct of his crew, who, under these wholly unexpected circumstances, rowed up with seven oars, and kept out of danger all the way.
A very famous [Oxford] University crew fifty-six years ago won the Grand at Henley with seven oars; but then the stroke had not to jump out of danger, and they had time so to rearrange the men that bow's seat was the vacant one, a very different matter. Filleul — who helped Wadham to win the Thames Cup, who is the only English representative at the Olympic Regatta, except the Magdalen four, now up at Oxford — was never tried for the University crew, and will now not get a chance at all, for the accident to his hand, though not so serious as was feared at first, will stop his rowing for some time. If it also leads to legislation against pistols on the towpath, it will at all events have served some good purpose.
Christ Church | ||
B: | N. M. Bruce | 10st 4lb |
2: | J. F. West | 9st 11lb |
3: | G. D. Pidgeon | 12st 10lb |
4: | M. H. Raikes | 12st 8lb |
5: | B. Tomlinson | 12st 7lb |
6: | W. A. Akers | 11st 3lb |
7: | R. Boumphrey | 10st 0lb |
S: | N. A. Sprott | 9st 8lb |
C: | R. Fitzgibbons | 8st 11lb |