The Torpids will be begun this afternoon, the entries being one fewer than last year, when 45 crews competed. The crews will have a very trying task as the river has risen rapidly during the last two days, and yesterday three boats were badly damaged through their coxswains taking them too close to Iffley Weir.The starting order will be :— [...]
There is a record entry of 46 crews — one more than last year — for the Oxford Torpid races, which begin to-day and continue until next Wednesday. Hertford have withdrawn their second crew and Merton their third crew, and three new entries are the second crews of Trinity and Jesus and the Exeter third crew.The head boat, New College, are really fast, but they may lose their place to St. Edmund Hall, who went up four places last year, and have most of their old stern oarsmen available. Other crews expected to do well are Trinity, Oriel and Wadham. Order of starting [...]
New College Retain their PositionThe Torpids were begun at Oxford yesterday in fine weather, although the crews had to row against a very strong stream.
Forty-four crews took part in the racing, which was one fewer than last year. Fourteen bumps were made during the afternoon, but that between Jesus and Wadham in the Second Division was subsequently disallowed, and the two crews, together with Lincoln, who were hampered in their attempt to get clear of Magdalen, and Pembroke, will row again to-day at 12 o'clock.
The results were :—
Fourth Division Order of Starting.— St. Peter's Hall II, Balliol III, Trinity II, Jesus II, Exeter III. St. Peter's Hall II never had to extend themselves and were well away from Balliol III when Trinity II bumped Balliol just below the new Boathouse. Trinity started very badly by catching a crab, but they quickly recovered. Balliol, however, were not so fortunate, as they were never able to get going again after experiencing a similar disaster. Jesus II quickly lost ground to Exeter III and were bumped on coming through the Gut, the Exeter bow breaking his oar in the effort.
Third Division Order of Starting.— Queen's, Keble II, Oriel II, University College II, Hertford, Exeter II, Merton II, Christ Church II, New College III, Wadham II, St. Edmund Hall II, Worcester II, Queen's II, St. Peter's Hall II. Queen's had to row hard in order to escape Keble II, but they were saved any further anxiety when Oriel II bumped Keble II near the University Boathouse. University College II held their own against Hertford up Iffley Reach, from which point Hertford gained rapidly and made their bump coming through the Gut. Exeter II rowed through, but Merton II were not so fortunate, as they were hampered through University College II failing to get clear and so fell victims to Christ Church II, the Merton No. 6 breaking his oar in the mix-up. New College II paddled over. Wadham II, who got off very rapidly [sic], fell victims to St. Edmund Hall II immediately after the start. Worcester II were overhauled by Queen's II just before reaching the Weirs Bridge. St. Peter's Hall II had to paddle home under difficulties, as a rudder-line broke immediately after the start.
Second Division Order of Starting.— Oriel, Exeter, Brasenose, Magdalen II, Pembroke, Wadham, Lincoln, Jesus, St. Peter's Hall, New College II, St. Catherine's, Brasenose II, St. John's II, Queen's. Oriel maintained their position without any great difficulty and finished a long length in front of Exeter, who had drawn right away from Brasenose. Magdalen II experienced a chapter of accidents, a couple of crabs contributing to their defeat by Pembroke coming through the Gut. Wadham were being hotly pressed by Lincoln when the bump took place. Lincoln, in order to escape the block, took the Oxfordshire shore and ran into the bank. Wadham, however, kept clear and were then hotly pursued by Jesus, who caught them after a desperate race at the Exeter barge. New College II bumped St. Peter's Hall at the Free Ferry, and St. John's II, making a very bad start, gave way to Queen's near Haystack Corner
First Division Order of Starting.— New College, Balliol, St. Edmund Hall, Magdalen, University College, Corpus, Christ Church, Keble, Merton, St. John's, Balliol II, Trinity, Worcester, Oriel. New College were never being pressed, and passed the post nearly two lengths in front of Balliol. Balliol lost ground to St. Edmund Hall, who were being hotly pressed by Magdalen when Magdalen were caught 20 yards from the winning post by University College [sic] Magdalen making a brilliant effort from the Cherwell. University College kept well away from Corpus, but Christ Church, who followed, fell to Keble under the Willows. Trinity bumped Balliol II after passing Haystacks Corner, and a little higher up, Worcester were bumped by Oriel.
The Oxford Torpids were begun yesterday in ideal rowing conditions. At the last moment Magdalen withdrew their third crew and Corpus their second, so that St. Peter's Hall became the sandwich boat in Division IV instead of Queen's.There were 14 bumps; in Divisions II and III there were disputed bumps. In Division II Lincoln ran into the bank and Jesus passed them and went on to bump Wadham. Neither the bump not the over-bump counted, as the committee decided that after the races that Wadham, Lincoln, and Jesus must re-row to-day at noon.
Merton II claimed that their fall to Christ Church II was due to University II, who had been bumped by Hertford, impeding their progress, but the committee decided that the Hertford and Christ Church bumps must stand. [start order and bumps].
Good Form of MagdalenSixteen bumps were recorded in the four divisions when the Torpids were continued at Oxford yesterday. Conditions were favourable, for although during the early racing there was a bothering north-westerly wind, when the First Division rowed up it had entirely dropped.
Because of a disputed bump on Thursday between Lincoln, Wadham and Jesus the boat club ordered a re-row in the morning. Lincoln came out victorious by bumping Wadham at the Red Post.
Fourth Division Order of Starting.— St. Peter's Hall II, Trinity II, Balliol III, Exeter III, Jesus II. St. Peter's Hall drew right away from Trinity and finished several lengths in front. A good race between Balliol III and Exeter III over half the course ended in the downfall of Balliol at the Red Post
Third Division Order of Starting.— St. John's II, Oriel II, Keble II, Hertford, University College II, Exeter II, Christ Church II, Merton II, New College III, St. Edmund Hall II, Wadham II, Queen's II, Worcester II, St. Peter's Hall II. St. John's II were quite unable to hold their own against Oriel II, who gained from the start and eventually made their bump coming through the Gut. Keble II were well away from Hertford at the Bridges, but subsequently the latter made up a deal of ground and finished within three-quarters of a length. Exeter II gained on University College II, but Christ Church II were much too fast for Exeter and caught them at the Ferry. Merton II, who had been pressing Christ Church II, then went in hot pursuit of University College II and succeeded in bumping them at the end of the Green Bank, which gained them three places. New College III fell victims to St. Edmund Hall III at the Free Ferry, Queen's II quickly took the measure of Wadham II, and bumped them at Haystack Corner, while St. Peter's Hall II overhauled Worcester II at the Ferry.
Second Division Order of Starting.— Worcester, Exeter, Brasenose, Pembroke, Magdalen II, Lincoln, Wadham, Jesus, New College II, St. Peter's Hall, St. Catherine's, Brasenose II, Queen's, Oriel II. Worcester failed to retain their position, as Exeter, coming up very fast after leaving the Gut, caught them at the Willows. Brasenose held their own against Pembroke and finished almost their distance in front. Lincoln, who had bumped Wadham in the morning, again improved their position, for, getting well on to Magdalen II coming through the Gut, they eventually caught them at the end of the Willows. Jesus overtook Wadham along the Green Bank, and New College II, whose No. 2 broke his oar, fell victims to St. Peter's Hall at the Red Post. St. Catherine's rowed through, but Brasnose II succumbed to Queen's at the top of Iffley Reach.
First Division Order of Starting.— New College, Balliol, Magdalen, St. Edmund Hall, University College, Corpus, Keble, Christ Church, Merton, St. John's, Trinity, Balliol II, Oriel, Exeter. New College rowed through, but Balliol were not so fortunate. They were well away from Magdalen coming through the Gut, but the latter, putting in a fine effort along the Green Bank, rapidly drew up and made their bump just after passing the Boathouse. St. Edmund Hall, who had fallen to Magdalen the previous day, kept well away from University College and finished almost their distance in front after a prolonged struggle. Keble caught Corpus opposite the Christ Church Barge and Merton overtook Christ Church at Saunder's Bridge. St. John's came up a length in front of Trinity, but Balliol II were bumped by Oriel immediately after the start.
Seventeen bumps were made in the Oxford torpid races yesterday, including an overbump in the third division. [start order and bumps]
Magdalen go to the HeadThe Torpid Races were continued at Oxford on Saturday in wretched weather. There was a fine race for the Headship of the River between New College and Magdalen. Magdalen showed excellent form, and owed much of their success to the skilful manner in which they were stroked by the old Etonian J. L. Garton, who had been rowing in the Isis crew earlier in the term.
Although the Fourth Division rowed through, there were 13 bumps in the other three divisions.
Fourth Division Order of Starting.— [Worcester II,] Trinity II, Exeter III, Balliol III, Jesus II. A splendid race was seen for the headship of this division. After being half a length behind at the Boathouse Trinity II got to within 2ft. of Worcester II, who, however, finished the stronger and got home a quarter of a length to the good. Exeter III did well at the start, but after coming out of the Gut Trinity II held them and finished half a length in front.
Third Division Order of Starting.— Oriel II, St. John's II, Keble II, Hertford, Merton II, Christ Church II, Exeter II, University College II, St. Edmund Hall II, New College III, Queen's II, Wadham II, St. Peter's Hall II, Worcester II. St. John's II held their own fairly well until passing Long Bridges, when Keble II began to gain rapidly, and made their bump just before reaching the New Cut. Hertford, Merton II, Christ Church II and Exeter II followed at wide intervals, but University College II were soon in difficulties with St. Edmund Hall II, who made their bump opposite the Weir's Bridge. New College III were unfortunate as they lost their rudder going down to the start. Their cox did his best by borrowing a paddle, but it proved a sorry substitute, and they were bumped by Queen's II at Haystack Corner, where Wadham II were bumped by St. Peter's Hall II.
Second Division Order of Starting.— Exeter, Worcester, Brasenose, Pembroke, Lincoln, Magdalen II, Jesus, Wadham, St. Peter's Hall, New College II, St. Catherine's, Queen's, Brasenose II, Oriel II. Exeter paddled through and were well ahead of Worcester when the latter were bumped by Brasenose at the end of the Green Bank. Pembroke lost distance to Lincoln in Iffley Reach, and Lincoln, after being a length behind coming out of the Gut, then gained rapidly and bumped Pembroke just before the crossing. Magdalen II held Jesus over the first half of the course, but subsequently the latter gained rapidly and bumped them at the Red Post. New College II soon had the measure of St. Peter's Hall, and bumped them before getting through the Gut. Queen's made a bold bid to catch St. Catherine's and were right on to them in Iffley Reach, from which point St. Catherine's drew away and reached home with a good margin in hand. Brasenose II and Oriel II provided a most interesting struggle, and, although Oriel were within half a length at the Bridges, Brasenose struggled on to the Cherwell before having to strike their colours.
First Division Order of Starting.— New College, Magdalen, Balliol, St. Edmund Hall, University College, Keble, Corpus, Merton, Christ Church, St. John's, Trinity, Oriel, Balliol II, Exeter. After the crews settled down, Magdalen began to gain steadily although New College came out of the Gut with quite a good margin in hand. Along the Green Bank Magdalen put in a fine spurt, and, steadily gaining, made their bump just before reaching the Cherwell. St. Edmund Hall kept well away from University College, and Keble were their distance in front of Corpus, who had to row hard to escape Merton. St. John's bumped Christ Church before getting through the Gut, Oriel soon took the measure of Trinity and bumped them at the Ferry, and Balliol II were bumped by Exeter just before reaching the Weir's Bridge.
Oxford Torpids EndNew College lose Headship to Magdalen .
Magdalen, who lost the headship last year, regained it when the bumped New College opposite their own barge in the Oxford Torpid races, which were concluded on Saturday. This was their third successive bump. There were 13 bumps, compared with 17 on Friday. Bumps are indicated by brackets in the following tables:[...]
Magdalen retain the HeadshipThe Oxford University Torpid Races were continued yesterday when conditions were better than on Saturday. There was, however, a keen north-easterly wind, and with a further rise in the river the O.U.B.C. had issued a notice that as Iffley Weir was fully open all crews must turn above the Isis Hotel, a very necessary precaution after the mishaps of the previous week when three boats got out of control.
Only 12 bumps were recorded in the four divisions, but Oriel and Lincoln both continued their upward careers. Magdalen retained the Headship, which they secured from New College on Saturday, without difficulty, but the latter nearly came to grief through their stroke catching a crab and only just escaped Balliol.
Fourth Division Order of Starting.— Worcester II, Trinity II, Exeter III, Balliol III, Jesus II. Trinity II had gained a length on Worcester II in Iffley Reach and, putting in a good spurt on leaving the Gut, made their bump under the Willows. Balliol III gained steadily on Exeter III and were within a quarter of a length at the Brasenose barge, where the Exeter coxswain fouled the bank and held them up, although they got going again and escaped Jesus II.
Third Division Order of Starting.— Brasenose II, Keble II, St. John's II, Hertford, Merton II, Christ Church II, Exeter II, St. Edmund Hall II, University College II, Queen's II, New College III, St. Peter's Hall II, Wadham II, Trinity II. Brasenose II held their own at the head of the division without difficulty and led home by a length and a half from Keble II. There was an exciting race between the four following boats, St. John's II, Hertford, Merton II, and Christ Church II, which ended in favour of Hertford, who caught St. John's coming through the Gut. Merton were right on Hertford. Christ Church were blocked and fouled the bank, but recovered and were within a length of Merton at the finish. St. Edmund Hall II were well on to Exeter II at the Willows, from which point Exeter held them and finished that distance ahead. New College III bumped Queen's II, who caught a crab at the Weir's Bridge, and St. Peter's Hall II, who followed them, went in hot pursuit of University College and gained an overbump near the University Boathouse. Wadham II fell victims to Trinity II at the Ferry.
Second Division Order of Starting.— Balliol II, Brasenose, Worcester, Lincoln, Pembroke, Jesus, Magdalen II, Wadham, New College II, St. Peter's Hall, St. Catherine's, Queen's, Oriel II, Brasenose II. Balliol II lost the headship of the division to Brasenose through their coxswain taking them in close to the Ferry Corner, where their No. 6 broke his oar, Brasenose being some distance behind at the time. Worcester soon lost ground to Lincoln, who came up fast from the Launch Works and made their bump at the Free Water Stone. Pembroke kept well away from Jesus, who finished five lengths in front of Magdalen II. There was a good race between Wadham and New College II until coming through the Gut, when Wadham fell away and were bumped along the Green Bank. St. Peter's Hall rowed through, but St. Catherine's fell victims to Queen's who, showing much improved form, caught them at the Free Water Stone.
First Division Order of Starting.— Magdalen, New College, Balliol, St. Edmund Hall, University College, Keble, Corpus, Merton, St. John's, Christ Church, Oriel, Trinity, Exeter, Brasenose. Magdalen, who had secured the Headship on Saturday, retained their position without difficulty and were two lengths ahead of New College when they passed the Post. New College II had a very narrow escape from being overtaken by Balliol as their stroke caught a crab opposite the St. John's barge. Balliol, who were just within their distance, made heroic efforts to take advantage of the mishap, but after a most exciting finish New College reached home with a couple of feet to spare, St. Edmund Hall at the time being some distance in the rear of Balliol. University College were well clear of Keble, who had drawn several lengths ahead of Corpus. St. John's again improved their position by bumping Merton before reaching the Free Ferry. Oriel, going off very fast at the start, soon had Christ Church in difficulties and caught them just before entering the Gut. Trinity fell victims to Exeter half-way along the Green Bank.
Crew Lose Eight Places in Four DaysThe fourth day's racing in the Oxford Torpids was rowed in cold but fine weather, but against a very much stronger stream.
Magdalen easily retained their position at the head of the river, but New College, who followed them, gave their supporters a fright. They were well clear of Balliol when, about 40 yards from the finishing post, their stroke caught a crab. Fortunately for them the boat was not stopped and they got home with inches to spare.
For the second time the University College II crew were over-bumped and they have now lost eight places in four nights, which is probably a record. Altogether there were 12 bumps against 13 on Saturday.
Bumps are indicated by brackets in the following tables: [...]
Balliol bump New CollegeConditions were dismal for the Torpids racing at Oxford yesterday and few spectators braved the cold north-easterly wind.
Twelve bumps were recorded, the same number as on the previous afternoon, and although there were some exciting struggles below the Boathouse spectators on the Barges saw little of interest except the race between Balliol and New College, which unexpectedly ended in favour of the former. Before reaching the Cherwell the previous afternoon New College had held Balliol without undue difficulty. Lincoln were again successful and with luck may get into the First Division to-day. Queen's, who have done much better than for some years, again improved their position.
Fourth Division Order of Starting.— Wadham II, Worcester II, Exeter III, Balliol III, Jesus II. Worcester II drew right on to Wadham II from the start and caught them at the Free Ferry. Exeter III had a hard task to escape Balliol III, but although the latter were within half a length at the Boathouse, Exeter struggled on and had a quarter of a length to spare at the finish.
Third Division Order of Starting.— Brasenose II, Keble II, Hertford, St. John's II, Merton II, Christ Church II, Exeter II, St. Edmund Hall II, St. Peter's Hall II, New College III, Queen's II, University College II, Trinity II, Worcester II. Brasenose II paddled over, Keble II, who followed, after holding their own for half the distance succumbing to Hertford at the Willows. St. John's II, after being hard pressed in Iffley Reach, fell victims to Merton II. Coming through the Gut, Christ Church II, who followed, were considerably impeded, and Exeter II were in dangerous proximity. Christ Church, however, quickly recovered and were well away from Exeter when the latter were overtaken by St. Edmund Hall II at the Red Post. St. Peter's Hall II, New College III, and Queen's II came up wide distances apart, but University College II lost ground rapidly to Trinity II at the start and the latter caught them at the Weir's Bridge.
Second Division Order of Starting.— Brasenose, Balliol II, Lincoln, Worcester, Pembroke, Jesus, Magdalen II, New College II, Wadham, St. Peter's Hall, Queen's, St. Catherine's, Oriel II, Brasenose II. Brasenose paddled through. Balliol II were hotly pressed by Lincoln from the start and had to strike their colours before getting to the end of Iffley Reach, this making Lincoln's fifth successive bump. Pembroke, coming up very fast in the Gut caught Worcester half-way along the Willow Bank. Jesus rowed over, Magdalen II, who followed, being overtaken by New College II in the Gut. Wadham also rowed over; St. Peter's Hall were bumped by Queen's as they were coming out of the Gut, while St. Catherine's, Oriel II, and Brasenose II followed long distances apart.
First Division Order of Starting.— Magdalen, New College, Balliol, St. Edmund Hall, University College, Keble, Corpus, St. John's, Merton, Oriel, Christ Church, Exeter, Trinity, Brasenose. Magdalen maintained their position without extending themselves, but New College were losing distance from the start to Balliol. At the Boathouse only a quarter of a length divided them and with a hard spurt along the Wall Balliol made their bump opposite the Hertford Barge. St. Edmund Hall came up well away from University College and three lengths separated University College from Keble, although the latter were close up coming through the Gut. There was a splendid race between the next four boats. St. John's gained a deal of distance on Corpus, and Merton, driven on by Oriel, were well on to St. John's along the Willows. Oriel, however, steered none too well coming out of the Gut, and Merton, rising to the occasion, recovered the place they lost to St. John's the previous afternoon and re-bumped them at the Red Post. Christ Church quite failed to hold Exeter, who, gaining from the start, bumped them at the Free Ferry, and Trinity rowed up their distance in front of Brasenose.
For the fifth day's racing in the Oxford Torpids the weather was bitterly cold and there was a strong stream running. Magdalen had no difficulty in retaining the headship, but their pursuers, New College, were caught by Balliol, who, however, do not seem fast enough to threaten danger to the leaders.St. John's, who caught Merton on Monday, were rebumped by this crew and so Oriel, who were close on Merton at the time and ought, in fact, to have caught them at the bridges, were deprived of their fifth bump. Lincoln are the only crew to go up each night and they now have five bumps to their credit. Bumps are indicated by brackets in the following tables:[...]
Magdalen retain the HeadshipThe Oxford Torpid races were concluded yesterday, when the weather was again bitterly cold, but the stream had decreased in force and the wind had shifted round to the south-west.
No fewer than 14 bumps were recorded, an unusual number on a last day, which brought the total up to 18 for the six days' racing. As was expected after their fine showing at the end of last week, Magdalen retained the Headship without any difficulty and clearly demonstrated their right to the position. Lincoln gained a place each day, but Christ Church, Balliol II, Worcester, St. John's II, and Wadham II each lost six places, and University College II, who were twice victims of overbumps — the only two recorded this year — lost no fewer than 10 places.
Fourth Division Order of Starting.— Worcester II, Wadham II, Exeter III, Balliol III, Jesus II. Worcester II paddled up head of the division, Wadham II, after a sharp struggle, falling victims to Exeter III at the Free Ferry. Balliol III finished fully their distance in front of Jesus II.
Third Division Order of Starting.— Brasenose II, Hertford, Keble II, Merton II, St. John's II, Christ Church II, St. Edmund Hall II, Exeter II, St. Peter's Hall II, New College III, Queen's II, Trinity II, University College II, Worcester II. Brasenose II made great efforts to retain their position at the head of the division, but after leaving the Gut Hertford gained rapidly and made their bump at the end of the Willows. Keble II also held their own until passing the Long Bridges, when they fell away and were bumped half-way up the Green Bank. Christ Church II started much faster than St. John's II, whom they caught just after passing the Free Ferry. St. Edmund Hal II and Exeter II paddled over, but St. Peter's Hall II failed to avoid a determined challenge by New College III after leaving the Gut and were bumped just before the Crossing, and Worcester II caught University College II at the Red Post.
Second Division Order of Starting.— Brasenose, Lincoln, Balliol II, Pembroke, Worcester, Jesus, New College II, Magdalen II, Wadham, Queen's, St. Peter's Hall, St. Catherine's, Oriel II, Hertford. There was a fine race for the headship between Brasenose and Lincoln. The latter were within three-quarters of a length at the Red Post, and, making a fine effort along the Wall, made their bump just before reaching the Cherwell. Balliol II gave way to Pembroke at the Willows, but Worcester, Jesus, and New College II had a most exciting struggle. Coming out of the Gut Jesus were right on to Worcester and were in turn hotly pressed by New College II. At the Willows Jesus succeeded in bumping Worcester with New College within a few feet of them. New College were blocked and were unable to get clear, Magdalen II rowing past them although they made no claim to the bump. Wadham held their own with Queen's over half the course, but eventually had to give way at the Willows, while St. Peter's Hall, after a strenuous race, struck their colours to St. Catherine's opposite the Hertford College Barge. Oriel II finished a long length in front of Hertford.
First Division Order of Starting.— Magdalen, Balliol, New College, St. Edmund Hall, University College, Keble, Corpus, Merton, St. John's, Oriel, Exeter, Christ Church, Trinity, Lincoln. Magdalen held their own at the head of the Division, finishing two lengths in front of Balliol, who were a similar distance ahead of New College. St. Edmund Hall kept well clear of University College until after passing the Boathouse. The latter gained rapidly, however, along the Wall and succeeded in making their bump opposite Exeter Barge. Corpus made a good effort to overhaul Keble, who had previously bumped them, and finished within a length, while Corpus were two lengths in front of Merton. Oriel, improving on their form of the previous day, got well on to St. John's in Iffley Reach and caught them coming out of the Gut. Trinity overtook Christ Church along the Willows.
The following are the names and schools of the Magdalen and Lincoln crews :— [...]
Magdalen head Oxford CrewsLincoln make most Bumps
Enter First Division
Magdalen retained the headship they had wrested from New College last Saturday when the Oxford Torpids were concluded yesterday.
The greatest number of bumps — six — was made by Lincoln; who finished in the First Division.
There would have been an extra bump yesterday in the Second Division, as New College II were stopped when Jesus caught Worcester, and Magdalen II rowed past them, but Magalen made no claim for a bump, as they were entitled to do.
There were 14 bumps yesterday and 82 in all during the meeting. The head of the river crew were: [as in The Times list below, except Bailleau]
Magdalen | |||
B: | S. F. M. Macdonald (Winchester) | ||
2: | A. M. Webb (Ampleforth) | ||
3: | H. Betteridge (Woodhouse G.S., Sheffield) | ||
4: | W. L. Baillieu (Winchester) | ||
5: | P. B. Spilsbury (Rugby) | ||
6: | F. A. Willan (Eton) | ||
7: | A. R. Jackson (Oundle) | ||
S: | J. L. Garton (Eton) | ||
C: | F. C. Williams (Manchester U.) |
Lincoln | |||
B: | A. D. F. Devinish (Oundle) | ||
2: | C. H. Vasey (St. Peter's, York) | ||
3: | J. Peare (University Coll, Nottingham) | ||
4: | F. J. D. Howard (Crypt, Gloucester) | ||
5: | A. H. Warburton (King's, Chester) | ||
6: | D. Milburn (St. Paul's, U.S.A.) | ||
7: | L. R. D. Pyke (Melbourne, Australia) | ||
S: | G. Tomlinson (St. Edward's, Oxford) | ||
C: | R. Greenwood (Leeds) |