Oriel deposed Pembroke, head of the men's divisions, on the first day of drastically curtailed Oxford Torpids. New College's brief enjoyment of a similar status among the women's crews was forcefully terminated by St Catherine's.A slight decrease in stream speed suggests that more crews will have the opportunity to race today.
Oriel and Pembroke gave their customary display of proficient rowing at the head of the first six men's boats on the third day of Oxford Torpids. The crews were equally spaced as they passed Long Bridges and able to stride out in an orderly, bump-free race.Behind them Brasenose hit the bank and let Lincoln row past, while St Catherine's managed a third bump and show sign of easing up.
St Catherine's caught Magdalen in the last stages of the Oxford Torpids. The bump earned the college men's crew a celebration to match their sister boat who finished head in the women's divisions. A fifth bump for Merton women took them up to third behind New College.
Following the disappointment of last year's cancellation, all eyes were on Oriel to see whether they could regain the Headship from Pembroke. This they did in imperious style, bumping on the Wednesday opposite the OUBC pontoon. The next three days saw Oriel row Head many lengths clear of Pembroke. They remain the class act on the Isis.Other movers in Men's Division One were New who fell two, being bumped by Exeter and
Christ Church, while St Catz won blades, rising four places. Merton fell a whole division and Balliol was another big disappointment, dropping out of Men's Division Two. St Catz bumped to Head in the Women's Division, knocking New down one in the process. Merton were another big riser, winning blades to end third on the river. Oriel women went some way to repeat the success of their men, rising seven [five?] places, while Trinity plummeted, and will be keen to reverse this fall come Eights.
Oriel | |||
B: | M. Gardiner | Dul.Col. & Fitzwilliam, Cam. | |
2: | L. Finch | KCS Wimbledon | |
3: | P. Randall | Uckfield Com.Col. | |
4: | T. Senior | St Catharine's, Cam. | |
5: | M. Vickers | St Paul's Sch. | |
6: | A. Black | Eton | |
7: | A. Coppell | Birkenhead Sch & St Cath's, Cam | |
S: | R. Todd | KCS Wimbledon | |
C: | R. Stevens | Univ.Leic & Royal Holloway, Lon. | |
Coach: | A. Nelder | CCAT, Cam. |
St Catherine's | |||
B: | Clarissa Edwards | ||
2: | Fiona Howarth | ||
3: | Alice Tedd | ||
4: | Liz Beetem | ||
5: | Carla Crifo | ||
6: | Helen Bray | ||
7: | Sarah Boddy | ||
S: | Laura Goodsir | ||
C: | James Darbyshire | ||
Coach: | Bobby Gibson |