St Catherine's College Rowing Society
President: Prof Ceri Peach
Vice Presidents: Don Barton, Neil Chugani, Richard Peters, Sir Matthew Pinsent CBE, Ben Sylvester, Andrew Triggs Hodge MBE.

Newsletter#2, Hilary Term, 2016 (18th March)


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St Catherine's College
Oxford University Rowing Clubs
St Catherine's College Boat Club
St Catherine's Rowing Society

In this Issue ...

It was touch and go, but we somehow managed to squeeze Torpids in between periods of Red Flag, and we have the associated results, reports and photos (and thanks to Josephine Barnett-Neefs for allowing me to raid her photo gallery).

Following the AGM, we welcome two new committee members, one of whom seems to have been already pressed into action rowing with our men's VIII in tomorrow's Head of the River Race. As well as the HoRR, tomorrow is also the day of the Henley Boat Races, featuring a couple of our ladies, and we also look forward to the Tideway Boat Races the following weekend. Well, I'm looking forward to the Women's Boat Race, but as for the Men's race ...

The women's 1st Torpid, staring into the abyss as they await OURCs verdict on Thursday's race (although stroke Carina, middle right, seems rather less concerned).



Rowing On, 21st February
Women's crews: fastest 15 from 25 to qualify

1st 3:28.5 Brasenose III
=10th 3:47.5 St Catz II
15th 3:57.5 Wolfson IV

Torpids 24-27th February
Wed Thu Fri Sat Finish

Men's I = +1 = = 8th Div I
Women's I = -1 +1 +1 5th Div II
Men's II +1 = = = 10th Div IV
Women's II = +1 +1 -1 6th Div V

Bumps Charts

Men Women

2016 St Catherine's Torpids

Men's 1st Torpid
B: Peter Forsyth
2: Martin Cusack
3: Mathias Hoeyer
4: Julian Malisano
5: Erkki Vihriälä
6: James Winder
7: William Beuckelaers
S: Georgios Ntentas
C: James Wills
Women's 1st Torpid
B: Emily Hoogkamer
2: Katharine Biddle
3: Jenna Poole
4: Emily Rosen
5: Elisabeth Gram
6: Holly Smith
7: Roxanna Abhari
S: Carina Schwarz
C: Josephine Barnett-Neefs
Men's 2nd Torpid
B: Mark Hew
2: Florian Zobel1
3: David Smith 2
4: Gilad Amzaleg
5: Kieran Young
6: Maris Serzans
7: Matthew Smith
S: Richard Everett
C: Katy-Louise Whelan
1Sub: Jay Shiao (Thu)
2Sub: Kristian Kostadinov (Wed)
Women's 2nd Torpid
B: Rosalind Booth1
2: Tegan Ekanayake2
3: Sarah Marsh3
4: Madalina Ciocanu
5: Madeline Douglas
6: Alice Godson
7: Rosemary Bridson
S: Alice Pickthall
C: Rebecca Lenihan
1Sub: Clarissa Bayer (Fri)
2Sub: Alice Wang (Wed)
and Anushka Halder (Fri)
3Sub: Clarissa Bayer (Thu)
Coach: Christy Job

Men's Boat Club Report

Georgios Ntentas, Men's Captain

Hilary was a rather successful term for the Men's squad. We kicked off our Torpids campaign with a training camp at Nottingham Holme Pierrepont last January and had about 25 rowers training throughout the term.

The weather wasn't as kind with us this term as during Michaelmas and the river was on 'red flag' for a significant amount of time. In order to keep up training we organised outings at Dorney lake and on the Tideway using the Auriol Kensington Rowing Club facilities at Hammersmith. We have now established a good relationship with AK and we hope to maintain the link for future Tideway training.

We had a good performance in Torpids where both M1 and M2 went up one place each. In Division 1, M1 bumped Trinity on Thursday and rowed over the other days.

The Men's 1st Torpid (Photo: JB-N)


The Men's 2nd Torpid (Photo: JB-N)


In Division 4, M2 bumped St John's II and Univ II, got bumped by Magdalen II but then bumped them back on the last day. However they went up only 1 place due to a penalty incurred when the Race Committee decided that they had been too aggressive when bumping Magdalen.

We also entered a Men's 3rd Torpid, which was unfortunately scratched on the day of Rowing On due to high winds.

These results are very promising for Summer Eights considering that most squad members are continuing next term and we will possibly have some more returning seniors.

We are currently preparing for the Head of the River Race on Saturday the 19th March and will start our Summer Eights campaign with a training camp at Tilburg in Holland in the beginning of April.

We're really excited about next term!

Women's Boat Club Report

The Women's 1st Torpid (in a more relaxed moment)


Emily Hoogkamer, Women's Captain

This term the whole Boat Club saw through a successful Torpids, with every boat gaining one place overall!

The women's squad is building up, having had an influx of rowers with previous experience this year and with a group of enthusiastic newcomers to the sport. We've seen a lot of progress from many of our squad members, making the prospects for next term and next year very exciting.

Muddied, but still-bowed: All Rabbit's Friends And Relations after Thursday's unscheduled visit to the bank.


After a few overly dramatic days of racing in Torpids, the women's first boat saw its way to bumps on both L.M.H. and Worcester, but lost one place to a blades-winning Jesus crew. Despite having to dig our beautiful new boat out of the bank after a steering malfunction, the week was a success and we already really enjoyed some clean, powerful rowing, particularly on the Friday.

The 2nd Torpid, as a Rowing On crew, had to contend with a messy division on most days, but also gained 2 bumps, on St Antony's II and Hertford II, before losing one place to another blades crew on the last day (Christ Church II).

The women had hoped to finish the term by racing at Kingston Head, but unfortunately that was cancelled due to high stream.

With Summer Eights just around the corner, our preseason training camp in the Netherlands over the Easter break is going to be a really productive block of training that is sure to get everyone even more ready to race and train in the sun next term. We hope to see lots of people down at the boathouse for what should be some exciting races.

The Women's 2nd Torpid


University Crews

Anna Corderoy has been selected to cox the Oxford Women's Lightweights who will be racing Cambridge at Henley this weekend. Lucy Roberts, although President, didn't get selected. While obviously disappointing for her as an oarswoman, as President I think she can be proud of putting together a boat that's too good for her to get into. But she will at least get to race down the course in the 'spare pairs' event, prior to the lightweight boat race itself. The Tideway Boat Races are the following weekend (Easter Sunday). In the last newsletter I mentioned that OUBC had yet to take on any opposition. Well, since then, they've competed against, and lost to, both Oxford Brookes and a Leander crew. While Oxford would struggle to claim to be the fastest club crew in Oxford, let alone the country, Cambridge have raced and beaten both Brookes and a German U23 crew. This could be Cambridge's year ...

For the women, however, I'd still bet on Oxford. CUWBC raced in the Women's Eights Head and finished 5th, just behind the likes of Imperial, Molesey and Oxford Brookes, although to be fair they had previously beaten Brookes and Molesey in private fixtures. OUWBC didn't race in the Women's Head, but did have a convincing win in the Quintin Head back in January, finishing well ahead of Imperial and Molesey. Subsequently they've had private matches against Molesey and Newcastle University (8th in the Women's Head) and, unlike their male counterparts, have never looked anything less than totally dominant. And the fastest Club crew in the country.


At the Rowing Society AGM, it was noted that we've not met with any great success in persuading those of you with standing order subscriptions to convert to gift-aided direct debit donations, neither have we managed to attract a new sponsor for the Boat Club. But we won't be giving up that easily. On the other hand, we have at last found a Treasurer, Ben Baron (M.12), and Sarah Askew (M.94) has also been elected to our committee.

Assembled guests after the 2016 Rowing Society Dinner

[RS Dinnner]

Coming Up ...

In the next newsletter there will be results, reports and photos from the University Boat Races, the Head of the River Race, the Dutch training camp and any early-season racing, as well as prospects for Summer Eights.

Anu Dudhia (email: )


19 Mar

Head of the River Race

19 Mar

Henley Boat Races

27 Mar

Tideway Boat Races

8-11 Apr

Tilburg Training Camp

16 Apr

Oxford City Bumps

20 May

Rowing On

25-28 May
