St Catherine's College Rowing Society
President: Prof Ceri Peach
Vice Presidents: Don Barton, Neil Chugani, Richard Peters, Sir Matthew Pinsent CBE, Ben Sylvester, Andrew Triggs Hodge OBE.

Newsletter#2, Hilary Term, 2017 (19th March)


[PDF version]



St Catherine's College
Oxford University Rowing Clubs
St Catherine's College Boat Club
St Catherine's Rowing Society

In this Issue ...

Usually the fortunes of our men's and women's crews rise or fall together which, if nothing else, ensures a certain sense of mutual sympathy at the Rowing Society Dinner. This year, however, was one of those awkward years, with the men's 1st Torpid equalling their highest ever position and the women's 1st Torpid falling to their lowest. We have the captains' reports.

The various University Boat Races will be taking place over the next couple of weeks and, although I see that the bookmakers haven't yet set up their stalls, I'm going to predict that the men's and women's Blue boat results are going different ways to last year. I don't have much information on the lightweight crews but I'm planning on going along to Henley next Sunday to see for myself.

Finally a request from a Catz alumnus who seems to have discovered — unfortunately rather too late to be of any service to the Boat Club — a sudden desire to get in a boat and row rather further than seems really necessary.

Bonfire of the Valkyries: this year it was Oriel women's turn to carry off an old wooden shell for burning to celebrate their Torpids Headship.



Isis Winter League E 19th February
88 crews were timed
1st 4:22.5 St Catherine's M1 1st/50 M8
29th 5:15.0 St Catherine's M2 29th/50 M8

Torpids 1st – 4th March
Wed Thu Fri Sat Finish
Men's I +1 +1 +1 = 4th Div I
Women's I -3 -5 -1 -1 3rd Div III
Men's II +1 +1 +1 = 6th Div IV

Bumps Charts

Men Women

St Catherine's Torpids 2017

Men's 1st Torpid
B: Matthias Mergenthaler
2: Oliver Berry
3: Dave Smith
4: Julian Malisano
5: Jack Shepherd-Cross
6: James Winder
7: Matt Smith
S: Thomas Hendrickson
C: James Wills
Coach: Rory Copus
Men's 2nd Torpid
B: Zach Grader
2: Gilad Amzaleg
3: Martin Velichkov
4: Gabriel Moussa
5: William Beuckelaers
6: Christian Schroeder
7: Adam Megyeri
S: Richard Everett
C: Grace Gliva
Coach: Rory Copus
Women's 1st Torpid
B: Ryan Grimes
2: Anne Kat Alexander
3: Kristine Clasen
4: Zoe Curtis
5: Jenna Poole
6: Holly Smith
7: Rachel Ibbetson
S: Rosalind Booth
C: Fien Barnett-Neefs
Coach: Malcolm Spencer
B: Caitlin Gray (Thu)
4: Oriane Grant (Wed)
5: Alice Godson (Thu)
6: Oriane Grant (Thu)

Women's Boat Club Report

Josephine Barnett-Neefs, Women's Captain

Crawling back from a fairly unfortunate Michaelmas, Catz women trained intensively with returning alumnus Malcolm Spencer in the run-up to Torpids. This was a massive success in bringing the crew together and instilling us all with some Catz spirit (as well as bringing some set to the boat), and had we had a few more weeks we might've made a more respectable run at racing.

Fien B-N, Women's Captain


W1 dropped ten positions, leaving division two on the second day when a sudden gust drove us into a tree. Despite spoons, we are looking on with positivity and energy. We have taken it in our stride there are now ten wooden spoons painted like Catz blades and we will come back to Eights with something to prove.

With more Catz women expressing interest to start in Trinity every week, it is looking likely that we will have three boats for Eights. I myself will be proud to hand over to future co-captains Caitlin Gray and Rachel Ibbetson, who will take the energy we have recaptured this term and keep driving it forward into the year ahead.


The women's Torpid racing on the Friday


Men's Boat Club Report

James Winder, Men's Captain

The men began the term with an eventful IWL race. A high speed collision with a poorly steered barge lead to major damage to the M1 boat and blades. However the men didn't let this complication faze them and so came back to secure 2nd and then 1st place in IWLs D \& E. The second boat were at this stage in a slightly less established position, struggling for water time the crew took a while to come together. However, in the last two weeks prior to Torpids both squads fully committed to training and entered the competition ready to reap therewards.

James Winder, Men's Captain


The campaign started well with M2 bumping before the Gut for the first three days and M1 bumping at the start of Green Bank for the first two followed by a powerful bump on Wolfson that saw them drop significantly. The last day didn't go quite to plan with both crews just missing out on their respective Wadham crews (M2 chasing the overbump). However although +3 for both crews is a more than respectable result, including moving M1 back to its joint highest ever position on the river, the men are unanimous in that their main takeaway is to move even higher next term. Bring on Eights.

The Men's 1st Torpid


The top of Men's Div I on the Thursday with Catz closing on Christ Church


University Boat Races

There won't be any Catz representation in the University Boat Races this year (unless you count Matthew Pinsent umpiring the men's race). Matthias Mergenthaler was finally dropped from the OUBC squad a few days before Torpids, and space was duly made for him in the bow seat of our men's 1st boat. I expect their three subsequent bumps went some way to help him overcome his disappointment. I also note that Oriane Grant, who subbed in for Catz women a couple of times during Torpids, isn't named in the Oxford women's lightweight crew. Part of the Henley Boat Races programme includes the intercollegiate races. Buoyed by their success in Torpids, Catz men competed in a time trial to decide who would represent Oxford, but Oriel proved faster, with Keble selected for the women's race.

Meanwhile, the Cambridge women's Blue Boat continues to look ominous: finishing 2nd (to Leander) in the Women's Eights Head with Blondie, their reserve crew, 7th. This year they have the advantage over the Oxford women in height, weight and years (despite one of the Oxford crew being 34). Added to that, Oxford have a new coach and no returning Blues. If all that's still not enough for the light blues to secure their first Women's Boat Race on the Tideway then I really don't know what else we can do for them. Oxford, however, won't be a pushover. Despite a seemingly slow start they've beaten Oxford Brookes and Molesey (6th and 5th in the WeHORR). If Cambridge don't manage to drop Oxford early on, I think we could actually have a decent race.

Cambridge's men also have the advantage of height and weight but, crucially, Oxford have age and experience (flaunting, rather cheekily, the 2015 Cambridge no.5 man in their bow seat). Oxford have impressed against Brookes — who'd beaten Cambridge a few weeks earlier — and again this weekend against Leander. So having regained, from Brookes, the title of fastest crew in Oxford, I think they could reasonably lay claim to being, once again, the fastest club crew in the country.

The lightweight and intercollegiate races take place next Sunday, 26th March, at Henley, with the Tideway Boat Races a week later, Sunday 2nd April.

Transatlantic Row

I received the following request from Oliver Glanville, a recent graduate of St Catherine's

I am currently in the process of planning to row 3000 miles across the Atlantic in December with another Oxford alumnus.

This is a huge campaign as part of a race that has a global reach. However, we need to raise funds both to make the trip possible, through sponsorship, and for our two chosen charities (Alzheimer's Research and Against Malaria Foundation).

It would be great to include Catz as part of the adventure, and make it a part of the Catz legacy. To this end, I was wondering if the St Catherine's Rowing Society would be able to help in any way, whether that is through an email out to alumni, advice, or any other way.

Do check out our website:

Coming Up ...

In the next newsletter there will be results and reports on the Boat Races, maybe some pictures from the Easter training camp in the Lake District and, if they're feeling adventurous, racing in City Bumps in 0th week. There will also be details and prospects for Summer Eights.

Anu Dudhia (email: )

As the victorious Oriel cox is borne away from the river with ceremony, dignity and no little style, St Catz choose to express their appreciation in a more informal manner.



26 Mar 2017

Henley Boat Races

2 Apr 2017

Tideway Boat Races

13–17 Apr 2017

Easter Training Camp

22 Apr 2017

Oxford City Bumps

24–27 May 2017


24 June 2017

Gaudy Paddle