St Catherine's College Rowing Society
President: Colin Smith
Vice Presidents: Neil Chugani, Richard Peters, Sir Matthew Pinsent CBE, Ben Sylvester, Zoe de Toledo, Andrew Triggs Hodge OBE.

Newsletter#2, Hilary Term, 2022 (20th March)


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St Catherine's College
Oxford University Rowing Clubs
St Catherine's College Boat Club
St Catherine's Rowing Society

In this issue ...

Another largely uninterrupted term on the river, although the weather was a bit more in-your-face than last term. The men, in particular, deserve an honourable mention for managing a full squad turn-out for IWL E held on a windy Sunday afternoon immediately following Catz Ball.

The women's 2nd and men's 3rd Torpids narrowly missed the qualifying times, leaving just three Catz boats in the main event. With a cold rain falling throughout the first day of Torpids, I had to keep reminding myself that this is what getting back to normal feels like. Oddly, as the weather improved, Catz fortunes got worse. The Captains provide reports, despatched, I suspect, from the more agreeable climes of Lago di Monate in northern Italy.

There are now two weeks to go to the Boat Races, and our original 9 triallists have been whittled down to two, and five 'spares'.

The Catz women's squad, approximately three hours after the end of Torpids



Isis Winter League D, 6th February 2022

107 crews raced
1st 4:33.0 Wadham A 1st/50 M8
9th 4:51.0 St Catherine's A 9th/50 M8
20th 5:11.0 Wolfson A 1st/38 W8
=44th 5:29.5 St Catherine's B =36th/50 M8
=44th 5:29.5 St Catherine's A 6th/38 W8
65th 5:49.0 St Catherine's C 46th/50 M8
=80th 6:25.0 St Catherine's B =25th/38 W8

Isis Winter League E, 22nd February 2022

97 crews raced
1st 4:15.5 Jesus A 1st/52 M8
9th 4:27.0 St Catherine's A 9th/52 M8
40th 5:18.0 St Catherine's B 38th/52 M8
61st 5:35.5 St Catherine's C 46th/52 M8

Rowing On, 28th February 2022

Men's crews: 14/29 to qualify
1st 2:57.0 New College III Qualified
14th 3:11.0 Magdalen III Qualified
19th 3:14.0 St Catherine's III Failed to Qualify
Women's crews: 15/30 to qualify
1st 3:03.5 Osler House Qualified
15th 3:23.0 Osler House II Qualified
18th 3:26.0 St Catherine's II Failed to Qualify

Torpids, 2–5 March 2022

Wed Thu Fri Sat Finish
Men's I +1 = -1 = 3rd Div I
Women's I +1 +1 -1 = 8th Div II
Men's II +1 +1 = +1 9th Div III

Bumps Charts

St Catherine's Torpids

Men's 1st Torpid
B Joseph Grey
2 Max Cowan
3 Vincent Allott1
4 Hamza Ahmad
5 Franco d'Agostino
6 Shane McCarthy
7 Thomas Long
S Amu Varma
C Eugenio Vecchi2
1 Freddy Orpin (Sat)
2 James Wills (Fri)
Men's 2nd Torpid
B Timothy Kilbey3
2 Joshua Bibby
3 James Maiklem
4 Alexander Scruton
5 Thomas Lim
6 Adrian Kreiser
7 Lachlan Stewart
S James Wills
C James Duckitt4
3 Owen Lawton (Sat)
4 Eugenio Vecchi (Thu)
Ines Rayment-Gomez (Fri/Sat)
Men's 3rd Torpid
B Li Liu
2 Thomas Aston
3 Mathias Hoie
4 Carol Serban
5 Daniel Mason
6 Lennart Buerger
7 Paul Paller
S James Farmborough
C Kan Li
Women's 1st Torpid
B Leah Tilmann-Morris
2 Nadine Staes-Polet
3 Tara Baurmann
4 Lucy Bartel
5 Helen Nielsen-Scott
6 Ilayda Karadag
7 Niamh Louwman
S Kan Li
C Zi Hong
Women's 2nd Torpid
B Ting Zhou Chen
2 Cecilia Catmur
3 Ava McCarthy-Kerrigan
4 Emma Coakley
5 Cecilia Schultz5
6 Megan Lintern
7 Brittany O'Duffy6
S Grace Miner
C Eloise Newman
5 Orly Welch (Rowing On)
6 Napsugar Tornyi (Rowing On)
Men's Coach: William Denegri Women's Coach: Rowan Nicholls

Women's Boat Club Report

Cindia Li, Women's Co-Captain

Term highlights:

  • We were able to train up a fresh and strong W2. The crew came very close to qualifying for Torpids in a very competitive Rowing On (needed to be 3 sec. faster), and is on track to getting much faster next term with fitness improvements.
  • W1 ended up +1 position by the end of Torpids. On the last day we were chased very closely by Wolfson II and rowed the entire course without conceding.
  • We ran a successful hybrid training camp in 0th week, with online circuits and small boat outings for those in Oxford.

The Women's 1st Torpid racing on the Thursday.


Men's Boat Club Report

Hamza Ahmed, Men's Co-Captain

This term was the continuation along the long road to Torpids. We started strong in the IWLs, placing 2nd in IWL C and closing the gap between Wolfson by 13 seconds over the break. We couldn't celebrate for long though, as Covid swept through the squad like wildfire, making us miss over a week of training. We bounced right back into more racing, coming top of our divisions in both IWL D and E, although conditions between divisions varied greatly.

This term we also had the added challenge of training 20 new members. They managed to get racing experience alongside the senior members, placing in the middle of the pack in the IWLs and beating many college 'A' boats. Unfortunately, however, illness was still rife throughout the term, which also meant that our M3 narrowly missed out in Rowing On for Torpids in an extremely competitive year.

The men's 2nd Torpid racing, in the cold, cold rain, on the Wednesday (a mere 10 days before the start of the training camp in Italy)


The hitherto unprecedented sight of a Catz men's crew chasing the Headship, here on the Friday (by which time it had stopped raining)


Overall, these results put us in a good position for Torpids, which was the one race upon which we as captains had placed most emphasis in terms of goals. Over the course of the event, we not only met our goals, but surpassed them. For M1, this meant maintaining their position on the river, which was achieved after bumping up to the highest Catz men have ever been (2nd place), but then coming back down to 3rd. For M2, this meant simply moving up the rankings, which was achieved, and blades were almost acquired, unfortunately being stuck behind Oriel M2 (fastest M2 on the river) each day. We couldn't have asked for more from our squad, with their results being a testament to the hard work and commitment to training over the course of not only this term, but the last as well.

Our sights don't end here though, with our eyes now being set on a successful Summer Eights campaign, for which we have already begun training with a week-long training camp in Italy.

University Crews

As the various University crews start to settle down it seems that we'll have Angus Groom rowing at 7 in OUBC and Augustin Wambersie in the stroke seat of Isis. Tom Wagstaff is one of the lightweight spare pair, Kaylin Chong is coxing the women's lightweight 'Tethys' four, Oriane Grant and Elizabeth Rees are rowing in the OUWBC spare four, and Freddy Orpin in the OUBC `3rd' boat (which used to be called Cherwell back in the day, but as yet seems un-named)

Augustin is one of four former Blues now rowing in Isis — a reflection of of the strength of OUBC's new imports this year. The apparent demotion is probably made more palatable by the fact that nobody in the current squad has yet won a Boat Race (OUBC and Isis' last wins were in 2017), and this year the Oxford men are favourites for both.

With two weeks to go until the heavyweight Boat Races, this weekend was the last in the series of private Tideway fixtures between the prospective crews and invited opponents, and also the men's and women's lightweight Boat Races. Today (Sunday) seven side-by-side races set off from Putney at 20 minute intervals and, in the absence of a formal river closure, hoping for the best.

The men's results will show that last week Cambridge beat Oxford Brookes, while this afternoon Brookes beat Oxford. However that's hardly the full story as OUBC were forced (the dreaded C-word) to make a couple of substitutions while Brookes opted for an almost complete upgrade of their crew by bringing in GB squad rowers, which left Isis to battle against the crew which raced the Cambridge Blue Boat (and also some spectacularly large wash from an unidentified boat which presumably didn't get the memo).

All the Brookes encounters have been `lively', with William Denegri (the current Catz men's coach) coxing the top Brookes crew against CUBC last week and Harry Brightmore (former Catz women's coach) coxing against OUBC today (and, technically, getting disqualified on the first piece for ignoring the orders of the umpire, one Matt Pinsent, to move apart). The Leander encounters were, by comparison, relatively genteel affairs.

The women's fixtures mainly showed that CUWBC and OUWBC are currently the two fastest women's club crews in the country, both defeating Leander and Oxford Brookes (the top two crews from the Women's Head of the River Race last weekend) although Cambridge were arguably more convincing winners. It also showed quite a gap between the women's Blue Boats and their reserve crews, as both Osiris and Blondie were well off the pace of the Leander and Brookes second boats — too big a gap to draw any conclusions as to the relative speeds of the reserve crews. Osiris were the only one of the Boat Race crews racing in the Women's Head, where they finished 16th.

Coming Up ...

In the next newsletter there will be reports on the Boat Races and the Easter training camp, prospects for Summer Eights (which was last raced in 2019) and, since I ran out of room in this issue, the continuation of the countdown with those on 40+ bumping race starts in Catz boats.

Also — I'm floating the idea now — I'm thinking of organising a gentle paddle for those of you, like me, planning on attending the Gaudy on 25th June. If there's enough interest, we'd take out an VIII during the afternoon before the start of the Gaudy proper.


20 Mar 2022 Lightweight Boat Races
3 Apr 2022 Heavyweight Boat Races
25–28 May 2022 Summer Eights
25 June 2022 Gaudy Paddle

Anu Dudhia