St Catherine's College Rowing Society
President: Prof Ceri Peach
Vice Presidents: Don Barton, Neil Chugani, Richard Peters, Sir Matthew Pinsent CBE, Ben Sylvester, Andrew Triggs Hodge MBE.

Newsletter#2, Michaelmas Term, 2015 (12th December)


[PDF version]



St Catherine's College
Oxford University Rowing Clubs
St Catherine's College Boat Club
St Catherine's Rowing Society

In this Issue ...

Back to the youngsters in this issue, and a busy term's racing to report. The Boat Club is back to having a single coach, Christy Job, looking after both the men's and women's senior squads, and, unlike last year, they've had enough willing and able members to be able to compete in VIIIs. As for the novices, well, Catz women certainly outnumbered the men in Christ Church regatta, but none of our crews made it past the 2nd round.

Moving indoors, we note one of our alumni gained a world record over the summer, while another recently lost his long-standing UK record.

Last summer's history lesson dwelt on the origins of Summer Eights some 200 years ago, so in this edition we move things forwards another 60 years to the first tentative splashes of Catz blades on the Isis.

And finally, the review of where we stand at the end of 2015.

This autumn's colours are ... red and white, apparently.

[Ch Ch T-Shirt]


Isis Winter League A, 1st November
74 crews were timed

1st 4:19 Merton 1st/13 M8
3rd 4:30 St Catz (M1) 3rd/13 M8

Nephthys Regatta, 20-21st November
Men's Novice VIIIs (8 entries)

Q/F Wolfson bt St Catz Easily

Christ Church Regatta, 25-28th November

Men's Novice VIIIs (72 entries)
Rnd 1 St Catz bt Queen's A ¾ L
Rnd 2 Balliol B bt St Catz Easily

Women's Novice VIIIs (54 entries)
Rnd 1 St Catz A* bt Brasenose B 4 L
Wadham B bt St Catz B Easily
Merton A bt St Catz C Easily
Rep University B bt St Catz B 1 L
Keble B* bt St Catz C Easily
Rnd 2 Corpus A bt St Catz C Easily

* 'Friendly crew' — ineligible to proceed

Isis Winter League B, 29th November
39 crews were timed

=16th 4:18 Wolfson 1st/10 W8
=16th 4:18 Jesus 1st/10 W8
23rd 4:30 St Catz (W1) 6th/10 W8
27th 4:36 St Catz (M Nov) 16th/16 M8

Wallingford Head, 29th November
235 crews were timed

12th 14:41 Oxford Brookes 1st/13 IM3.8
72nd 16:10 St Catz (M1) 8th/13 IM3.8

Women's Nov C having a spot of bother during racing.

[W Nov C]

Men's Boat Club Report

Georgios Ntentas, Men's Captain

Georgios Ntentas, Men's Captain

The men's senior squad had a very dynamic start in Michaelmas Term. Our new coach, Christy Job, set a very demanding training plan from week 0 and most of the men's squad of 12–15 people followed it regularly. We had 5 outings planned per week for 9 weeks and I'm delighted to say that, by having a committed and very efficient squad, we didn't miss any of them! The senior men trained mainly on the stretch below Iffley Lock as the Isis was too packed with novice boats as always. Volume training aiming at Wallingford head was the end goal of this term. We came 8th out of 19 IM3 boats and gained valuable experience racing a long head race off the Isis. We also raced IWL A and came third overall, 2 seconds behind Jesus.

Our novice squad had a great intake and they are looking very promising. We are hoping that about 15–18 of them will continue in the senior squad. After Wallingford head the novices joined the seniors and we had some mixed outings to prepare them for the January training camp.

Men's Nov A boating for Christ Church Regatta

[M Nov A]

Women's Boat Club Report

Emily Hoogkamer, Women's Captain

Emily Hoogkamer, Women's Captain

The women trained as a squad of 10–14 throughout this term. With a focus on bringing together different rowing styles from countries including Canada, India and Germany, the squad has seen a huge progression in technique over the last 8 weeks. Weights training and technical exercises on the water during outings have been really beneficial in making the whole of the stroke powerful and efficient. Having such a diverse group of women rowing has meant that the women's senior team only entered one race this term. In IWLB, the racing crew came 6th out of 14 boats, having only had one or two outings as a fixed crew.

Looking onward to Hilary term and preparation for Torpids and bumps racing, the women's squad will be settling into fixed crews, with a strong intake of novices. We are all looking forward to what should be a great next term of rowing with more effective training under our new head coach Christy.

The Women's Nov B crew preparing to race

[W Nov B]

Erg Records

Charlotte Marshall (M.10) has recently completed her training as a Royal Navy Officer Cadet at Dartmouth. You'd think that might have encouraged her to spend a bit more time on actual water but instead she seems to have opted for an indoor rowing machine. Last June she broke the 100 km world record for the women's 20–29 age group, completing the distance in a time of 7:54:25.0, which is an average split of 2:22/500 m. To quote Charlotte, via the RN web-site,
'We came up with the idea as a personal challenge. George [fellow cadet, acting as the 'cox'] kept me going throughout, telling me how far I'd rowed in terms of the English Channel and Panama Canal, as well as providing a sense of perspective with stories about overcoming adversity, such as Shackleton's Endurance expedition to the Antarctic.

'In the latter stages it turned into a mental battle, I was fighting every stroke to stay on the split.

'The back-up plan was to settle for the British record, but it's a great honour and I'm absolutely delighted to have broken both.'

Charlotte Marshall on her way to the 100 km record
Image from

[Erg record]

We also note that Matt Pinsent's UK 2 km record, set 11 years ago, has just been broken by Mo Sbihi, a member of the GB VIII, and now stands at 5:41.8 (average split of 1:25.5). And that's still 5 seconds slower than former NZ sculler Rob Waddell's World Record. Hmm. Perhaps you might want to check those 100 km records again for something seemingly more attainable.

The Origins of St Catherine's BC

The Delegacy of Non-Collegiate Students was founded in 1868 and the students soon set about organising themselves, appropriating, for social purposes, both the site and the name of the former St Catharine's Chapel on Catte St. According to W.E. Sherwood, whose Oxford Rowing, published 1900, is usually considered the authoritative work on such matters, the first competitive appearance of St Catharine's Boat Club was in the 1875 OUBC Sculls, where they were represented by J. Sherwood (no apparent relation). He went out in the first round.

The following year, a St Catharine's VIII was entered for Torpids. Starting 21st of 22 boats, they rowed over for 2 days before gaining their first bump (on Christ Church II) with further bumps on Hertford and Corpus Christi over the 6 days of racing.

1876 was also the year of St Catharine's first appearance in Eights. Starting 21st, and bottom, they rowed over all 8 days. But, on the positive side, we do actually have contemporary evidence of their arrival on the river: a flat line drawn the Brasenose minute book. They had to wait another year before gaining their first bump (Jesus).

Apart from J. Sherwood, the only other names we have from those first couple of years are another sculler, J. Lowndes, competing in the 1877 OUBC sculls, and E. R. Fagan, described as 'one of the founder members of the Boat Club' when is death was reported in the 1939 minute book.

Extract from the Brasenose BC minute book showing the Eights 1876 bumps chart, with St Catherine's as the bottom crew. Image courtesy of W. O'Chee and the BNCBC history project.

[1876 Bumps Chart]

2015 Review

There's no denying that our crews have taken a pounding in this year's bumps racing, and so I've not been in any rush to perform my annual review of where we now stand in relation to the other Colleges. But now, having reached the last page of the last newsletter of 2015, there's no putting it off.

Actually ... I suppose first we could look at the current positions of our crews based on their highs and lows of the last 10 years.

Catz Crews: Current Positions
(& highest–lowest positions, 2006–2015)
Men Women
2015 Range 2015 Range

1st Torpid 9th (4–10) 18th (1–18)
2nd Torpid 47th (41–61) (47–57)
3rd Torpid (62–68) (50–55)
1st Eight 15th (5–15) 24th (13–24)
2nd Eight 49th (38–49) 54th (44–57)
3rd Eight (73–84) 75th (—)

Not much cheer here, I'm afraid. With the exception of the Men's 2nd Torpid and Women's 3rd Eight, all our boats are at or near their lowest positions. In fact the women's 1st Torpid and 1st Eight are at their lowest ever positions and the Men's 1st Eight is at its lowest since 1998. Due to a rule violation last term, both our Men's 1st and 2nd Eights received an additional 2 penalty bumps to be applied after Eights but, in the finest traditions of accountancy, I've opted to 'bury' those losses in this year's statistics rather than next year's.

So now we get on to the rowing equivalent of the 'Norrington Table'. I remind you that this is based on the finish positions of all crews in Torpids and Eights, with a sliding scale so that gains or losses in the higher divisions count more than equivalent changes in lower divisions.

Pembroke retain their position at the top, with an increased margin, while Wadham and Oriel move up to overtake Magdalen and Christ Church. But as you can see, we've plummetted from 11th down to 17th, so are now 'just above average'. At times like this I usually like to look around to console myself with the thought that there's another College that had a worse year but, try as I might ...

Now, some of you may recall that Catz had quite a good year in the Norrington Table (6th), and that Pembroke were once again bottom (30th). To which all I can say is Magdalen (1st) and Wadham (3rd).

Right, that's 2015 out of the way, may it rest in peace. Onwards and (hopefully) upwards!

College Boat Clubs: Total Points
2015 2014

1 Pembroke 373 Pembroke 352
2 Wadham 323 Magdalen 314
3 Oriel 314 Christ Church 306
4 Magdalen 308 Wadham 302
5 Christ Church 303 Oriel 295
6 Wolfson 278 Balliol 250
7 University 243 St John's 249
8 St John's 234 Wolfson 241
9 Balliol 223 S.E.H 239
10 S.E.H. 213 University 228
11 New College 212 St Catherine's 211
12 Hertford 207 New College 205
13 Trinity 206 Trinity 201
14 Keble 195 Worcester 199
15 Worcester 191 Hertford 179
16 Lincoln 161 Keble 160
17 St Catherine's 155 Lincoln 160
18 Jesus 153 Jesus 136
19 Brasenose 123 St Anne's 134
20 L.M.H. 116 L.M.H. 119
21 St Anne's 111 Somerville 117
22 Somerville 106 Brasenose 115
23 Mansfield 103 Merton 108
24 Merton 98 Exeter 101
25 Queen's 86 Queen's 89
26 St Hugh's 83 St Hugh's 86
27 Exeter 78 Mansfield 82
28 Linacre 77 Corpus Christi 80
29 Corpus Christi 73 St Peter's 78
30 St Peter's 68 Linacre 64
31 Green Templeton 52 Osler House 50
32 St Antony's 46 Green Templeton 45
33 Osler House 44 St Antony's 43
34 St Hilda's 36 St Hilda's 35
35 Regent's Park 17 Regent's Park 16
36 St Benet's Hall 6 St Benet's Hall 5

Coming Up ...

In the next newsletter there will be news of the University triallists, and prospects for Torpids, a little more on J Lowndes, Esq, and a reminder of the RS AGM & Dinner (Sat, 27th February).

Anu Dudhia (email: )


24-27 Feb


27 Feb

RS AGM & Dinner