St Catherine's College Rowing Society
President: Prof Ceri Peach
Vice Presidents: Don Barton, Neil Chugani, Richard Peters, Sir Matthew Pinsent CBE, Ben Sylvester, Andrew Triggs Hodge OBE.

Newsletter#2, Michaelmas Term, 2017 (10th December)


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St Catherine's College
Oxford University Rowing Clubs
St Catherine's College Boat Club
St Catherine's Rowing Society

In this Issue ...

The weather this term has been kind (well, until today) and the whole Boat Club has had a busy racing schedule. In this issue we have the results and the Captains' reports — I make no comment as to how well these match up.

A month ago the 2018 Boat Race squads made their first competitive appearance at the Fours Head, which presents an opportunity for some considered analysis followed by wild extrapolation towards next March.

As this is the last newsletter of 2017 there is a review of the past year. I don't think I'm giving anything away here to say it went rather better for the men than the women, but did the net gains outweigh the losses in the rowing equivalent of the Norrington Table?

Finally, with sadness, we note the death of Bruce Mitchell (M.54), one of the founding members, and former Chairman, of the Rowing Society.

The Isis this morning: Oxford's first significant snowfall for several years (but term ended a week ago).



Isis Winter League A 29th October
36 crews raced
8th 5:08.0 Pembroke A 1st/9 W8
21st 5:39.0 St Catherine's (W1) 7th/9 W8

Upper Thames Autumn Head 29th October
Div 1: 158 crews raced
1st 9:03.94 Thames RC 1st/6 Club 8
3rd 9:17.80 Oriel 3rd/6 Club 8
4th 9:26.88 U.West of England 1st/8 Academic 8
9th 9:35.37 St Catherine's (M1) 3rd/8 Academic 8

Nephthys Regatta 17th November
Women's Senior VIIIs (8 entries)
Q/F St Catherine's (W1) Lost to Keble 1 L

Christ Church Regatta 22–25 November
Men's Novice VIIIs (67 entries)
St Catherine's MA
Wed Round 1 beat Merton MA Easily
Thu Round 2 lost to Wolfson A 2½ L
St Catherine's MB
Wed Round 1 lost to Exeter MA* 1½ L
Thu Round 2 lost to Magdalen A 2 L

Women's Novice VIIIs (51 entries)
St Catherine's WA
Wed Round 1 lost to Brasenose WA Easily
Thu Repechage beat Exeter WB Rowed Over
Fri Round 3 lost to Keble WA Rowed Over

* 'Friendly crew' - ineligible to proceed

Isis Winter League B 26th November
32 crews raced
=1st 4:28 St Catherine's A (M1) 1st/13 M8
=1st 4:28 St Catherine's C (M1) 1st/13 M8
8th 5:14 St Catherine's MD (M2) 8th/13 M8
16th 5:34 St Catherine's ME (M3) 12th/13 M8

Women's Boat Club Report

Rachel Ibbetson, Women's Joint-Captain

It's been a good start for the women's senior squad this year. With two new fantastic coaches in charge (Chloe Laverack and Matthias Mergenthaler) we've been able to come on leaps and bounds as a boat. Although a slight mishap with a seat prevented us from performing at our absolute best at IWL-A in late October, improvements continued to be made all term, and all nine rowers have been extremely pleased with our progress. We can't wait to prove our worth at Torpids next term!

Rachel Ibbetson


The Novice squad has been very popular this year, with one boat being entered to Christ Church Regatta and some good races rowed. Next term we're looking forward to the addition of the novices to the senior squad, and we're excited to see how SCCBC women can continue to develop into a force to be reckoned with!

An inspirational image of the senior women embarking on a dawn outing ...


Men's Boat Club Report

Oliver Berry, Men's Captain

After a successful Trinity term and a long summer break, the returning men were itching to get back into the boat again. A couple of the old guard from last year said farewell, but their seats were taken up by a new batch of experienced oarsmen and coxes. The Novice squad also looked promising in its size and attitude.

Oliver Berry


The first competition was Upper Thames Autumn Head for a scratch M1 crew. For the first race together for some of the crew the performance was rough but gutsy, especially the start, however it wasn't enough to overturn Oriel's 9:17 compared to our 9:35, placing us 9th and them 3rd. As one of the potential crews who will be in our crosshairs come Torpids, the gap is something that we are endeavouring to make up come March.

On the Novice side we were able to field 2 crews for Christ Church Regatta (the titles A and B were just to distinguish them — they were matched crews). The B crew got beaten by a strong Exeter A crew in what was a very close race however we later found out that the Exeter crew was `friendly', having a couple of senior oarsmen in it, meaning the B crew survived another day. The A crew easily dispatched Merton A crew, no surprises there. The next day however saw the B crew knocked out by Magdalen A due to a crab caught 100m into the race that was never really recovered from, and the A crew followed suit (minus the crab) against Wolfson A in what was a strong race against the eventual winners of the event.

... compared with the rather more mundane actualité experienced by the novice men.


Finally, we managed to get both the Novices and Senior men out for their first joint race together at IWL B. M1, with a couple super subs confusing the OURCs entry system, managed to come top of the event, M2 came 8th in what was a big step forward for the mainly novice crew against entirely senior opposition, and M3 came 16th.

With Michaelmas term over, the Men's squad is looking ahead to what could be an exciting Hilary term.

University Crews

The Tideway Fours Head, on 12th November, was the first opportunity to compare the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race squads competing in the same event. And, barring careless accidents over entries, also the only opportunity other than the Boat Races themselves (24 March 2018, by the way).

Below are the results, plotted in time along the x-axis, and as a fraction of the speed of the fastest boat in each category on the y-axis.

Oxford & Cambridge results in the 2017 Fours Head.

[Fours Head]

OUWBC only raced in 2 fours — a bit of a worry considering that they'll need to fill two eights by next March (the Oxford women's lightweights managed 3 fours, and they only need to fill one eight). Cambridge, on the other hand, boated 6 crews, including the winners of the coxed IV category, 22~s ahead of Oxford's top boat which finished 4th, and with two more Cambridge boats just behind in 5th and 6th.

Oxford's men were also outnumbered (4 to 5) and, in the coxed fours, outraced: Cambridge won the men's event, 13~s ahead of Oxford's top boat, with two more Cambridge boats behind them. However, the Oxford coxless four finished well ahead of their Cambridge counterparts.

Over the past week the squads have had their Trials Races (apart from OUWBC, who have postponed theirs until the New Year). The real crew selection process doesn't start until January, and at this stage of training there are always a number of key rowers out through illness or injury. So the main purposes of these races seems to be to give the prospective coxes a chance to show off how much they can get away with, and for the designated Boat Race umpires to show them how little (Matt Pinsent will be umpiring the Women's Boat Race, by the way).

At this point the men's Boat Race looks to be a close thing but Oxford do have the better reputation for moving up through the gears. As for the women, I fear Cambridge may already have clear water.

2017 Review

As 2017 draws to a close, it's time to reflect on the successes, and, erm, not quite so's, of the past year.

It went well for our men's 1st and 2nd boats: both up 3 places in Torpids, followed by Blades in Eights. A big factor in this was undoubtedly the 2016 trip to Japan, which encouraged a core of oarsmen to keep training through the long vacation, and they sustained that momentum all the way through to Summer Eights. The 1st Torpid is back at 4th on the river — equalling its highest ever position — and, after a bit of blip a couple of years ago, the 1st Eight is now back in Division I. The 2nd boat is also close to its 10-year high in both Torpids and Eights. A concern is that only two of last year's Michaelmas Term novices were persuaded to set foot in a boat again — that fact may come back to bite the men next summer.

Catz Crews: Current Positions
(& highest– lowest positions, 2008–2017)

Men Women
2017 Range 2017 Range
1st Torpid 4th (4–9) 27th (1–27)
2nd Torpid 42nd (41–61) (47–57)
3rd Torpid (62–68) (50–55)
1st Eight 10th (6–15) 21st (13–24)
2nd Eight 42nd (40–49) 74th (44–74)
3rd Eight 80th (73–89) (75–79)

For the women, the 1st Torpid dropped 10 places to its lowest ever position. Part of the problem was that half the boat were novices. In the past, and for other Colleges, this wouldn't have been anything particularly unusual but the Catz women's novice programme has gone seriously awry of late (the last win in a side-by-side race in Christ Church Regatta was in 2013, since then: 0/16). By Eights, a few more experienced oarswomen were found to stabilise things for the 1st boat, but the 2nd boat continued to drop and is now at its lowest ever position. But at least this term they've had a senior VIII in regular training.

The table below shows the standing of the various College Boat Clubs based on positions of all their crews in Torpids and Eights. Catz has moved up from 16th to 15th, overtaking Trinity and Lincoln, although we ourselves are overtaken by Jesus. Pembroke remain head, although Wadham are closing. Magdalen had a nightmare year, and drop from 4th to 10th.
1 390Pembroke
2 316Oriel
3 314Wadham
4 308Wolfson
5 303Christ Church
6 296Magdalen
7 266University
8 227Keble
9 227New College
10 224Hertford
11 222Balliol
12 193S.E.H.
13 188St John's
14 179Trinity
15 167Lincoln
16 164St Catherine's
17 159Jesus
18 144Worcester
19 120Mansfield
20 114L.M.H.
21 106St Anne's
22 105Brasenose
23 101Somerville
24 96St Hugh's
25 94Merton
26 84Linacre
27 80Exeter
28 77Queen's
29 67Corpus Christi
30 66St Peter's
31 58St Antony's
32 55Green Templeton
33 41St Hilda's
34 35Osler House
35 21Regent's Park
36 5St Benet's Hall
1 373Pembroke
2 340Wadham
3 320Christ Church
4 305Oriel
5 295Wolfson
6 263Keble
7 242University
8 227Hertford
9 219Balliol
10 219Magdalen
11 197St John's
12 194New College
13 192Jesus
14 188S.E.H.
15 180St Catherine's
16 170Trinity
17 163Lincoln
18 134Mansfield
19 124L.M.H.
20 122Somerville
21 114St Anne's
22 110Worcester
23 94Brasenose
24 94Merton
25 92Exeter
26 88Linacre
27 81St Hugh's
28 80Queen's
29 72Corpus Christi
30 69St Antony's
31 66Green Templeton
32 59St Peter's
33 45St Hilda's
34 27Osler House
35 21Regent's Park
36 7St Benet's Hall

Bruce Mitchell (1935–2017)

Bruce Mitchell died on 9th November after a long illness. He rowed for St Catherine's from 1957–1959, followed some decades later by both his sons. During his student days he founded the `Beer-and-Blade Club' (which has evolved into the RS Dinner) and in 1984 helped set up the Rowing Society, serving as Chairman from 1997--2005, a period during which he cheerfully co-opted various family members to help out with the administrative tasks.

Those of us who only knew Bruce through the Rowing Society were always aware that there was much more to the man than his interest in the Boat Club and, at his funeral service in Gloucester Cathedral, we heard something of the many other parts of his life. The next St Catherine's Year will contain a full obituary.

Coming Up ...

In the next newsletter we'll prospects for Torpids, updates on the University crews and, space permitting, another plunge into the archives.

Anu Dudhia (email: )


28 Feb–3 Mar 2018


3 Mar 2018

RS AGM & Dinner

18 Mar 2018

Henley Boat Races

24 Mar 2018

Tideway Boat Races

23–26 May 2018

Summer Eights

23 June 2018

Gaudy Paddle