St Catherine's College Rowing Society
President: Colin Smith
Vice Presidents: Neil Chugani, Richard Peters, Sir Matthew Pinsent CBE, Ben Sylvester, Zoe de Toledo, Andrew Triggs Hodge OBE.

Newsletter#1, Michaelmas Term, 2021 (31st October)


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St Catherine's College
Oxford University Rowing Clubs
St Catherine's College Boat Club
St Catherine's Rowing Society

In this issue ...

Dear Alumnus,

Life in Oxford seems, at last, to be returning to normal. Well, normal plus face-masks and regular testing. We're not there yet but, for the moment, everyone just seems so ... what's the word? ... happy.

I signed off the last newsletter saying I wasn't aware of any Catz participation in the Tokyo Olympics but, casting an eye over the new student intake, it seems I'll have to update the medal table after all. More details under 'University Crews'.

Back in September the Boat Club loaded up a trailer and headed to Wales for a training camp on Lake Bala — Niamh Louwmann provides a report.

In the countdown of Catz rowers and coxes with the most bumps races we now reach 22nd place, with a quartet of people all on 36 starts.

Very much in the present, inter-college competition resumed today with the first of the Isis Winter League races. If there was a lesson to be learned from the frustratingly stop-start past 12 months, it was: 'race early, and race often'. Catz crews were out in force.

With the river and Covid levels under control, what else could hinder rowing? Ah yes, wind. A tree fallen across the towpath necessitated moving the finish post for this afternoon's IWL.



2020 Olympic Regatta, 25 Jul – 4 Aug, 2021.

Men's Quad Sculls
gold Netherlands 5:32.03
silver Great Britain* 5:33.75
bronze Australia 5:33.97

* Angus Groom (M.21) at 2

Isis Winter League A, 31 Oct 2021
66 crews raced

1st 4:27.0 S.E.H. A 1st/27 M8
2nd 4:28.5 St Catherine's B 2nd/27 M8
5th 4:38.0 St Catherine's A 5th/27 M8
28th 5:17.0 Jesus A 1st/20 W8
29th 5:19.0 St Catherine's 2nd/20 W8
49th 5:52.0 St Catherine's 3rd/8 W4
50th 5:53.5 St Catherine's 1st/1 M1x
65th 6:30.0 St Catherine's 1st/1 W2-

Catz Olympic Medallists

2020 Tokyo
silver Angus Groom GBR M4x
2016 Rio de Janeiro
gold Andrew Triggs Hodge GBR M4-
silver Zoe de Toledo GBR W8
2012 London
gold Andrew Triggs Hodge GBR M4-
2008 Beijing
gold Andrew Triggs Hodge GBR M4-
silver Colin Smith GBR M8
2004 Athens
gold Matthew Pinsent GBR M4-
gold Stefan Moelvig DEN ML4-
2000 Sydney
gold Matthew Pinsent GBR M4-
1996 Atlanta
gold Matthew Pinsent GBR M2-
bronze Rupert Obholzer GBR M4-
1992 Barcelona
gold Matthew Pinsent GBR M2-
1912 Stockholm
bronze Hugo Kuusik RUS M1x

Lake Bala Training Camp

Niamh Louwmann, President

This summer, the club hosted a week-long training camp at Lake Bala in North Wales. This was a great way to kickstart training after the long vacation and allowed us to train without the constraints of the Isis. The lake was beautiful, set in the hills of Snowdonia. We stayed in a house all together and took turns cooking each night, including a homemade pizza night and a barbecue.

We took a combination of 8s, 4s and smaller boats, which allowed us both to train in the larger boats that we race in and give some of our squad a taste of sculling in singles.

Overall the camp was a big success. I'd like to say a huge thank you to RS for their generous contribution which helped with trailering and coaching as well as helping subsidise costs for athletes. Thanks to the captains for organising the training sessions, and to Rowan, James Duckitt and James Wills for providing coaching over the week.

University Crews

Just happy to be racing again. The Women's VIII pushing off for IWL-A, Catz' first race of the season.

It has been announced that the Boat Races will be returning to the Tideway this year. Hammersmith Bridge is still closed to motor traffic, but people are allowed walk or cycle over it, and, more importantly, row under it. For the heavyweights the date is Sunday 3rd April, 2022. For the lightweights, all I could find was a 'countdown' on the OULRC web-page, which reaches zero on Thursday 10th March.

I know of 6 Catz students trialling for places in the University Crews.

Augustin Wambersie, going for his third Boat Race with OUBC, is joined by two freshers, both of whom are stepping out of the 2 seat of a quad scull to try their hand at sweep rowing. In Freddy Orpin's case it was with York City RC at Henley Royal Regatta, for Angus Groom it was the GB quad at the Tokyo Olympics (to be fair the latter has 10 years on the former). Wambersie himself was a Belgian Junior International, also in a quad. That's 75% of a pretty handy Catz quad sorted, should the opportunity arise.

Elizabeth Rees is trialling for OUWBC. After rowing in the Women's 1st VIII last year, she joined the OUWBC summer squad and had a good run at Women's Henley. I have a feeling we might not see her back in a Catz boat again until next summer.

Cici Hong, having coxed the men's lightweights to the only Oxford victory last year, is once again trialling with OULRC. Although, when it comes to returning coxes, a more accurate description of the trialling process would be 'being invited to reapply for their position'.

And our final triallist is former Women's Co-Captain and rower-turned-cox, Kaylin Chong, with the women's lightweights.

There's been very little news from the Oxford or Cambridge camps so far, apart from vague rumours that Oxford might have 'out-recruited' Cambridge. The Fours Head, on Saturday 13th November, will provide the first test of strength of the squads although, for reasons best known to themselves (and sadly for any prospects of a 'Catz' quad) OUBC seem to have decided not to play this year.

Bumps Starts

This issue we introduce four rowers all of whom have made 36 bumps starts, occupying places 22–25 on the all-time list.

Pos Starts Name Active

=22nd 36 C.D.R. Murray 1923–26
=22nd 36 Lewis Stevens 1956–62
=22nd 36 Emily Dana 1992–96
=22nd 36 Paul Hearn 1996–2001

We know very little of C.D.R. Murray, not even his first name. He rowed bow in the 1st (only) Torpid and Eight for two years, and then moved into the cox's seat for the next two, notching up 6 events in total, all of which ran for 6 days back then.

More recent, but almost equally evanescent, is Lewis Stevens, who never rowed higher than the 2nd VIII but rowed for 7 years, the last four of those in the 4th Eight, probably as a graduate. The Conservative MP for Nuneaton from 1983--92 had the same name, and was born in 1936, but I don't have any other evidence that they might be the same person.

The other two made rather more of a splash. Emily Dana is the second highest woman in the list. As a medical student, she rowed in the Women's 1st VIII for 5 years, more often than not in the stroke seat, moving both the Torpid and the Eight up to 2nd on the river and winning two blades in the process. Dr Dana is now a consultant anaesthetist for West Sussex Hospitals.

Paul Hearn having read Chemistry as an undergraduate, stayed on to complete his DPhil. Meanwhile, out of the lab, he worked his way up from the 3rd VIII to the the 1st, most notably as stroke of the 1999 1st Torpid which moved Catz up into the 1st Division where — apart from one day — they have remained ever since. He's also got his name on three sets of blades. Nowadays he is Head of Modelling at Imagile Infrastructure Management, based in Bristol.

Emily Dana, in the stroke seat of the 1993 Women's 1st Eight


Michaelmas Term

Normal rowing seems to have resumed, not that many of the students will know what a 'normal' Michaelmas Term is. Two years ago, even before Covid, the term was almost a complete wash-out due to a persistent high stream. But the stream is — for now — behaving itself, novices are been trained (albeit by those with little experience themselves), and the full programme of racing has been scheduled (although even the OURCs Secretary admitted he'd had no idea what 'Autumn Fours' was).

Students are no longer required to wear face masks in the boathouse, coxes no longer need visors, and no one is going to miss the tiresome routine of washing down all the equipment after every outing. More importantly, crew dates and post-outing crew breakfasts are now back on the menu. Moreover, with all lectures routinely recorded, there's no actual need to rush breakfast for a 9am start.

As for Covid, it hasn't gone away of course but, within Oxford, it does seem to be lying low. Positive cases within the University are running at 2 or 3 a day and only half of those are undergraduates (it was 20 times that figure this time last year). It probably helps that now everyone is being asked to test themselves twice a week and the students, having experienced the alternative, are, if anything, probably more assiduous, and more vaccinated, than most.

Let's hope their 'Oxford experience' continues to converge towards the one we all remember.

Got the t-shirt. Got the cat ears. All set to race ...


In Other News ...

Lauren Groff is an American novelist. As a visiting student at St Catherine's, she also rowed in the Women's 1st VIII in 2000. Her most recent book, Matrix, has been shortlisted for the US National Book Award. You can listen to her discussing it on BBC Radio 4's Books and Authors.

Coming Up ...

At the risk of tempting fate, I'd like to say there will reports on the term's rowing from the new Captains, we'll catch up on our University triallists, and I'll reveal the next four names on the all-time list, all on 37 bumps starts.

Anu Dudhia