St Catherine's College Rowing Society
President: Colin Smith
Vice Presidents: Neil Chugani, Richard Peters, Sir Matthew Pinsent CBE, Ben Sylvester, Zoe de Toledo, Andrew Triggs Hodge OBE.

Newsletter#1, Michaelmas Term, 2023 (5th November)


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St Catherine's College
Oxford University Rowing Clubs
St Catherine's College Boat Club
St Catherine's Rowing Society

In this issue ...

There was a time when a marquee on college grounds had only pleasant connotations: summer balls, garden parties, that sort of thing. Covid rather spoiled that so when Catz students turned up at the start of term to find a marquee squeezed between the Master's lodge and the moat they probably realised that something was amiss. In this case, the RAAC scare (Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete) has meant closing the Dining Hall and the marquee is its replacement.

After a break of five years we finally managed to get a boatful of Gaudy attendees ('90s vintage) afloat. We'd planned to do the same again for those invited to the later Gaudy in September, but RAAC put paid to their event.

I've received an email concerning the discovery a 'St Catherine's Torpid Fours' tankard dating from 1906 which, somewhat improbably, was the starting point of a couple of divergent trails, one leading to Assam, India and the other to Fargo, North Dakota.

With some trepidation, it is also time to formally review the Boat Club performances from the past academic year. Having made steady progress from 17th to 9th place since 2015, St Catherine's is now down to 14th again. Time for another dead Catz bounce?

Michaelmas term started with the unwelcome sight of tents once again parked on our lawn.


Gaudy Paddle

On the pleasant afternoon of Saturday, 24th June, 11 alumni back in Oxford for the Gaudy took an VIII out for a couple of laps of the Isis to see if, after a quarter of a century or more, there lingered any trace of muscle memory.

Considering that some of these people rowed in the day when we boated from the old OUBC boathouse (site of the present Univ boathouse), it was pleasantly surprising to see that there was indeed sufficient residual technique, and physique, to get the boat both sat and moving. I think we would even have managed to Row On, at least for the women's divisions.

Also rowing were Mike Bull (M.99), Peter Murphy (M.95), Dilveer Panesar (M.99), Ben Parry (M.96), Jen Rees (M.98), Emmy Skinner (M.93) and Aisha Sowky (M.98). I coxed these youngsters.

As you were. The 1995 Women's 2nd Eight, in front of the old OUBC boathouse. Anna-Marie Ullmann is 4th from left and Bluebell Martin kneeling.


New boathouse, new blades, new kit. Bluebell Martin (M.94), Anna-Marie Ullmann (M.94), Laura Rose (M.96) and Louise Herring (M.97) at the Gaudy Paddle.


Torpids Fours Trophy

I received an email from V Savery who had acquired a 1906 pewter tankard inscribed 'St Catherine's Torpid Fours', along with the names of the crew: W N Carter (cox), A E Minard (Str), J H Spear (3), E A Mannheimer (2) and N G A Edgely (Bow).

A few of these trophies have come to our attention (1883, 1885, 1903) and we assume these were awarded for an internal boat club competition, probably for novices in Michaelmas Term. We know that Minard and Spear both subsequently rowed in the 1907 Torpid, and Spear also in the 1909 Eight.

Searching the internet, Edgely is probably the Justice N G A Edgely who, in 1929, was the District and Sessions Judge of Sylhet and Cachar (Assam, India) and in 1946 was President of the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal, but I could find no other details.

A similar search for A E Minard proved rather more successful ...

The 1906 St Catherine's Torpid Fours trophy. Photo: V Savery.


A E Minard (1878–1950)

A E Minard (centre) from the 1907 St Catherine's Torpid

I found this on a web-site associated with North Dakota State University. The dates seem to suggest it could well be the same person who rowed for St Catherine's in 1906–07. I'll leave you to judge from the photos.

Archibald Ellsworth Minard was born in King's County, Nova Scotia, Jan. 18, 1878. He moved to the United States with his parents in 1889. Minard earned both bachelor's and master's degrees from Harvard University. He also studied at the University of Chicago, University of Wisconsin and Oxford University in England.

Minard became an instructor of English and philosophy at North Dakota Agricultural College (NDAC) in 1904. He was head of the English Department and later served as Dean of the School of Applied Arts and Sciences from 1919 to 1949. Minard also served as acting president of NDAC from July to September 1929, after President Coulter resigned.

Minard resigned from his position as dean in 1949, but remained in the school as a professor of philosophy. Minard was a member of Phi Beta Kappa, American Association for the Advancement of Science, National Education Association, and the North Dakota Education Association. In addition, he was author of NDAC's school song, `The Yellow and the Green'.

Minard married twice, first to Gladys May Pease on September 2, 1908. She died December 23, 1939. On August 6, 1941, he married Mrs Elita Olson McArdle.

Minard died May 9, 1950, in Bethesda, Md. In his memory, friends and colleagues provided a memorial shelf of philosophy and science books in the NDAC library. The science building, which housed the School of Applied Arts and Sciences, was rededicated as Minard Hall on June 4, 1951.

A E Minard at the North Dakota Agricultural College. Photo from NDSU.


2022–23 Review

There were three side-by-side regattas in Michaelmas Term: Autumn Fours, Nephthys and the new (formerly Christ Church) 'Michaelmas Novice Regatta'. The number of Catz entries in these events was down compared to the previous year, as was the number of races won. The best performance was from the Men's Senior VIII who came within 3/4 of a length of defending their Nephthys title.

Apart from their winning three rounds to make the final, Catz' only other 'wins' were in the MNR: the men's novice VIII won their race but, racing as a 'friendly' crew (i.e., couldn't find enough 'legally' novice rowers) they could progress no further; and the women's only win came when their novices rowed over in their repêchage.

Michaelmas Term Regattas

Men Women
2022 2023 2022 2023

Entries 8 5 5 2
Races 17 8 8 3
Wins 10 4 2 1
Win% 59% 50% 25% 33%

Best results shown in bold

In a flood-affected season, only two Isis Winter League races could be run, and a supplementary 'Isis Spring League' event was therefore held at the start of Trinity Term. Catz had men's and women's VIIIs racing in every event. The best results were from the first IWL, with the men finishing 2nd while the women, although 7th, were only 6.5 s off the winning time.

Fastest Catz VIIIs in IWL Races

Date Event Men Women
Pos Time Pos Time

30-10-22 IWL-A 2nd +12.0 s 7th +6.5 s
05-02-23 IWL-D 9th +33.0 s 5th +19.5 s
30-04-23 ISL-A 3rd +16.5 8th +21.5 s

'Time' is difference from winning time

Four crews were entered for Torpids, one fewer than last year, but with the Women's 2nd Torpid succeeding in Rowing On we ended up with more crews actually racing. The women's 2nd Torpid also proved our most successful crew, getting Catz' only bump of the week and dropping just one place overall. Our other three boats dropped an average of 6 places a day over the 4 days, with the women's 1st Torpid finishing 29th on the river, their lowest ever position.

There were five Catz students in the December Trial VIIIs races, our largest contingent since 2005. Of these, three were selected (in the OULRC, Osiris and OUBC crews) to race Cambridge but, as with all Oxford crews last year, they lost.

A late Easter training camp was once again held at Lago di Monate in northern Italy, and straight after that the men put together a scratch crew to compete in the City Bumps, raced this time in VIIIs rather than the usual IVs.

Four crews were entered for Eights, one fewer than last year in the absence of a Men's 3rd Eight. The best result, once again defined by being the only Catz crew to get a bump (albeit a penalty bump), was from the Men's 2nd Eight, who were also the only Catz boat not to get bumped this year. The Men's 1st and Women's 2nd Eights lost three places each, the men just managing to row over on the last day to keep themselves in Division I, while the women's 1st Eight lost 5 places through an additional penalty bump.

Catz Crews: Current Positions
(& highest-lowest positions, 2014–2023)

Men Women
2023 Range 2023 Range

1st Torpid 9th (3–9) 29th (8–29)
2nd Torpid 42nd (33–47) 64th (48–64)
3rd Torpid (60–63)
1st Eight 12th (7–14) 19th (14–24)
2nd Eight 44th (42–49) 62nd (51–74)
3rd Eight (56–89) (75–79)
4th Eight (88–91)

College Standings

The table below shows the change in positions of the college boat clubs since last year based on assigning points for each crew according to their positions on the river in Eights and Torpids. It's an exponential scale so more points are gained for moving up places in the top division than the bottom.

Since there was an extra women's division in Torpids, and also more women's crews in Eights, the number of points available for women's crews has increased this year.

St Catherine's dropped this year from 9th down to 14th. The last time we had such a drop, from 11th to 17th in 2015, it was immediately turned around and Catz rose every subsequent year until last year. The trick will be to repeat that turnaround.

At the top, Wolfson drop from 1st to 3rd, mainly due to losses from their women's crews, and Christ Church are now the leading college, having taken Headships in both the Men's Torpids and Women's Eights this year.

St Benet's Hall officially closed a year ago but the boat club lives on. They haven't actually raced since then but, had they raced, I think they might have officially been 'Blackfriars'. But from this term they, and presumably their places in the bumps finishing order, will be inherited by Reuben College, a new graduate college based on Parks Rd, on the site of the former Radcliffe Science Library.

The Women's Senior VIII, after racing in last weekend's Isis Winter League A.


1 364Wolfson
2 343Christ Church
3 334Oriel
4 291University
5 284Pembroke
6 284Wadham
7 253Keble
8 224S.E.H.
9 209St Catherine's
10 203Balliol
11 202Magdalen
12 198New College
13 183Jesus
14 175Trinity
15 162Hertford
16 138Lincoln
17 132L.M.H.
18 121Merton
19 104Brasenose
20 103Linacre
21 100St John's
22 100Exeter
23 99Green Templeton
24 99St Hugh's
25 99Somerville
26 97Queen's
27 93Mansfield
28 89St Anne's
29 78St Peter's
30 76Worcester
31 70Corpus Christi
32 55St Antony's
33 41St Hilda's
34 25Osler House
35 23Regent's Park
36 16St Benet's Hall
1 394Christ Church
2 382Oriel
3 380Wolfson
4 346University
5 335Pembroke
6 305Keble
7 266Wadham
8 260S.E.H.
9 250Magdalen
10 240Balliol
11 224New College
12 201Jesus
13 193Lincoln
14 182St Catherine's
15 179Hertford
16 167L.M.H.
17 165Trinity
18 145Green Templeton
19 140Exeter
20 137Merton
21 134Brasenose
22 125St John's
23 123St Hugh's
24 122Linacre
25 113St Peter's
26 111Worcester
27 110Queen's
28 110Mansfield
29 99Somerville
30 96St Anne's
31 77Corpus Christi
32 75St Antony's
33 58St Hilda's
34 31Osler House
35 27Regent's Park
36 15St Benet's Hall

Coming Up ...

The river is currently on Red Flag and Autumn Fours, due to be raced this weekend, has been cancelled (as indeed has the Tideway Fours Head). But last weekend we had the first round of IWL and hopefully there will be more results for the next newsletter, along with reports from the new captains.

There will also be news of the University crews. I believe there is at least one Catz triallist but I'm waiting until they publish the squad lists to see if there are any others.

Anu Dudhia


22–25 Nov 2023 Michaelmas Novice Regatta
28 Feb – 2 Mar 2024 Torpids
2 Mar 2024 RS AGM & Dinner [tbc]
22–25 May 2024 Eights