St Catherine's College Rowing Society
President: Prof Ceri Peach
Vice Presidents: Don Barton, Neil Chugani, Richard Peters, Sir Matthew Pinsent CBE, Ben Sylvester, Andrew Triggs Hodge OBE.

Newsletter#2, Trinity Term, 2018 (30th June)


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St Catherine's College
Oxford University Rowing Clubs
St Catherine's College Boat Club
St Catherine's Rowing Society

In this Issue ...

It was always going to be difficult for the men to follow their successes of last summer, and so it proved as both the 1st and 2nd Eights found themselves being rebumped by many of the crews that they'd caught last year. On the other hand, and for the first time since 2009, both our women's 1st and 2nd Eights moved up. There were also some notable firsts: the veterans of the men's 3rd Eight overcoming their sartorial inhibitions to register Catz first-ever double-overbump (+5 places); and the women's 2nd boat not only achieving Catz women's first ever overbump in Eights but also gaining more places (6) than any previous Catz women's crew in either Eights or Torpids. We have the results, photos and reports.

The suitably behatted cox of the gentlemen's 3rd VIII

[M3 cox]


Rowing On, 18th May

Men's Eights (28 from 29 to qualify)
1st New III 2:49.5
=2nd St Catherine's IV* 2:52.0
=28th St Catherine's III* 3:52.0
*Subsequently renumbered III and IV for Eights

Women's Eights (29 from 30 to qualify)
1st Wolfson III 3:10.0
=4th St Catherine's II 3:28.5
29th Pembroke IV 4:05.5

Eights, 23rd–26th May
Wed Thu Fri Sat Finish

Men's I +1 = -1 -1 11th Div I
Women's I = = = +1 7th Div II
Men's II -1 -1 = -1 6th Div IV
Men's III +1 +1 +1 +5 3rd Div VI
Women's II +1 = +1 +4 11th Div V
Men's IV = -1 -1 -1 13th Div VII

Bumps Charts

Men Women

2018 St Catherine's Eights

Men's 1st Eight
B Alexander Herkert
2 Niels Wicke
3 Frederik Schmitz
4 Mateusz Szczesny
5 Dave Smith
6 Oliver Berry
7 Kit George
S Jack Shepherd-Cross
C Emma Hibbett
Men's 2nd Eight
B Jakob Kaeppler1
2 Nantas Nardelli
3 Titus Krahn
4 Nicolas Avramov
5 Christian Schroeder2
6 Sam Hilditch
7 Tim Scherer
S Adam Megyeri
C Morgan McGovern

1 Erkki Vihriala (Sat)
2 Georgios Ntentas (Thu)
Women's 1st Eight
B Caitlin Gray
2 Rachel Ibbetson
3 Orlaith Breen
4 Holly Smith1
5 Morgan McGovern
6 Rachel Craig-McFeely
7 Oriane Grant2
S Zoe Curtis
C Madeleine McCarthy3

1 Heather Tong (Wed)
2 Hannah Morrisey (Thu)
3 Katy-Louise Whelan (Sat)
Women's 2nd Eight
B Lucy Jackson
2 Meirian Evans
3 Theodora Mautz
4 Amelia Brunton
5 Clare Leckie
6 Heather Tong1
7 Hannah Morrisey
S Chloe Bregazzi
C Holly Smith2

1 Samantha Burgess (Wed)
2 Phil McCullough (Wed,Thu)
Men's 3rd Eight
B Martin Cusack
2 Erkki Vihriala1
3 Gilad Amzaleg2
4 Hugh Taylor
5 Georgios Ntentas3
6 Matt Smith
7 Julian Malisano
S Malcolm Spencer
C James Wills

1 David Zimmer (Sat)
2 Matthias Mergentaler (Sat)
3 Roxanna Abhari (Wed)
3 Matthias Mergenthaler (Thu)
Men's 4th Eight
B Andrei Draghici
2 Viveka Kulharia
3 Johannes Goslar
4 Wei Jin Chan
5 Louis-Marie Neviaski
6 Tom Foord1
7 Giuliano Natali2
S Samantha Burgess3
C Niels Wicke

1 Maris Serzans (Wed,Thu)
2 Maya Shahor (Thu)
3 Sam Clarke (Wed)

Men's Boat Club

Oliver Berry, Men's Captain

This year's Eights campaign saw lots of boats, lots of falls, and lots of rises (most of those came from one crew however).

M1 had numerous lineups in the run up to Eights, due to crewmembers changing availability. Whilst all the available time beforehand was put to effective use, the crew was lacking the cohesion that would have made the finished product come race day. A lucky, but contested concession from Magdalen and a row over behind Univ were the first two days. Seeing how far we could get against Teddy Hall and Trinity were the final two days. Not as good as last year, but useful experience for the 5 returners for next year

M2 were excited to get more than the one day of racing that Torpids gave them, but this time the competition was faster. Just like M1 they were plagued with a messy start to begin with, but managed on a few occasions to forget that they were a relatively inexperienced crew and really get a turn of speed on. Thursday could nearly have been a bump, and holding off Wolfson at a canvas for nearly the entire length on Friday, until Wolfson got bumped, was an amazing performance.

M3 were the real breadwinners however. The old guard fancy dress boat made short work of the boats starting ahead of them, apart from on the Friday when they made short work of the crew 5 ahead of them. This ridiculous feat meant that overall the men's side is in the black for this Eights week.

M4, something that Catz hasn't fielded at Eights for 25 years, was mainly made up of extremely green recruits, keen to do a bit of rowing while the sun was shining, and an M1 member who bravely took up coxing despite the Wednesday being the first day he had his hands on the rudder. Nothing calamitous happened, they didn't get spoons, and everyone had a lot of fun. This counts as a success for me.

The men's 3rd Eight. Erm, just a couple of questions ...


A mixed Eights campaign, but not for lack of heart. Three members of M1 (Mateusz Szczesny, Kit George and Niels Wicke) are also part of an Oxford crew racing at an international regatta in China in a few weeks, and I look forward to hearing how that goes.

The men's 1st Eight in pursuit of Univ on the Thursday


Women's Boat Club

Rachel Ibbetson, Women's Co-Captain

The women had a very productive and enjoyable Trinity term, culminating in a fantastic Summer Eights campaign. It proved substantially more successful than last year's competition for both W1 and W2.

W1 rowed over on the first three days, losing what should have been a deserved bump on Trinity on the Friday due to a blocked river, but luckily bumped them on Saturday, meaning they finished +1 overall. W2 did even better, finishing on +6, managing two bumps on Saturday as the sandwich boat.

All in all everyone was very pleased with the performance! Thanks go especially to Rowan and Chloe as coaches, and to Mal, Phil, and Katy for stepping in to cox both boats on various days!

The women's 2nd Eight, gaining 6 places over the week to become Catz most successful ever women's crew.

I feel women's Blue Morgan McGovern deserves a special mention. Not only did she row in the women's 1st Eight, she also coxed the men's 2nd Eight and, the day after Eights finished she ran the Edinburgh marathon. Very much a 'seize the carp' sort of woman.

The women's 1st Eight rowing over on the Thursday


Ben Sylvester Award

The winner of the 2018 Benjamin F. Sylvester Jr Award for the person who has made the most significant contribution to the rowing life of St Catherine's is Holly Smith.

Holly has been a 1st VIII oarswoman for 3 years and this term, albeit slightly distracted by Finals, has also been coxing the women's 2nd Eight. Whilst acknowledging the calm efficiency with which she has carried out her official duties as Boat Club Treasurer, those who nominated her for the award also said

Holly epitomises what Catz rowing is all about. She trained and coxed the novice women in Michaelmas, despite it not being her role, and really made us all love rowing as we really felt included as part of the club — and most of all made it really fun ... She also never says no to anything, and is always willing to row or cox any outing. She has also been willing to help out with coxing men's crews whenever we needed a sub ... A lot of things would have gone undone this year if Holly didn't step in to help.

Holly Smith, receiving the Ben Sylvester medal from RS Chairman, Kevin Skinner, at the Eights Dinner.

[BFS award]

Also nominated were: Zoe Curtis, Nantas Nardelli, Dave Smith, Matt Smith and Niels Wicke.

Coming Up ...

In the next newsletter there will be a round-up of the summer rowing, and prospects for the next academic year. I'll also see if I can dig up some historical artefacts for your amusement and education.

Anu Dudhia (email: )

[Boat Club]