St Catherine's College Rowing Society
President: Colin Smith
Vice Presidents: Neil Chugani, Richard Peters, Sir Matthew Pinsent CBE, Ben Sylvester, Zoe de Toledo, Andrew Triggs Hodge OBE.

Newsletter#2, Trinity Term, 2022 (10th July)


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St Catherine's College
Oxford University Rowing Clubs
St Catherine's College Boat Club
St Catherine's Rowing Society

In this issue ...

Eights 2022 picked up from where we left off in 2019, and was thus a new experience for most of the competitors. There were a few minor tweaks to the format, but with swan-delays, carnage in the Gut, klaxons, appeals that ran late into the night, loud music, barbecues and pretty much the whole Boat Club in the river after the end of racing, it was remarkable how quickly it all started to feel very familiar. Except this time we'll all know to appreciate it. The captains provide their reports on the term's rowing.

The Boat Club held their post-Eights dinner at the Cherwell Boathouse (it's now diversified from just hiring out punts), which provided a suitable background for announcing this year's winner of the Ben Sylvester Award, not least because the dinner had been organised by the recipient of the award.

Finally, for those I didn't get to talk to at the Gaudy itself, I apologise for the lack of a Gaudy paddle this year. Now I'm on the 'examiner' roster, the end of term sees a ramping up rather than a winding down of demands on my time. I'm not expecting any sympathy, but I am amazed just how much stuff I was once expected to know, on top of all the rowing.

Spectators, and ice cream van, in the Gut on the Saturday.


Yep, that'll do. The women's 1st Eight complete a successful week with a bump on Balliol.



Rowing On, 21st May

Men's crews, 33 from 46 qualified
1st 2:35.0 Trinity III
7th 2:53.0 St Catherine's III
33rd 3:16.5 L.M.H. III
Women's crews, all 32 qualified
1st 3:08.5 Keble II
5th 3:12.0 St Catherine's II
32nd 3:57.0 S.E.H. III

Eights, 25–28th May
Wed Thu Fri Sat Finish

Men's I = +1 = = 9th Div I
Women's I +1 +1 +1 +1 * 2nd Div II
Men's II = = −1 −1 10th Div IV
Women's II = = = −1 10th Div V
Men's III +1 +1 +1 +1 * 8th Div V

* Blades
The women's 1st Eight last won blades in 1996.
Catz III are now the highest men's 3rd Eight on the river.

Bumps Charts

St Catherine's Eights

Men's 1st Eight
B Thomas Wagstaff
2 Hamza Ahmad
3 Thomas Lim
4 Amu Varma
5 Freddy Orpin
6 Shane McCarthy
7 Franco d'Agostino
S Augustin Wambersie
C Eugenio Vecchi
Men's 2nd Eight
B James Wills
2 Thomas Aston
3 Joshua Bibby
4 Adrian Kreiser
5 James Maiklem
6 Max Cowan
7 Lachlan Stewart
S Alexander Scruton
C Kan Li
Men's 3rd Eight
B Vincent Allott1
2 Eugenio Vecchi
3 Tim Kilbey
4 James Farmborough2
5 Thomas Long
6 Pierre Romain3
7 Andre Hector
S Angus Millard
C James Wills
1 William Allen (Wed)
1 Jamie Woodford (Fri)
2 James Duckitt (Fri)
3 James Duckitt (Sat)
Women's 1st Eight
B Isabel Milner
2 Emma Coakley
3 Helen Nielsen-Scott
4 Lucy Bartel
5 Oriane Grant
6 Elizabeth Rees
7 Ilayda Karadag
S Kan Li
C Kaylin Chong
Women's 2nd Eight
B Leah Tilmann-Morris
2 Aysu Haker4
3 Grace Miner5
4 Audrey Shine6
5 Britt O'Duffy
6 Tara Baurmann7
7 Orlaith Breen
S Cecilia Catmur
C Zi Hong
4 Niamh Louwman (Sat)
5 Niamh Louwman (Thu)
5 Nadine Staes-Polet (Fri)
6 Megan Lintern (Sat)
7 Megan Lintern (Wed)
Men's Coach: William Denegri Women's Coach: Rowan Nicholls

Men's Boat Club Report

The men's 1st Eight pushing off on the Saturday

Hamza Ahmad, Men's Co-Captain

Before this term started, our senior squad had a successful training camp in Italy. Here, our athletes got practice in more mixed boats in terms of ability as well as new boat classes including the quadruple scull. The newer members of the squad comprised most of the attending athletes, who all benefitted greatly. Rowing in smaller boats allowed them to hone their individual skill, while being in larger boats with experienced members allowed them to understand how to move a boat as a team. This put us in good stead for the term ahead, especially as there were no races scheduled before the ominous Summer Eights.

From the start of term to the beginning of Eights this trend of mixing experienced and new rowers continued due to factors such as exams and the like. Although this further improved the newer rowers, the more experienced bunch were not really learning anything new. This was quickly fixed however with the involvement of our Blues athletes, who catapulted everyone's training to the next level. In the 5 weeks of training we scheduled more sessions with multiple boats out at a time in view of the more lax river restrictions, and even managed to battle paddle colleges such as Hertford. All this put us in good stead for the biggest and only race of the term Summer Eights.

As captains, our goals were to simply move up in the rankings for all boats, with the aim to also have an M3 qualify, which they did in Rowing On. During the event, our M1 moved up one place, being unlucky with the draw and the speed of crews ahead. M2 ended up moving down a couple spots, being surrounded by some speedy crews and even having a klaxon in one of their days. Finally, our M3, a rag-tag combination of dedicated athletes and alumni, managed to snag blades by bumping every single day without making it to Longbridges. With this they also got M3 headship and match GTC W1 for the most consecutive bumps [14 days]. Everyone should be proud of how they did, with this being the culmination of a whole year's worth of training and dedication. Our time as captains has now come to an end, but we couldn't be happier with the performance of our squad, as well as the environment they created. We look forward to seeing how the next set of captains further progress our Boat Club.

The men's 3rd Eight. 'Intimidating? Who — us?'


Women's Boat Club Report

Helen Nielsen-Scott, Women's Co-Captain

Following on from the success of our training camp in Italy, Trinity term has proved to have been an eventful, busy, and exciting term for Catz rowing. The season kicked off with City Bumps, with our crew managing to bump up a division. The following weekend saw nine members of the squad heading to Nottingham for BUCS for a very competitive and rewarding day of racing.

Both our W1 and W2 crews trained incredibly hard in the lead up to Summer Eights. Due to a series of klaxons, our W2 crew had a somewhat chaotic Summer Eights experience, which meant that they rowed over on all but the last day, when they were bumped by St Edmund Hall W2. Our W1 had a very successful campaign for Summer Eights this year, bumping Somerville, Linacre, St John's, and Balliol, which meant blades!

Combined with the men's squad, we also entered an VIII for Oriel regatta which was great fun! The racing season ended with a coxless four competing in Henley Women's Regatta. Overall, it has been an incredible term of rowing and we are very grateful for the dedication and commitment from the whole team and for the wonderful support and coaching from Rowan and the RS.

The women's 1st Eight racing on the Wednesday


Ben Sylvester Award

The winner of the 2022 Ben Sylvester Award, for the person judged to have made the biggest contribution to enhancing the rowing life of the College, is:
Niamh Louwman

Those who nominated Niamh said

'Niamh is an indispensable member of the club. She has made SCCBC such a well-run and warm environment in which to learn and thrive ... Niamh epitomises the phrase 'team player'; she is dedicated to the success of the club and always thinks about the greater good of the whole squad.'
'Niamh Louwman is the head and heart of SCCBC. While she's been absolutely amazing as president in managing the logistics and communication for the boat club, I'm nominating Niamh for her contributions to the culture. Joining as a novice (with neither coordination nor talent), I felt immediately welcome, encouraged, and included.'
Proxime Accessit: Eugenio Vecchi

Also nominated: Tom Aston, Lucy Bartel, Emma Coakley, Kan Li and Isabel Milner.

Niamh Louwman


Coming Up ...

We've now completed a full year of 'normal' college rowing. In the next issue we'll blow the dust off the archives, resume the countdown of bumps starts and, hopefully, have at least some news of the Boat Club taking to the water once again.

Anu Dudhia