St Catherine's College Rowing Society
President: Colin Smith
Vice Presidents: Neil Chugani, Richard Peters, Sir Matthew Pinsent CBE, Ben Sylvester, Zoe de Toledo, Andrew Triggs Hodge OBE.

Newsletter#2, Trinity Term, 2023 (20th June)


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St Catherine's College
Oxford University Rowing Clubs
St Catherine's College Boat Club
St Catherine's Rowing Society

In this issue ...

Summer finally arrived, just in time for Eights. On the Saturday the towpath and boathouses were packed and, after racing had finished, the massed ranks of boaties were even less inhibited than usual in plunging into the murky waters of the Isis. All very Zuleika Dobson although, in these days of mandatory swim-tests, minus the death toll.

For Catz' part in all this ... we'll let the Captains tell it their own words.

The Boat Club had their dinner on the Sunday after the end of Eights, at which we had the presentation of this year's Ben Sylvester Award. It is in the nature of this award that nobody should be surprised to hear the winner's name and, duly, no one was.

There was a final flurry of activity for Oriel Regatta in 7th week. In the 'CrewdVIII' category, the format is one college provides 4 men and the other 4 women, one college provides the boat and the other the cox. It is unclear who provides the insurance.

And before those of us attending the Gaudy paddle this coming Saturday shake our heads in bafflement at the folly of youth, it should be noted that a current student and a recent alumna were already old enough to compete in the Master's category at Reading Regatta, and even met another Oxford college.

Catz Women's 2nd Eight, starting head of Div VI on the Friday, having some difficulties getting away from the bank. Surprisingly this turned out to be the first of only three occasions this week when a Catz crew reached the finish line.



Rowing On, 20th May
39 women's crews competing for 37 places
1st 3:16.0 Keble II
=10th 3:37.0 St Catherine's II
37th 4:10.5 Linacre IV

Eights, 24–27th May
Wed Thu Fri Sat Finish
Men's I −1 −1 −1 = 12th Div I
Women's I −1 −2 −1 −1 7th Div II
Men's II +1 = = = 8th Div IV
Women's II −1 −1 = −1 2nd Div VI

Oriel Regatta, 10th June
CrewdVIII (18 entries)
R1 SEH & Merton   bt St Hilda's & St Catz
Mixed VIII (53 entries)
R1 St Catz A   bt Wadham A
Brasenose B   bt St Catz C
R2 University A   bt St Catz A

Reading Amateur Regatta, 10/11th June
Women's Master's A/B 2- (3 entries)
S/F St Catz   bt Linacre 2 L
Final Wallingford   bt St Catz 2 L


Bumps Charts

St Catherine's Eights

Men's 1st Eight
B Lachlan Stewart
2 Max Cowan
3 Cameron Doyle
4 Matthew Jackson
5 Freddy Orpin
6 Hamza Ahmad1
7 Tom Wagstaff
S Zac Abel
C Sophie Marchent2
1 James Wills (Sat)
2 Eugenio Vecchi (Sat)
Men's 2nd Eight
B Noah Rice3
2 Eugenio Vecchi4
3 Andre Hector5
4 Archie Moss
5 Thomas Long6
6 Thomas Aston
7 Angus Millard
S James Farmborough
C Lachlan Stewart
3 Will Allen (W/T)
4 Owen Lawton (Wed)
5 Vin Allott (Wed)
5 Thomas Lim (Fri)
6 Helen Nielsen-Scott (Wed)
6 Elizabeth Rees (Thu)
Women's 1st Eight
B Cecilia Catmur
2 Emma Coakley
3 Leiyan Wei
4 Lucinda Harden
5 Freya Waterworth
6 Kellie Everett
7 Felice Wallner
S Emma Halliday1
C Ilayda Karadag
1 Brooke Reese (Sat)
Women's 2nd Eight
B Cecilia Schultz2
2 Lucia Pyne
3 Ruiyuing (Emma) Shu3
4 Trang (Paula) To4
5 Emma O'Donnell5
6 Ilayda Karadag6
7 Brooke Reese7
S Whitney Deng
C Rowan Nicholls
2 Kan Li (Wed)
2 Reem Alnuaimi (Thu)
3 Melody Parker (Pemb.) (Thu)
3 Fanxuan (Carina) Peng (Fri,Sat)
4 Kan Li (Fri)
4 Fijnanda van Klingeren (Lina.)(Sat)
5 Fijnanda van Klingeren (Lina.)(Thu)
5 Lucy Cameron (Fri)
6 Kan Li (Fri)
7 Fijnanda van Klingeren (Lina.)(Fri)
7 Lucy Cameron (Sat)
Men's Coach: Laurence Whitely, MBE Women's Coach: Rowan Nicholls

Women's Boat Club Report

The Women's 1st Eight, on the Friday

Emma Coakley, Women's Co-Captain

Trinity Term 2023 started with the now annual training camp in Varese, Italy. We were fortunate to be blessed with lovely weather, and a thoroughly enjoyable time was had by all. Unfortunately however, turnout from the women’s side was poor, with just 3 women attending. The men's side were very accommodating in organising mixed sessions, however the inability to train as an 8+ entirely of women meant we missed essential preparation for the coming term. This was then compounded at the start of the term by injury and exams, which meant that the total number of person-sessions was down 40% compared to Trinity term last year (when W1 won blades). Expectedly, this showed during Summer Eights, with W1 falling 5 places (including one penalty bump for a klaxon which denied numerous other crews from getting blades) and W2 dropping 3 places, in spite of substitutions from several ex-blues and alumni. On the whole, the rowing itself was not bad, we were simply not quick enough. Persistently poor turnout to erg sessions throughout the year is the most likely culprit for this.

The season was finished with Oriel regatta, in which Catz entered 2 mixed boats (and the men also entered a crewdVIII). In the first round, the second mixed boat was knockout out by Brasenose B, while the first eight beat Wadham A. In the second round, Catz A came up against a strong Univ A, who were deemed to have `better costumes' and were thus given half a length's advantage. We put up a fight against Univ, but were ultimately defeated. Building on this cooperation between the men's and women's side, we then finished the term with a mixed lock trip, although this was again hampered by poor turnout from the women's side — with again just 3 women being available. It is because of the low availability that the only external regatta we were able to enter was a pair in Reading Regatta. Kan and Britt did us proud, beating a crew from Linacre in the semi to make it to the final.

Despite the challenges of this term, it is possible to derive some positives. At the start of this academic year our squad was composed of just a few returning rowers — to go from this to being able to enter two boats into Torpids and Summer Eights is a substantial achievement. This has enabled many more people to get a taste of rowing — something several have said has been a highlight of their time at Oxford. While there are positives, it would be delusional to argue that this year has been a success. There are many reasons for this, and lessons have been learned, with the hope that we can look forward to brighter days in the future.

Emma & Cecilia

The Women's 2nd Eight, on the Friday (having got clear of the bank)


Men's Boat Club Report

The Men's 1st Eight, on the Friday

Lachlan Stewart, Men's Co-Captain

Trinity Term began off the back off our Easter training camp in Italy, with the technical improvements many of the squad made on camp still very much evident when we returned to the Isis. We also had a few more experienced rowers join the squad, and quickly set about making the most of the light, warm evenings in the lead-up to Summer Eights.

The Men's squad had a somewhat mixed Eights in the end. M1 was the unfortunate party in a three-boat sandwich in the Gut on the Wednesday, as Magdalen managed to get the swipe on us while Univ had overlap on their stern. The next two days we unfortunately fell victim to two very quick crews from Univ and L.M.H. as well. On the Saturday, an incredibly gutsy row coupled with some excellent coxing as we recovered from Jesus having overlap under Donnington Bridge to walk away through the Gut and up Greenbanks and secure a row-over at the final attempt. This was a personal highlight for me and was a nice way to cap off what has been a fairly challenging year for a relatively inexperienced Catz M1.

M2, on the other hand, spent the week successfully avoiding the carnage that is division 4. The division was klaxoned before the crew got to Longbridges every single day, for reasons varying from crews parked on the racing line to inconveniently placed swans. Despite this, a crew with a slightly rotating cast due to exam commitments put together 4 good rows, was never really in danger of getting bumped, and benefitted from a penalty bump on Jesus on the Wednesday to finish the week one bungline higher than we started.

As I sign off after what was ultimately a challenging year, I'd like to thank in particular my co-captain Tom (who retired this term to focus on Finals) for all his efforts throughout the year, the several alumni who helped out directly by subbing into sessions, and the entire RS committee and membership for their continued support. As I hand over to our successors James and Matt, I anticipate a significant amount of continuity within the squad, and can see that many of those who are returning have gained valuable racing experience this year. I wish them all the best and am confident that Catz will come back stronger next year, hungry to regain places lost.

The Men's 2nd Eight, on the Friday


Ben Sylvester Award

The winner of the Ben Sylvester Award for the biggest contribution to Catz rowing during 2022/23 is Eugenio Vecchi.

Eugenio Vecchi


Those who nominated him said:
He has continued to support members across both the men's and women's squads. He always encourages anyone to go to him for support in his role as President, and more generally encourages a very inclusive atmosphere. He is very open and easy to approach, and always very willing to give his time to any issue that arises within the club.
He has also gone above and beyond what would be expected of a president, almost single-handedly organising the Italy training camps for two years running. Thanks to him, these camps have proven to be highly successful, enjoyable and memorable training opportunities for both sides of the boat club.
Also nominated were: Kellie Everett, Brittany O'Duffy and Alex Scruton.

Coming Up ...

Apart from this Saturday, I see there's another Gaudy coming up in September, so I should probably organise an outing for that one as well.

Anu Dudhia


24 Jun 2023 Gaudy (M.1993–2002)
23 Sep 2023 Gaudy (M.2003–2012)