SCCBC Archives - Trinity Term 2014

Last updated: 04FEB15

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24th-31st August
World Rowing Championships (Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
Men's Fours (17 entries)
1st GBR Str: Andy Triggs Hodge (M.04)
Women's Eights (11 entries)
6th GBR Cox: Zoe de Toledo (M.10)

11-13th July
Rowing World Cup III (Lucerne, Switzerland)
Women's Eights (6 entries)
3rd GBR Cox: Zoe de Toledo (M.10)
Men's Fours (10 entries)
1st GBR Str: Andy Triggs Hodge (M.04)

2nd-6th July
Henley Royal Regatta
The Stewards' Challenge Cup (Open Men's IVs)
Winner Molesey & Leander (aka GB) str: Andy Triggs Hodge (M.04)
The Remenham Challenge Cup (Open Women's VIIIs)
Winner Leander & Imperial Coll. (aka GB) cox: Zoe de Toledo (M.10)

28th June
Gaudy Paddle: [Photo A] [Photo B] [Photo C] [Photo D] [Photo E]
Line up: Mike Day (M.63) (B), Graham Williams (M.??), Stephen Grundy (M.69), Steve Jepps (M.67), Nigel Henderson (M.69), Stephanie Bryson (M.12), Chris Little (M.67), Matthias Steiner (M.12) (S), Josh Morgan (M.10) (C).
Thanks to Stephanie, Matt & Josh for helping out.

19th-22nd June
Rowing World Cup II (Aiguebelette, France)
Women's Eights (5 entries)
3rd GBR Cox: Zoe de Toledo (M.10)
Men's Fours (10 entries)
1st GBR1 Str: Andy Triggs Hodge (M.04)

13-14th June
Oriel Regatta
Mixed VIIIs
1st Round beat S.E.H II rowed over
2nd Round lost to Jesus ½ L (although Jesus then scratched)
3rd Round lost to S.E.H. I ½ L
Women's VIIIs
1st Round beat Magdalen II
2nd Round lost to Green Templeton

30th May - 1st June
European Championships (Belgrade, Serbia)
Women's Eights (9 entries)
2nd GBR Cox: Zoe de Toledo (M.10)
Men's Fours (16 entries)
1st GBR Str: Andy Triggs Hodge (M.04)

31st May
Ben Sylvester Award
The winner of the 2014 award is Ben Baron [more ...]

28th-31st May
Summer Eights
Other photos from Saturday: [Rosemary L & Poppy L (Capt'14)] [Katie P, Rosie B, Izzy R (Capt'13) & Rosemary L] [W1 Boat] [Balcony] [Emily R (Capt'12)] [BFS Award] [Towpath support] [Colin S] [Darren C (Capt'05), Matt M & Alex S] [Catherine W (Capt'09)] [Fleur dunked] [Anna dunked]
Photos and videos from Miriam [Here]
Catz M1 5:45pm 9th Div 1 = Rowed over [Video 5] [Video] [Photo O] [Photo P] [Photo Q] [Photo R] [Photo S]
Catz W1 4:15pm 6th Div 2 -1 Bpd by Lincoln [Video 4] [Video] [Photo V] [Photo W] [Photo Y] [Photo Z]
Catz M2 2:40pm 6th Div 4 -1 Bpd by Brasenose II [Video 3] [Photo C] [Photo E]
Catz W2 2:00pm 13th Div 4 +1 Bumped L.M.H. II [Video 1] [Video 2] [Video] [Photo A] [Photo B] [Photo X]
Catz M1 6:45pm 8th Div 1 -1 Bpd by Balliol [Photo J] [Photo K]
Catz W1 5:15pm 5th Div 2 -1 Bpd by St Anne's [Photo G] [Photo H] [Photo I]
Catz M2 3:40pm 5th Div 4 -1 Bpd by Jesus II [Photo E] [Photo F]
Catz W2 3:00pm 13th Div 4 = Rowed Over [Photo A] [Photo B] [Photo C] [Photo D]
Catz M1 6:45pm 8th Div 1 = Rowed over [Photo N] [Photo O] [Video (M.Div I - Catz appear after 1:14]
Catz W1 5:15pm 4th Div 2 -1 Bpd by New College [Photo I] [Photo J] [Photo K] [Photo L] [Photo M]
Catz M2 3:40pm 4th Div 4 -1 Bpd by Keble II [Photo G] [Photo H]
Catz W2 1:45pm 1st Div 5 = Rowed Over [Photo A] [Photo B]
3:00pm 14th Div 4 +1 Bumped S.E.H. II [Photo C] [Photo D] [Photo E] [Photo F]
Catz M1 6:45pm 7th Div 1 -1 Bpd by Trinity [Photo M] [Photo N]
Catz W1 5:15pm 3rd Div 2 -1 Bpd by Jesus [Photo K] [Photo L]
Catz M2 3:40pm 3rd Div 4 -1 Bpd by Worcester II [Photo H] [Photo I] [Photo J]
Catz W2 1:45pm 1st Div 5 = Rowed Over [Photo A] [Photo B] [Photo C] [Photo D]
3:00pm 14th Div 4 = Rowed Over [Photo E] [Photo F]

23rd May
Rowing On
30 Women's crews racing for 29 places
1 03:05.7 Jesus W3
18 03:42.7 Catz W2 (qualified)
29 05:31.0 Magdalen W3

11th May
Isis 'Spring' League'
68 crews were timed
1st 4:09.5 Magdalen B 1st/31 M8
7th* 4:32 St Catz M1 7th/31 [Photo B] [Photo C] [Photo D]
*Unofficial timing - Catz were not formally placed due to unpaid fines

10th May
Bedford Regatta
Women's Novice VIIIs (8 entries)
King's School Chester bt Catz II Easily ntt [D] [E] [F]
University Coll Oxf bt Catz I 5 L 4:06 [C] [G] [J]
Women's College VIIIs (4 entries)
University Coll Oxf bt Catz I easily 4:06 [L] [M]
Other photos [A] [O] [P]... and the boat that Poppy Lambert would like for next year; [Q]

26 April
City Bumps
Catz men's IV: Ryan Kahn (B), Alex Barbaro, Peter Morgan/Matt Steiner, Ben Baron (S), Joshua Morgan (C)
Race 1 10th Div 2 Bumped by Pangbourne B
Race 2 11th Div 2 Rowed Over
Race 3 11th Div 2 Bumped Wadham [Photo A] [Photo C]
Race 4 10th Div 2 Bumped CORC T2 A
(Photos from Peter Morgan).

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