RG Grainger
Written Work Guides
Atmospheric Radiative Transfer (book)
Historical Impact Factors
Grainger Falls

Atmospheric Radiative Transfer

Below are links to draft chapters of 'A Primer on Atmospheric Radiative Transfer'. I would welcome feedback on Chapters 3 and 8 such as identifying

  • errors of fact,
  • parts of the text that are unclear, self contradictory or otherwise poor,
  • typographic, spelling or grammatical errors.
The other chapters are in a much rougher form. Again I would welcome feedback on what needs to be added but they are not at a suitable standard to be used as a reference.

If you attempt the questions and would like to check your answer then please email me for the solutions. My contact address is r.grainger@physics.ox.ac.uk

Note that access to these files is restricted to the Oxford domain.

Earth Observation Data Group, Department of Physics, University of Oxford. Page last updated: @20:10 GMT 17-Mar-2025