Field | Type | Description
| Name of binary
spectroscopic database file
| |
*HIT ../morse_files/hitran_mipas.bin
Structure | |
| Applicable to all retrievals |
| ... etc |
| A retrieved species |
| Applicable to |
| ... etc |
| Another retrieved species |
| Applicable to |
| ... etc |
... etc |
*ASD CORREL=0 ! Uncorrelated A Priori CH4=10 ! Change CH4 to 10% uncertainty
Field | Type | Description | Range | |
ACVFIL= | ACVFIL | C200 | [optional] A Priori Covariance Matrix | 0-1 |
RELAX= | RELAX | R | [optional] Relaxation parameter | 0 |
SAi = SXi-1*R + SC*(1-R)where SAi is the A Priori covariance used for pixel i, SXi-1 is the Retrieved covariance from the previous pixel, and SC is the climatological covariance constructed in the same way as the default a priori (including modifications in the *ASD section). A value RELAX=0.0 (which is the default) means that the specified A Priori covariance is used exactly as supplied, a value RELAX=0.1 implies relaxing to climatological covariance with a 1/e time constant equivalent to 10 scans, 0.01 is a hundred scans, etc.
*ACV ACVFIL=morse.cov ! Use previous output covariance relax=0.05 ! Climiatological relaxation length: 20 profiles, or ~1/4 orbit