MORSE Driver Table


When MORSE is run it reads a file in the local directory called morse.drv. This 'driver table' is an editable file determining other input/output files and how MORSE is run.

In this sense it is similar to the RFM, although in the RFM most optional sections require the relevant 3-character flag in the *FLG section to 'enable' the option, while MORSE automatically uses any optional section in the driver table, without any need for an associated flag.

Structure of MORSE Driver Table
Mandatory sections (in this order)
1. *HDR Comment record written to output file headers
2. *FLG Option flags
3. *L1C Input spectra
4. *ALT Vertical grid levels
5. *RTV Target quantities to be retrieved
6. *MIC Microwindow list
7. *ATM Atmospheric profiles
8. *ILS Instrument Line Shape files, or
*SRF Spectral Response Function files
9. *FOV Field of View Shape (omitted if nadir-viewing)
Optional sections (in any order)
*ACC Accuracy settings
*APR A Priori specification
*CLD Cloud Detection Criteria
*CNV Convergence Criteria
*FIN Internal spectral fine grid
*GRD Irregular Spectral Grid
*HIT HITRAN Database
*LUT Look Up Table Filenames
*NTE Vibrational Temperatures for non-LTE forward model
*OUT Specify Output Files
*PIX Limit range of pixels to be retrieved
*SFC Surface parameters
*SHP Specify line shapes for line-by-line calculations
*SVD SVD-compressed Look Up Tables
*XSC Directories for Molecular Cross Sections
Termination Record (last record that will be read)

The driver table consists of a number of sections identified by records starting with an asterisk followed by 3 characters
where ABC is some code (case-insensitive) defining the contents of the section. These 4 characters have to occupy the first 4 positions in the record.

The driver table is terminated with

(remember to add a 'carriage return' <CR> after the *END)

The first 8 sections (9 for limb-viewing) are mandatory and the sequence is fixed. Thereafter sections are optional and in any order, terminated with the *END record.

Only the first 4 characters of any record starting with * are read, so comments may be added to these records without any exclamation mark if you need to remind yourself what each does.

Each section consists of one or more records:
  • Anything beyond 200 characters is ignored (set by value LENREC in module lenrec_sub.f90)
  • Anything beyond an exclamation mark '!' is ignored — useful for adding comments or 'commenting out' records
  • Empty records (ie containing only space characters) are also ignored.

Each record is usually divided into one or more fields separated by spaces:
  • Case is not significant except where referring to filenames or directories
  • Spaces are not significant except to separate fields
  • Character fields do not require quotation marks ( ' or " )
  • The various fields can be distributed over an arbitrary number of records
  • Order may be significant — depends on the type of section.
Keyword Field
A special class of field is of the form PARAM=VALUE (no spaces around the '=' sign). Here PARAM is one of a predefined set of keywords (depending on the section) and VALUE is the string or numerical value assigned to it.

Variable Types
The following notation is used when describing the type of variable represented by each Field in the driver table. Storage values are nominal, and actually defined by the kind_dat.f90 module.
Type Description Storage
I Integer 4 bytes
R Real 4 bytes
D Double Precision 8 bytes
Cn Character string, length n n bytes

To avoid having to write multiple driver tables to process different filenames, in many cases the input/output filenames can use 'tokens', which are expanded according to various parameters extracted from the L1C input file (for that reason the L1C input filename itself cannot use tokens).
Tokens can also be used as part of filename templates, for example replacing all the absorbing species with '#GAS'
Tokens are of the form '#ABC' (always uppercase) and are expanded as follows:
Token Expansion Description
L1C parameter tokens
#HMS C6 [hhmmss] Hours, minutes, seconds of orbit start
#YMD C8 [yyyymmdd] Year, month, day of orbit start
#ORB ≤C10 Orbit number, truncated (eg '12345')
#INS ≤C10 Instrument identifier, truncated (eg 'IASI-A')
#SAT ≤C10 Satellite identifier, truncated (eg 'MetOp-A')
Filename template tokens
#GAS ≤C7 Absorbing molecule, lower case (eg 'co2', 'f11')
#MIC ≤C8 Microwindow label, as specifed in *MIC section.

morse_nh3.drv (IASI NH3 retrieval - nadir-viewing)
morse_pt.drv (MIPAS Pressure/Temperature Retrieval - limb-viewing)
morse_h2o.drv (MIPAS Water Vapour Retrieval - limb-viewing)

The rest of this document describes the contents of each section.

*GRD Section (Optional)

Irregular Spectral Grid for internal forward model calculations

Multiple records, any order
GRDFIL C200 Name of irregular grid file

  1. MORSE can use either of the RFM irregular grid file formats: .grd files or irregular spectral files
  2. The irregular grid filename may contain a '*' character. After all explicit files are read, the '*' is expanded as the label of any microwindow which does not yet have an irregular grid file assigned.


*SHP Section (Optional)

Specify alternative (ie non-Voigt) line shapes for line-by-line calculation

Multiple records, any order
Record structure: SHPNAM GAS(1) GAS(2) ... GAS(N)
SHPNAM C3 Lineshape to be used
GAS C7 Molecule to which lineshape is applied, or '*'
Allowed values for SHPNAM
VOI Voigt Lineshape
LOR Lorentz Lineshape
DOP Doppler Lineshape
VVW or VAN Van Vleck Weisskopf Lineshape
CHI Voigt plus Chi-factor

  1. As RFM *SHP section.

An unrealistically complicated example ...
     Chi-factor  CO2    ! Use CO2 sub-Lorentzian wings
     LORENTZ  H2O CH4   ! Use Lorentz shape for H2O and CH4
     LORENTZ  N2O       ! Also N2O
     VOI         *      ! Use Voigt shape for all other absorbers [default anyway]
     DOPP CO            ! Doppler shape for CO

*SVD Section (Optional)

Filenames for (MIPAS) SVD-compressed Look Up Tables

Multiple fields, arbitrary order
Field Type Description
SVDFIL C200 Name of SVD-compressed LUT file CS*DAT

  1. The SVDFIL filename may contain a '*' character, which is then expanded for the microwindow and absorber ID for any missing data.

    ./examples/CS_PT__0511_01.DAT ! pT MW#501 H2O LUT
    ./examples/CS_PT__0511_02.DAT ! pT MW#501 CO2 LUT
    CS_*DAT            ! all other PT MWs & absorber LUTs

*XSC Section (Optional)

Filenames for molecular Cross Section files

Character strings, order is not significant.
Field Type Description
XSCFIL C200 Filenames for .xsc files

  1. If XSCFIL contains the '*' character, this is expanded to the molecule name (lower case, with 'f' numbers for CFCs/HCFCs, eg 'f12', 'f23') of any cross-section molecules which do not have an explicitly assigned .xsc file.

    ./examples/aerosol.xsc         ! just aerosol.xsc in current directory
    ../xscfiles/*.xsc    ! directory for all other .xsc files