*MIC Section


Mandatory Section#6

List of microwindows or spectral filters to be used, and absorbing species to be considered (in addition to retrieved species, which are assumed to be absorbers in every microwindow)

The format is different according to whether limb or nadir-viewing geometry is selected, and if spectral filters are used rather than microwindows.

The section can either contain the microwindow information directly, or the names of files with the same data structure, or a combination of the two.

MORSE processes the microwindows sequentially in the order in which they appear in this section. In theory the end result should not be sensitive to the order in which microwindows are used but in practice there are always small differences due to convergence, etc.

Different structures for Nadir and Limb-Viewing, or fields of names of files containing text in the appropriate format
Filenames (Nadir or Limb)
MICFIL Name of Microwindow File
MICLAB WNOMIN WNOMAX NABS [NCHN] Rec#1: Microwindow Header
ABS(1) ABS(2) ... ABS(NABS) Rec#2: Microwindow absorbers
[CHN(1) CHN(2) ... Rec#3+: Microwindow channels
(if NCHN present)
... CHN(NCHN) ]
Repeat for further microwindows

Field Type Description Units Range
MICFIL Cn Name of a Microwindow file eg miclist.txt
MICLAB C8 Microwindow Label eg NH3_0001
WNOMIN D Microwindow Lower Boundary cm-1 0 < : ≤ WNOMAX
WNOMAX D Microwindow Upper Boundary cm-1 WNOMIN
Nadir-Viewing only
NABS I No. of absorbing species ≥ 1
NCHN I (Optional) No. channels/points to use within microwindow 1 : NPt
ABS(NABS) I Names of absorbers eg 'CO2' or 'co2'
CHN(NCHN) I (If NCHN set) Channel indices within microwindow 1 : NPt
Limb-Viewing only
ISEQ I (Optional) Microwindow number in sequence (ignored) e.g., 1, 2, ...
ALTMIN R Minimum tangent altitude km < ALTMAX
ALTMAX R Maximum tangent altitude km > ALTMIN
IDXABS(*) I HITRAN/RFM indices of absorbers 1 : 184 (see List)
Type: I=Integer; D=Double Precision; Cn=character string, length n.

Notes for Nadir-viewing
  1. For Nadir-viewing, there is a minimum of two records per microwindow, with 3rd and subsequent records determined by the presence and value of NCHN
  2. Absorbing species ABS can be upper or lower case, up to 7-characters, corresponding any of the list of RFM molecules
  3. All retrieved species are considered as absorbers for all microwindows whether they are explicitly listed here or not.
  4. Microwindow channels CHN(j) are the indices of spectral points at the L1B resolution within the microwindow, so a channel #1 corresponds to WNOL and #NCHN corresponds to WNOU
Format - Limb-viewing
Sets of 1 or more Records up to C200, one record per microwindow
Field Type DescriptionRange
ISEQ C4 Microwindow sequence number (not used) eg ' 1 '
LAB C8 Microwindow Label eg PT__0001
WNOL D MW Lower Wavenumber Boundary [cm-1] eg 686.400
WNOU D MW Upper Wavenumber Boundary [cm-1] eg 689.400
ALTL R MW Lower Tangent Altitude [km] eg 30
ALTU R MW Upper Tangent Altitude [km] eg 68
ABS(i) I RFM/HITRAN Index of absorber#i (Optional) eg 2 (=CO2)
Or, for MIPAS, PARAM=VALUE record(s) containing the name of Microwindow Database file(s)
Field Type DescriptionRange
MDBFIL=MDBFIL C* (Optional) name of microwindow database file (MW*DAT) eg MW_PT__040.DAT

Notes for Limb-Viewing
  1. For MIPAS, the microwindow list normally only identifies the microwindow to be used (combination of code and wavenumber boundaries) and the applied tangent height range, with other information coming from the Microwindow Database file. However it is also possible to use the microwindow list to fully specify the microwindow, although without any spectral masks (which can only be specified via the MDBFIL)
  2. The first 4 characters of a non-comment record normally contain the number ISEQ (which isn't actually used), the following 8 characters are the label LAB, after that fields are read free-format.
  3. The C8 microwindow labels and wavenumber boundaries in the MWLFIL files must match those in the MDBFIL database file in order to identify a matching microwindow
  4. If any absorber indices are included in the MWLFIL file these replace all the absorbers in the database file — a useful way of reducing the cpu time/array space by reducing the number of absorbers considered

Nadir-viewing, direct entry of microwindow information in driver table
 NH3_0001 930 940 4 5     ! use 930-940cm-1 range, 4 absorbers, 5 channels
  nh3 co2 h2o o3
  930.75, 931.0, 931.25, 931.5 931.75
Limb-viewing, indirect entry giving names of files holding microwindow information
  pt_016.lst  ! pT microwindows
  MDBFIL=MW_PT__510.DAT ! pT FR mode database

Name of input L1C spectral data file
Also, for nadir-viewing only, name of the noise file.

One (limb) or two (nadir) fields, identified by order
L1CFIL C200 Name of .l1c file Mandatory
NOIFIL C200 Name of .noi file Mandatory for Nadir
Type: Cn=character string, length n.

  1. L1C files are generated by a MORSE L1C Pre-processor
  2. For MORSE v4, L1C Format_ID must be v3.0 or later.

Nadir-viewing (IASI)
*L1C iasi.l1c iasi.noi
Limb-viewing (MIPAS)
*L1C mipas.l1c