MORSE .noi File


Spectral variation of instrument noise
Only used in nadir-viewing

Filename specified in *L1C section of Driver File.

File Structure
C80 Records
File Structure
!CMNT Optional comment records
NPT No spectral points in file
For i = 1, NPT
    WNO(1) NESR(1)
    WNO(2) NESR(2)
Field Type Description Units Range
!CMNT C80 (Optional) Comment record(s), starting with '!'
NPT I No. spectral points[2] >1
WNO(NPT) D Wavenumber cm-1 >0
NESR(NPT) R Noise radiance [3] nW/(cm2 sr cm-1) >0
Type: I=Integer; R=Real; D=Double Precision; Cn=character string, length n.

  1. For IASI (unlike MIPAS) it is assumed that the noise characteristics are almost constant, hence contained in separate file rather than included in the L1C data.

  2. The NESR spectral grid should overlap the the spectral range in the L1C data (hence a minimum value of NPT=2) but need not be on the same spectral resolution.

  3. NESR is expressed in radiance units, rather than brightness temperature, since this does not vary with scene temperature.

iasi.noi (recommended IASI data)