*FLG Section


Primary Section#2

A series of 3-letter codes indicating various MORSE options to be 'switched on' (all switched off by default)

Multiple 3-character fields of single type, any order, limited set of values.
Field Type Value Description
FLG C3 ACC More stringent default accuracy/convergence criteria[1]
AHY Suppress hydrostatic equilibrium
APR Output A Priori information in .rtv files
CLD Use cloud detection
CTM Use molecular (eg H2O) continuum data
DFS Include Degrees of Freedom for Signal in .rtv files
FGD Use full, as opposed to irregular, grid
FIX Assume fixed relative altitudes (eg detector array)
FMW use full microwindow (ie set all masks = TRUE)
FVZ Suppress FOV distortion due to refraction
GEO Use geometric (ie non-refractive) ray paths
GRA Use 2D atmospheric model
INF Include Information Content [bits] in .rtv files
LIN Assume VMR varies linearly with altitude rather than logarithmically
MIX Use CO2 line mixing
MWO Write outputs after each microwindow in .rtv files
QAD Use simple quadratic fit to line wings rather than inverse quadratic
RES Include vertical resolution factor in .rtv files
RSM Allow run to resume from last pixel

  1. Specifically scales the following default settings
    Parameter Default ACC flag
    Convergence Criteria (see *CNV)
    MAXITR 10 ×10
    CHILIM 1.0 ×0.1
    DELCHI 0.1 ×0.1
