MORSE .rtv File

Retrieved parameters, uncertainties and diagnostics

Common File Format

Profile data will be on one of the following grids (defined in the *RTV section of the driver file)
Size Description
NLEV Full set of profile levels
NLVPRFi Specific subset of profile levels for species i
For scalar quantities, note the distinction between NLVPRF=0 and 1. The former indicates a scalar quantity or a full column retrieval, while the latter indicates a retrieval at a single profile level, with the perturbation bounded by top and bottom levels of NLEV [tbc]

The file contains the following profiles/scalars where rtv denotes any retrieved species
Data Description Units Condition
rtv(NLVPRF) Profile values for each retrieved species rtv [various]
rtv_SD(NLVPRF) Profile SD values[1] for each retrieved species rtv [various]
rtv_COL(NLVPRF) Integrated partial column amounts for each retrieved species rtv mole/m2 VMR retrieval + COL flag
rtv_COL_SD(NLVPRF) Column SD values for each retrieved species rtv mole/m2 VMR retrieval + COL flag
rtv_RES(NLVPRF) Vertical resolution of species rtv [3]
HGT(NLEV) Profile altitude levels km Limb-viewing
PRE(NLEV) Profile pressure levels hPa If pressure profile not also retrieved product
CLD_FLG(NLEV) Cloud Flags (1=cloudy) Limb-viewing + CLD flag
rtv_CSQ Avg. Chi-Squared of Deviation from A Priori of rtv INF flag
rtv_DFS Degrees of Freedom for Signal for species rtv INF flag
rtv_INF Information content of retrieval rtv bits INF flag
N_SEQRTV No. Sequential retrievals performed STT flag
N_NOTCNV No. Retrievals not converged STT flag
N_ITER No. Iterations for converged retrievals STT flag
CHISQ Chi-Sq statistic for converged retrievals STT flag

  1. The profile SD values are in the same units as the profile values, and are derived from the square roots of the diagonal elements of the retrieval error covariance matrix, i.e., a combination of instrument random noise and a priori uncertainty.

  2. The vertical resolution is expressed as a multiple of the profile spacing at each level. It is the inverse of the diagonal element of the associated element of the averaging kernel matrix

morse_pt.rtv from MIPAS pT retrieval