*ACC Section


Optional Section

Change default accuracy settings

Multiple PARAMETER=VALUE fields, any order. No spaces either side of the '='.

Parameter Type Description Units Range Default
NGJACC I Number of gases for which Jacobians are computed[2] ≥ 1 NRTV
PGCACC R Fractional change in pressure requiring new C-G path calc ≥ 0 0.01
TGCACC R Change in temperature requiring new C-G path calc K ≥ 0 0.1
JCPACC R Fraction of Jacobian perturbation requiring additional path ≥ 0 0.01
Type: I=Integer; R=Real

  1. Default values are set in module acccom_dat.f90, except for NGJACC which is set in drvrtv_sub.for
  2. NGJACC: For the default setting, TEM and PRE both count as 'retrieved species' (NRTV) so Jacobians are only calculated for the primary (and secondary, in the case of TEM+PRE) absorbing molecules in each microwindow
  3. Default values can be made more stringent simply by adding the ACC Flag in the *FLG section, in which case NGJACC becomes the total number of absorbers and the other parameters are all reduced by a factor 10. Any settings in this section will then override these new defaults.
