MORSE .res File


Residual spectra, i.e. difference between (measured spectra) − (forward model calculation) after retrieval.
These files are generated if RESFIL is defined in the *OUT section of the Driver Table.

File Structure
! Residual spectra generated by MORSE v. VERSID Fixed header record
! HDRREC User-set header record
NPIX   NMIC = No. pixels, microwindows Dimensions record
For IPIX = 1, NPIX
   [Common_Pixel_Header] 3 records
   For IMIC = 1, NMIC
     [Common_Microwindow_Header] 1 record
     IMIC   NSWP   NPTS   = MW#, NSweeps, NPoints Dimensions record
     For ISWP = 1, NSWP
       ISWP = Sweep index 1 record
       FLG(1) FLG(2) ... Multiple records
       SPC(1) SPC(2) ... Multiple records
FieldFormatDescription Range
VERSID C11 MORSE version identifier
HDRREC C79 From *HDR section of the driver table
NPIX I10 No. of pixels or profile locations ≥ 1
NMIC I10 No. of microwindows used in retrieval ≥ 1
IMIC I10 Index of microwindow 1 : NMIC
NSWP I10 No. of sweeps for MW [2] ≥ 1
NPTS I10 No. of spectral points for MW ≥ 1
ISWP I10 Index of sweep 1 : NSWP
FLG(:) I2 (NPTS) 1=used point, 0=masked point 1 or 0
SPC(:) * (NPTS) Residual spectrum values[3]

  1. MORSE generates residuals after each microwindow/sweep is processed, so these are not 'true' residuals since the retrieved profile (and therefore forward model radiance) continues to change after the residuals are output.

  2. NSWP: For nadir-viewing this will be 1. For limb viewing this will be up to a maximum of the number of sweeps within a limb scan (depending on the tangent altitude range over which the microwindow is defined).

  3. SPC: Units are the same as the spectral measurements, i.e. radiance, brightness temperature or transmittance.
