| 02JAN25 |
When run, MORSE first attempts to open a file called morse.drv (the "driver table") in the local directory which determines which other files are required and controls subsequent operations. No terminal input is required../exe/morse
A typical terminal output for a successful (nadir-viewing) run would then be something like
R-MORSE: Running MORSE v27DEC24 I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 1 of 5954 I-MORSE: Processing Pixel# 2 of 5954 ... R-MORSE: Successful completion
The messages R-MORSE:... are always the first and (if successful) last messages, the first message also confirming the version of the software
The messages I-MORSE: Processing ... indicate each pixel, microwindow, sweep as it is processed.
An unsuccessful run will terminate with an
error message, which will usually happen before
the I-MORSE: Processing... messages start to appear.
MORSE should intercept any error condition arising from
user-input and print a helpful message to the terminal and the
morse.log file.
If, when running MORSE,
instead of the standard set of messages to the terminal
beginning 'R-...' or
'I-...' you get a message beginning 'F-...' a fatal
error has been detected and the program stops at that point.
The same error message will have been
printed as the last record in the
morse.log file so
you don't need to remember it (unless, of course, the error occurred
while writing a different message to the log file itself).
These messages always start with
F-ABCDEF:... where ABCDEF (usually 6 characters)
is the subroutine module abcdef_sub.f90
where the error was detected.
Almost always fatal errors will occur while
the driver table is being read or the calculations are being set up,
ie before the first message I-MORSE: Processing ...
gets printed to the screen.
Most errors will either be due to
Fatal Errors
If the message isn't self-evident,
it is usually useful to read the file
morse.log to check
the most recently attempted operation, eg which section of the driver
table was being read or file was being opened.
There are a further class of error messages of the form