Aerosol Refractive Index Archive - Introduction
The Aerosol Refractive Index Archive (ARIA) provides a database of hundreds of refractive index datasets of typical aerosol particles. The refractive indices are often used for the calculation of light scattering parameters by Mie Code.
ARIA provides interactive graphs of the refractive index on each dataset's data page. All the ARIA datasets can be downloaded as a zip file, or a particular dataset can be downloaded from its data page. A list of all the ARIA datasets can be viewed on the search page. Information about the file structure, directory structure and reading routines can be found on the documentation page.
Refractive index graphs can be downloaded from the menu button
at the top right of each graph.
We welcome the submission of new measurements or suggestions on how the site can be improved or expanded.
If you use these data, please acknowledge the source publications.
Other Refractive Indices on the Web
The following links should help to find other refractive indices available on the web. This list is by no means comprehensive!
- Caltech Mineral Spectroscopy Sever providing a mixture of spectra and refractive indices for minerals
- In addition, a comprehensive set of mineral reflectance measurements is available from the US Geological Survey
ARIA has been compiled by Don Grainger, Dan Peters, Lieven Clarisse and Hervé Herbin. The following people are acknowledged for supporting ARIA: Dr R. McPheat (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory).
These web-pages were created by Oliver King as part of a physics department undergraduate vacation project, supervised by Don Grainger. Graphs created using Highcharts.
Please contact Don Grainger if you have any comments or questions regarding ARIA.