RFM Driver Table


The RFM is controlled by a Driver Table, a text file opened as 'rfm.drv' in the local directory, which is intended to be created/modified with a text editor (Warning: if using Windows, the file you create may also have a default extension created by your editor, eg 'rfm.drv.txt' — you will have to remove the '.txt' part)

The driver table is divided into sections, marked by records starting with *XXX, where XXX is one of the predefined set of section labels, but the last record should be *END

Driver Table Structure
! Comment records (Can appear anywhere)
Repeat for different sections ...
*XXX Section Header record
  [XXX Data] One or more data records
*END End marker record

As the driver table is read, these section labels are written out in the RFM log file to help track progress.

Sections are divided into 3 classes:

The first six sections, in fixed order (*HDR *FLG *SPC *GAS *ATM *TAN)
Sections which contain additional information required by Flags set in the *FLG section
Sections which change defaults or identify spectroscopic data files
Secondary and Optional sections can appear in any order after the primary sections.

Driver table records can be up to 200 characters in length (set by the LENREC parameter in file lenrec_dat.f90).

The records within each section are mostly field-structured, ie contain one or more fields in arbitrary order spread over as many records as required. Some sections are record-structured, in which case the type and sequence of fields within a record is fixed. See descriptions of individual sections for details.

Comments may appear at any point within the Driver File, indicated by an exclamation mark '!'. Since any text on the record following an exclamation mark is ignored, these can be used to comment out complete records or ends of records. Empty records are also permitted.

Case is only significant when defining filenames or directories (internally, most information is converted to lower case).