RFM Log File


Every run of the RFM will create a file rfm.log (plus any specified Run ID). This file logs all details of the particular run, so is a useful starting point for diagnosing any problems or anomalies.

The file contains 3 types of record: Status Messages, File Header Records and Section Header Records.

Status Messages

Message Meaning
R-RFM: ... General status (also printed to terminal)
I-ABCDEF: ... Info from subroutine ABCDEF
W-ABCDEF: ... Warning from subroutine ABCDEF
F-ABCDEF: ... Fatal Error in subroutine ABCDEF (also printed to terminal)

File Header Records

Whenever an
input file is opened, first an info status message is printed to the log file giving the name of the file about to be opened, then, if opened successfully, the first record of the file is also printed to the log file.

For this reason, the first record of each input file should contain some meaningful information. For RFM-specific input files this would usually be a record beginning with !, indicating a comment.

Section Header Records

Each driver table record containing a section header (eg *HDR ... ) is also printed in rfm.log. Similarly the profile identifiers (eg *HGT) from atmospheric profiles loaded in the *ATM section (these are indented a couple of spaces to distinguish them from Driver Table sections). These terminate with the *END section marker, after which the outputs are all status messages.
