*ATM Section | ||
RFM Driver Table Sections: Atmospheric Profile Data | 28JAN25 |
Field | Type | Description
| Name of an .atm file
| C=R
| Explicit assignment of a constant value to a profile
| |
Qualifier | Type | Description | Units | Range
( | C | Profiles to be included/excluded
| ( | R | Horizontal angle
(for 2D atmospheres) | deg | −90 : +90
| |
The case doesn't matter but the name has to match the label used in the file,
eg if the file contains *F14 (ie CFC-14) then (-f14) will exclude this but
(-cf4) will have no effect.
2D Atmospheres
*ATM TEM=296 pre=1013.25 H2O=100 ! 100ppmv of water vapour
*ATM hgtgrd.atm ! Define altitude grid for calculation (z only) std.atm ! US Std Atmosphere (z,p,T,H2O,CO2,O3,N2O,CO,CH4,O2) minor.atm ! Minor species (HNO3, etc) co2_2005.atm ! Replace US Std. CO2 vmrs with 2005 concentrations
*ATM std.atm(0) ! US Std Atm, all species, at PSI=0 deg t_near.atm(2) ! "near" side temperature profile at PSI=2 deg p_near.atm(2) ! Pressure profile, also at PSI=2 deg t_far.atm(-1) ! "far" side temperature profile, at PSI=-1 deg minor.atm(2) ! Minor species, initially placed at PSI=2 deg ! All std and minor species apart from p,T will be ! duplicated at PSI=-1, 0 and +2. ! The std p profile at PSI=0 will be duplicated at PSI=-1