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EODG [restricted]
Current Oxford Weather - AOPP, Oxford University

Current Weather

26-04-2024 20:13:46 GMT

Weather Summary Symbol Temperature7.3 °C
Pressure(MSL)1002 mbar
Relative Humidity57.3 %
Wind0.9 m/s (2.0 mph) at 38°
Rainfall Rate0.00 mm/min
SunNot shining
UV Index Symbol UV Index0
Last Sunshine14:57:11 23-04-2024 GMT
Last Rainfall14:57:11 23-04-2024 GMT

Since 00:00:00 26-04-2024

Maximum Temperature12.0 °C at 14:20:50
Minimum Temperature0.7 °C at 04:57:24
Maximum Station pressure1003 mbar at 10:43:17
Minimum Station pressure1000 mbar at 01:46:54
Maximum Wind5.4 m/s (12.1 mph) at 19:52:09
Total Rainfall0.00 mm
Total Sunshine0.00 hours

Variation over the last few days:

Summary of the last 60 days:

Observations from 2001 to the present can be downloaded here. Please report any bugs or faults to (a value of -999 denotes missing data, which is only a fault if it persists for several minutes to hours).

Known issues:
- The humidity sensor oftens reports 0% when the air is saturated, especially during rain, followed by a few minutes delay before sub-saturated values are reported once the air clears. We're currently choosing to live with this, but please inform us if this is a problem for you and we can look into replacing the sensor.
- The maximum wind speed that can be recorded is 20 ms-1.
- I am aware that the sunshine plot is spiky and this results in the sunshine image being misleading at times.
- Only raw outputs are being used since Nov 2022.

Earth Observation Data Group, Department of Physics, University of Oxford. Page last updated: @20:15 GMT 26-Apr-2024